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Unban Appeal - Ravi - GTA RP


Well-known member
The Block

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Ravi Labile
Steam ID: 76561198349123038
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17722
Ban Reason: Not sticking to unban conditions
Why do you think you were banned: Firstly hello to whichever staff member takes time out of their day to review this appeal. I am back in the unban section of the forums due to not sticking to the unban conditions set in my original appeal (https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-ravi-gta-rp.423709/).

In that appeal, the conditions were set by Danoo and were as follows:
“You will not be able to play character “Ravi Labile” for 5 months, during this time you MUST create a legal character and experience the legal side of RP (This could be NHS/Fire/Police/G6/Park Ranger/Mechanic/Solicitor ETC). If you’re to be seen logging into Ravi, you will be back onto a ban.”
Why should we unban you: I appreciate that finding myself back in this section of the forums is not a good look at all. I’m going to try not to repeat myself from my last appeal (https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-ravi-gta-rp.426138/#post-2488129) as much as possible.

The circumstances surrounding my legal character were and still are confusing. Legal RP is not something I’ve had the desire to try as it has never appealed to me which is why I think it was difficult for me to find the motivation to play a legal character. I did start a mechanic character alongside another player but ultimately lost the motivation to continue with that too. I then took some time (too much time) to decide what I wanted to do. I was either going to continue with the mechanic character solo or “kill” it and start again in a different legal faction. This is a decision I didn’t manage to come to before being banned for not sticking to my unban conditions.

Having had extra time away from the server and community, I have had time to think about why unban conditions are set and why they are so important. I understand that I was given the condition as a way to gain the staff teams trust again and show them that I can be a valued member of the community again after my last ban and I realise that not only did I disappoint the staff team I disappointed myself by not sticking to a simple condition.

In my previous appeal, Stuart asked why I simply did not involve anyone else on my mechanic character and it’s simply because I did not “know” anyone on that character. During my time on that character I came across people I would have known as Ravi but not as this new character so I was trying to separate myself from “Ravi’s” friends and meet new people as this new character to give the character a real chance and not just have the same friendship group as one or more of my other characters.

I appreciate Danoo’s reason for denying my previous appeal. I was spoken to by staff multiple times about what I was doing with my legal character. The issue I have is when I am put on the spot I just say the first thing that comes to my head. When first asked by Danoo which faction I was going to join I said Fire, this was the first thing I could think of that I could maybe enjoy playing. After this, I went and looked at the Fire application and spoke to people I know had been involved in the faction and had decided that it wasn’t for me and wouldn’t be something I’d enjoy playing. I hate the idea of a character becoming a “chore” to play because it just takes the fun out of the roleplay when you feel forced to be there.

As Stuart mentioned in my previous appeal, it is my job to now convince you to allow me back into the community but I feel words aren’t enough to convince anyone of anything. It is true that actions speak louder than words and if given the chance I would like to show and prove to the staff team that I can be a valued member of the community and I have learned from previous mistakes.

I apologise if this appeal comes across as a "lack of effort", I am just trying not to be repetitive of my previous appeal and sound like a broken record. I am sure whoever reviews this appeal will have questions and I am more than happy to answer them in as much detail as possible.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes