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Unban Appeal - RayDunlan - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Sonny Liston
Steam ID: 76561199148981931
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16974
Ban Reason: C2.3 combat logging
Why do you think you were banned: I got banned due the fact I’ve closed the game after a role play scenario where I got dumped and killed. I should’ve waited till I bleed out. Apparently I’ve combat logged on my other character too (that’s what staff told me at the other appeal) but I honest to God don’t remember when and why this happened
Why should we unban you: I’ve applied an appeal before a month ago explaining myself why I want to get unbanned again. I had a good feeling about it. And I was sure that staff would give me another chance again. But unfortunately staff saw that I’ve combat logged on my other character too and they told me I couldn’t lie about it. Because of that I got a 1-month cooldown. I was amazed and I didn’t know what to think. But to be honest to god I didn’t lie. I just couldn’t remember non of that. And if I did I would be honest and just say it. I don’t want to mess up my appeal and lie just about another character of mine combat logging too. That doesn’t make sense. I know that staff knows and sees everything. Makes things more harder for me if I would lie. I felt disappointed that they called me a liar because of it. I mean I understand that if I didn’t tell about it that they can see or say or think I was hiding it or lie about it. But that wasn’t my intention at all. I honestly cannot remember combat logging on my other character too. The only thing I remember is that I tried a training for police and I didn’t finish it due some circumstances. But i didn’t combat log during a role play or when I died or something. That is what I remember! And if I ever combat logged on my other character, I apologize for that. If I exactly knew how I combat logged during that time I would explain myself and tell you why I broke the rules. But I really don’t know where to start. I just can’t remember what happened and why i combat logged on that character.

I just want to say that I’m not here to fool yall. I want to be clear as much as I can and much honest as I can. If I do remember or know what I did I would come clean and admit for what I did. But right now I don’t know anything about it. I am not going to make up a story.

I’ve learned my lesson and I just want to ask for another chance again to try and start over to play on the server again. I want to rebuild everything I had. I had so much fun interacting and role playing with other people and I loved doing it. Unfortunately I chose to break the rule and look what happened…

My best regards,

Sonny from the block
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Apparently I’ve combat logged on my other character too (that’s what staff told me at the other appeal) but I honest to God don’t remember when and why this happened
So I've done some looking and it happened on the same character "Sonny". Time the other combat logging happened was 08/04/2024. Now we have this time when you combat logged on May 4th 2024.

Now you did say no in the last appeal and of course it wasn't the truth so here we are again. In all fairness if you cannot be honest here how can we trust you will follow the rules and follow staff decisions?

I'd like you to explain why you combat logged both times, What happened during both times and what caused you do break such a rule multiple times?
So I've done some looking and it happened on the same character "Sonny". Time the other combat logging happened was 08/04/2024. Now we have this time when you combat logged on May 4th 2024.

Now you did say no in the last appeal and of course it wasn't the truth so here we are again. In all fairness if you cannot be honest here how can we trust you will follow the rules and follow staff decisions?

I'd like you to explain why you combat logged both times, What happened during both times and what caused you do break such a rule multiple times?
Hello Stuart and Staff,

Thank you for replying on my unban appeal much appreciated.

To answer all your questions as honest and fair as possible I cannot remember combat logging multiple times on my Sonny Liston character. The last time I combat logged on that character (which I think that got me banned) was that I got killed and dumped somewhere. After that I had to bleed out before I could spawn again. But I didn’t do that. I combat logged instead. I had no patience and acted in a selfish matter. Again I apologize for that.

I think around April (08/04/2024) I’m not 100% sure somebody reported me once because I had a dispute between me and this individual. I got away with a warning. But I can’t say that it was combat logging. And if I did I just can’t remember how and when and why this happened. I have no clue

Maybe it’s an excuse but during that time when I was pretty active in the server/city, I abused a lot of marijuana in real life. I smoked daily and especially when I went playing on the server. I worked my ass all day and when I came home and chill on the computer I smoked some weed and this was a daily thing. And to be honest, especially me, if I smoke a lot I can not really remember everything by what I did that last night. Especially everything. And because of that I cannot exactly remember everything what I did on the Sonny character. All I can remember is that I’ve been robbed multiple times, killed and dumped multiple times and crashed with my vehicle multiple times. It’s a big chance that I’ve combat logged there during that time but I’m not 100% sure. I just can’t remember…

I was so high most of the time that when I was speeding with my car I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and if I crashed I would fly out of it and just be incapacitated and pray that NHS would come and save me. They did many times tho. Sometimes nobody came because it was too late or there was nobody around. I also sacrificed a lot of good items like guns when I died. I followed the rules most of the time I can tell.

And again, about my other character (I got two) I cannot remember combat logging there. I just cannot remember non of that. I wasn’t active on that character at all. Only when I tried police training. But after that I kind of abandoned it.

Why would we give you an another chance?
Honestly, I’ve never been permanent banned before. I’ve never really caused problems in the server/city. I was always nice to everybody and I tried to play and make my character good as much as I could. I tried to role play in my best way. In the beginning when I started it I was confused but after I kept playing I liked it more and more everyday.
I just want to ask y’all for one more chance so I can proof you that I can follow the rules and be a good citizen in the city.

And about my weed abuse, I’m not smoking anymore only during the weekends. I’m not going to abuse it as much as I did before. I mean it’s not really the problem that I am smoking weed or because smoking weed makes me break rules, I just need to be more cautious for what I do before I break a rule or something. Now I know and feel how serious this is. I underestimated totally.

How can we trust you?
Well, here is me asking yall to let me proof myself that I won’t do it again.
My intention was never to hide or lie about anything. I just couldn’t remember.
I really want to be honest as much as I can. If I knew everything from A-Z I would be honest and say it. I don’t want to pull the pretzel.

Dear staff, thank you for reading this please if you have any further question please ask them and I will answer as honest and as best as possible.

I just want to start over again and rebuild everything I had.

Hands down staff, you guys are super strict and I respect that. I just want to show y’all and proof to y’all that I can follow the rules

My sincere apologies again for breaking the rules. I just hope you will give me another chance and re-open the gates again for Sonny Liston.

My best regards,

Sonny From The Block
Hello @RayDunlan , I hope all is well! :)

As much as I appreciate the effort in this appeal, you've blamed majority of this on the fact that you're on drugs.
Telling us that you're still continuing to do the thing making you break rules fills me with no confidence whatsoever thus I am not willing to give you another chance on this server as it's going to be a waste of staff time if you get yourself banned again.

For now, the door will remain closed.
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