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Unban Appeal - rickjames - GTA RP

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michigan usa

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Rick James
Steam ID: 76561198421539061
Ban ID (just the numbers): rpuk16927
Ban Reason: Banned: G2.9 & G3.5
Why do you think you were banned: i had an old person i didn't have much i dropped the little stuff i had on me a few poker chips a pair scissors and 1k in cash not like it was alot of stuff or anything illigal like guns or anything big. but i do understand now
Why should we unban you: I've been in the city for years and have allot of contacts in city i just wasn't thinking about what i did at the time. this was my first time screwing up so i was Hopen i could get a warn and it will never happen again. ill just keep to my Rick James account. im horrible at writing things out
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Due to this being not even 12 hours ago, I don't believe your ready to come back right now. Especially when you provided a low amount of effort into your appeal.

This is something we don't take lightly as at this point you are not playing fairly and is economy breaking no matter how much the items are.

Can re-appeal in a month time (28/05/2024)

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