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Unban Appeal - Rikka Takanashi - GTA RP

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Rikka Takanashi

Unban Appeal for Rikka Takanashi 

In-game Name: Rikka Takanashi

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199121349199

Ban ID: !!rpuk11315!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2 C1.7

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I have been banned due to the fact that I have breached rule C2.2 via Dutch London and also the Gates at Atomic

Why should we unban you ?: Firstly I'd like to start off by saying I am very disappointed in myself to be having to write this, never had I thought that I'd be getting banned from this community that I have been apart of for around 3 years now and I don't feel like it's my time to leave yet,

I was banned for Exploiting which I believe is due to the fact of the way Dutch London is setup by the Vagos which is considered exploiting as we bunch up cars on Dutch London in order to sell coke in the fastest manner and make huge amounts of profit of it, I personally do not sell on Dutch London and have not as I prefer to let the boys sell and I try to setup Dutch for my boys, However I take full accountability for all of this as I taught the gang how to setup Dutch from when they first joined my family, I now realise this is a rule break and I've been leading everyone to break the rules unintentionally as im used to setting up Dutch this way and have gone to numerous wars for Dutch for the exact reason of how overpowered it is in terms of selling coke on the road.

Another reason I may also be banned is due to the fact that a member of my gang ( Elle Taylor ) was banned recently due to exploiting through the atomic gates, Vagos has been doing this for years, This has been passed down from all previous leaders of Vagos which I thought was completely fine as again, we have been using this method for years and I have always thought this method was alright to do in RP, due to the fact that it has been passed down and has never been an issue before. However we do now understand this is not allowed, and an announcement was put out immediately after Elle's ban in order to confirm to the gang that it is a rule break and is not allowed.

I do hope I get unbanned as i do not believe Rikka Takanashi's RP is over just yet, and the characters story has been built for around 3 years which has so many more possibilities to RP with which I have started exploring and would like the opportunity to continue the RP and play with some of the amazing friends I've made on this server over my years on here. If you have known me on the server you know I value Roleplaying everything out and I am not one to willingly go out to break rules and try to ensure I follow every rule at all times, regardless of the scenario, I try to keep everything in RP and I wish to carry that on. I have apologised to my gang as i have led them in the wrong way and do not believe a good leader would do that, as they all look up to me to show them the ropes and how to do stuff right.

If you decide you are allowing me to have another chance at joining the city, I have already discussed with the higher ups of the Vagos, We will be working on our community engagement and we will be having a massive re-opening for Atomic, We will also be hosting block parties, Having car washes along with VU, Mexican Themed Barrio Parties, Atomic/Vagos Car Meets, Fight Nights on the barrio behind the DJ Booth which we will have a meeting with the NHS about in order to have some doctors on standby, Sponsoring Small businesses so we can collaborate and have massive events, I have also discussed with all the boys in order to stop acting so aggressive and getting into so many wars and stay RP focused so we can be more community orientated. I have so many plans to make Vagos great again and can assure you if I am allowed back in the city and community will benefit from the RP that Vagos will be providing to everyone.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

So looking over this appeal, I have a few questions that will start us off to get the ball rolling. 

You've mentioned in your appeal "Dutch this way and have gone to numerous wars for Dutch for the exact reason of how overpowered it is in terms of selling coke on the road", Just so I'm understanding you correct, Are you saying the method you we're using is overpowered or simply selling coke is overpowered? Bit of a mixed message so better to clear this up overall. 

If you we're unsure if what you we're doing was allowed why did you fail to come to the staff team for clarification upon getting Vagos Lead or previous since you mentioned it's been like this for some time? 

Just so I'm understanding this correct, You showed others how to do this also from your own words and let others sell on your behalf? Why? 

In relation to the Atomic Gates, Explain to me why you thought this would be fine to do? 

Good Afternoon Stuart,

Firstly I appreciate you taking time to take a look at my appeal, 

In regards to your questions, By me saying dutch is overpowered it's the road that was overpowered in terms of how much coke you could sell there, as you could have up to 30-40 locals ( depending on cars and the agro of the locals etc ) sat in a line which you can just walk down and sell to, which is better than coalition hill where you can sell to 5 maybe 10 cars then you have to move on, 

In regards to not coming to staff sooner, We have been using Dutch London for years and I was unaware it was exploiting to block off the road and have someone sit at the lights in order to allow more locals to stack up as we have been using this system for years throughout Vagos History, once you join the gang and are around us for a while everyone knows how to "setup dutch" which we had not seen any issues arise with until recently, This is why Grove and Vagos have gone to war numerous times for this little patch of road due to how prominent this was for selling, As Grove understand the value of dutch in regards to selling and how much potential it can bring in terms of Tax RP and RP between gangs setting up deals to sell there.

Yes, I taught others how to setup dutch via explaining the vague idea of it, I.E block off the road with a couple of trucks to avoid cars ramming through and leaving so you can sell peacefully without having the cars run away, Having someone down the road at the "lights" in order to bring down more locals as they all despawn from the top, however I have not had them selling for my own personal benefit as i would like to see my gang doing well in terms of money so whatever they sell they keep as they've rightfully grinded for that, I personally do not sell drugs and prefer to RP for my money via various means including bets and wagers with each other, 

In regards to atomic gates, when I had joined Vagos many years ago, we had been using this in order to load/offload trucks and it was explained to me personally as "passing items through the fence" as in real life you can pass items through fences as they aren't brick walls, they have gaps in them, thusly I also assumed this would be perfectly fine which I now understand makes no sense in RP and should not have been done, as soon as I found out this wasn't allowed, I made an immediate gang announcement to ensure no one ever does this again as once you see the perspective of passing mass "ores" through the gates would not make sense in real life or in RP,

I do now understand how my actions were wrong and apologise for my actions and to my gang for leading them in the wrong way and risking them all being banned for exploiting over things we could change and fix ourselves in seconds. I have put out numerous gang announcements since my ban in regards to this to ensure none of my gang is involved in setting up dutch nor abusing the atomic fences for little to no gain as it is a very silly thing for us to do.

It seems there is some people who took the whole Dutch London exploit even further by finding a way to sell to the same locals over and over. For obvious reasons, I will not mention how. 

Were you aware of people using this specific exploit and passing it on to others?

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Good Afternoon, 

Thank you for the swift response,

 In regards to the way dutch was abused ( as i've recently been made aware following the ban of a fellow member ) I was unaware of this exploit being used to resell until the ban came to light, once the person was banned i had asked them what they've been doing on dutch and it was then explained to me, i was unaware of this exploit and have never urged anyone to do this

I was unaware this would be abused in this way, as i've always advised my boys to work as a unit, once we setup dutch, we all sell to the locals, once we've all sold to the locals, we move the trucks to allow the locals that have been sold to, to go past and then we reset dutch via the lights and blocking with the trucks so it's always fresh.

I was wondering if you were going to do the right thing - apparently not.

Your response is nothing but a load of bullshit. Come back after 16/07/2023, if you´re prepared to tell the truth then. Denied.

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