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Unban Appeal - Ravi - GTA RP

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Well-known member
The Block

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Ravi Labile
Steam ID: 76561198349123038
Ban ID (just the numbers): rpuk17722
Ban Reason: Not sticking to my unban conditions.
Why do you think you were banned: Hello to whichever staff member takes the time to review this appeal. I find myself back in this section of the forums due to not sticking to the conditions set in my previous unban appeal (https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-ravi-gta-rp.423709/).

In that appeal, the conditions set were as follows: “You will not be able to play character “Ravi Labile” for 5 months, during this time you MUST create a legal character and experience the legal side of RP (This could be NHS/Fire/Police/G6/Park Ranger/Mechanic/Solicitor ETC)”

The reason I find myself back here is not due to logging onto my “Ravi Labile” character but because I didn’t put enough time into the legal character I created.
Why should we unban you: The circumstances surrounding my legal character were confusing at first. When speaking with Danoo my first instinct was to make a Fire character but after looking at the application as well as speaking to others who have experienced Fire I soon realised this wouldn’t be fun for me to do and would become more of a “chore” to play so I changed my mind. I went on to create a mechanic character alongside Lucy. This character was intended to start off with the NPC jobs (at the civ impound) and eventually build our way up to run an on the side on call mechanic business once we had enough money behind us.

Unfortunately, Lucy got banned and it diminished my motivation to log onto that character as it was intended as a duo storyline leading to a duo business. Since then, I have been trying to think about what I wanted to do with the character. My options were to continue with the plan solo, or “kill” it and create an entirely new character. I had not yet picked either option. During the time I was considering what to do with the character, I was put into a ticket with Danoo where he made clear that the time I had spent on the legal character wasn’t sufficient and that he didn’t like the fact I was spending a lot of my time on “Marcus Shekel”. I would say that I do enjoy the gang side of RP a lot and that is what I have fun playing the most.

I would like a chance to return to the server as I now, having had time to think, know what I want to do with that legal character and I have a plan for it. If unbanned, I will be “killing” the initial legal character I made and creating an all new one to take into the NHS side of RP. I have chosen this route as I have spoken with others who have experienced this side of RP and it does look like something that could be interesting.

One thing I would ask, if allowed back, is the chance to play any character provided I complete the required hours on the NHS character. I know this sounds odd, but I would hate for it to feel like a chore to log on just to complete the NHS character hours. I would say that I do enjoy the gang side of RP a lot and that is what I have fun playing the most but I am more than willing to give the NHS side of RP a go.

I appreciate the time taken to read this appeal, and if any staff have any questions I will be more than happy to answer them
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good morning @Ravi , I hope all is well. :D

During the ticket you were apart of before this ban was pushed, you said you're not going to appeal until your original cooldown is up, why the sudden change in mindset?
The reason I find myself back here is not due to logging onto my “Ravi Labile” character but because I didn’t put enough time into the legal character I created.
The main reason is that you hadn't bothered to stick to the conditions you agreed to.
These weren't set for us to never review again, we were going to keep an eye on it, you were also asked twice about this during chats with staff in game so essentially had your chances to keep up to your word.
Hello Danoo, I'm well, yourself?

uring the ticket you were apart of before this ban was pushed, you said you're not going to appeal until your original cooldown is up, why the sudden change in mindset?
In all honesty I had no plans to reappeal until next month but I saw the likelihood of receiving another character lock if I were to get unbanned and in all honesty I would rather get it started sooner rather than later.

These weren't set for us to never review again, we were going to keep an eye on it, you were also asked twice about this during chats with staff in game so essentially had your chances to keep up to your word.
I understand this completely and my intentions were always there, I guess I can't force you to believe me. I had every intention of committing to the mechanic side of RP but after Lucy's ban I wasn't sure whether I wanted to continue the storyline solo or start new and this was a decision I was finding hard to make prior to the ban.
I guess I can't force you to believe me
How can we believe you when you simply went against the conditions you agreed to. We said very clearly that you would be allowed to pay rent and tax's but had to inform us before hand (Never happened).

Now we are to a point where a friend of yours got banned so you simply couldn't be bothered to follow the guidelines we put in place to allow you back. I mean it's clearly pointless giving you conditions when you can't follow the ones you yourself agree to.

My question is this, Why didn't you follow through and stay off Ravi for the time given? Why didn't you see through the roleplay? How does someone else's punishment effect you with your own issues?
How can we believe you when you simply went against the conditions you agreed to. We said very clearly that you would be allowed to pay rent and tax's but had to inform us before hand (Never happened).
To my understanding the circumstances were changed and I was told by Danoo that instead of my logging on to pay rent and tax that it would be frozen so there would be no need for me to log onto the character.

As stated by Danoo in my original appeal:
"We've had some internal discussions regarding this appeal, in regards to the conditions Fluqi set, we've changed it ever so slightly.
Your tax has been locked, a lump of money will be deducted from your account which will pay it for 5 months and you need not log into Ravi."

During my last appeal, I was told by Fluqi that I would be able to log on to pay house and container tax. Danoo then changed this in his last response and said everything would be locked so there would be no need to log onto Ravi. After this, it was my understanding that both house and container tax would be locked, this was not true. A friend of mine shortly after messaged and asked if a certain container was mine as they bought it but thought I owned it. I opened a ticket about this and was told that only my house tax was locked so I lost my containers and there was nothing staff could/would do about it as they had already been bought. If I knew I could log on to pay container tax I would have done so and opened a ticket with staff beforehand.

My question is this, Why didn't you follow through and stay off Ravi for the time given? Why didn't you see through the roleplay? How does someone else's punishment effect you with your own issues?
I think you may be (respectfully) confused Stuart, I never logged onto Ravi. The reason I am back here is because I didn't spend enough time on the legal character I was told I had to create in my unban conditions.

To answer your question, the reason I lost motivation to play that character was because it was intended as a duo storyline and duo business. After Lucy's ban, I was considering what I wanted to do with the character. Whether I wanted to continue the original storyline or scrap it and start something new solo. Unfortunately, I took too long coming to that decision and ultimately found myself back here.
I think you may be (respectfully) confused Stuart, I never logged onto Ravi. The reason I am back here is because I didn't spend enough time on the legal character I was told I had to create in my unban conditions.
Yep my mistake with this part. I thought you did play on Ravi, However from talking to other staff it was due to not bothering to even attempt the legal character. Now you had said quiet a few times you would apply for fire (On the weekend). Why?

As stated by Danoo in my original appeal:
"We've had some internal discussions regarding this appeal, in regards to the conditions Fluqi set, we've changed it ever so slightly.
Your tax has been locked, a lump of money will be deducted from your account which will pay it for 5 months and you need not log into Ravi."
Indeed, However there did seem to be some miscommunication in the appeal as the original plan to have both the container and home locked was going to be in place however after it being said "We will come with you all the time" In all honesty is unrealistic.

Indeed the container is gone and again miscommunication on our part but at this point there isn't anything we would do to get it back as such, However you still have your home.

To answer your question, the reason I lost motivation to play that character was because it was intended as a duo storyline and duo business. After Lucy's ban, I was considering what I wanted to do with the character. Whether I wanted to continue the original storyline or scrap it and start something new solo. Unfortunately, I took too long coming to that decision and ultimately found myself back here.
Whilst I get it might of started as a duo, You could of continued it and even got more people involved. So why didn't you?

Whilst you can try and put it down as well my friend was banned so I didn't want to, It did go against everything we said and I'm sure you would of expected to be back here given the reasons for it.

So why should we now move forward with the appeal as it stands over sending you away for a while? Convince us.
Yep my mistake with this part. I thought you did play on Ravi, However from talking to other staff it was due to not bothering to even attempt the legal character. Now you had said quiet a few times you would apply for fire (On the weekend). Why?
My first initial instinct was to apply for fire and this was the response I gave when I was put on the spot and asked what I was going to do. After speaking with others who have experienced Fire, as well as looking over the application itself, I made the decision that I didn't believe that it would be something I would enjoy doing and didn't want it to become a chore to log on just to complete the hours requirement. Instead, I chose to take the mechanic RP route and explore that.

Indeed, However there did seem to be some miscommunication in the appeal as the original plan to have both the container and home locked was going to be in place however after it being said "We will come with you all the time" In all honesty is unrealistic.

Indeed the container is gone and again miscommunication on our part but at this point there isn't anything we would do to get it back as such, However you still have your home.
I appreciate that I still have my house, I just hope the staff could understand my frustration when my appeal read that everything would be locked and then I come to find out I lost the containers I worked hard to get and that the containers weren't a part of the deal. I just wish it was explained better in my appeal so I knew where I stood.

Whilst I get it might of started as a duo, You could of continued it and even got more people involved. So why didn't you?

Whilst you can try and put it down as well my friend was banned so I didn't want to, It did go against everything we said and I'm sure you would of expected to be back here given the reasons for it.

So why should we now move forward with the appeal as it stands over sending you away for a while? Convince us.
You are correct in the fact I could have got more people involved, but at that time I didn't really know anyone else on that character. In terms of RP I wouldn't want to just get any random person involved in a business as it all comes down to trust and knowing the person etc.

Given the conditions, and given that I understand that I didn't spend enough time on that character I do understand why I am back here, a fact I am not arguing. I could have and should have spent more time on that character and I should have come to a decision quicker as to what I wanted to do with it. Whether that was continue solo or scrap it and start new.

As it stands, the decision is ultimately up to you as to whether my appeal continues or whether you send me away. I don't believe there is anything I could say to make that decision for you. I have stated above what I plan to do should I be back on a character lock and the legal RP I will explore. Even without a character lock, I am still inclined to explore another side of RP given the chance. Whilst the legal side of RP is not something that has ever interested me, it is something I'm willing to give a chance but the last thing I want is for it to feel like a chore to log on.

As I stated above in my original appeal, I am, if given another chance, looking for the opportunity to play any character provided I complete the required hours on the NHS character. Whilst it's no surprise that the gang RP side of things is what I enjoy the most, the last thing I want is to be forced only onto an NHS character as this could completely diminish my motivation to play at all and that's the last thing I want.

Again, I don't believe anything I could possibly say could make the decision for you Stuart, it is ultimately down to you what happens with this appeal. Whichever decision you make I will respect.
Good afternoon @Ravi !

I appreciate that I still have my house, I just hope the staff could understand my frustration when my appeal read that everything would be locked and then I come to find out I lost the containers I worked hard to get and that the containers weren't a part of the deal. I just wish it was explained better in my appeal so I knew where I stood.
We understand your frustrations with this and can only apologise for the miscommunication however as Stuart has mentioned it is almost impossible for us to reverse what has been done now.

Given the conditions, and given that I understand that I didn't spend enough time on that character I do understand why I am back here, a fact I am not arguing. I could have and should have spent more time on that character and I should have come to a decision quicker as to what I wanted to do with it. Whether that was continue solo or scrap it and start new.
The thing which is upsetting for us is, you were spoken to in game by different staff roughly 3 times in regards to the legal character and were questioned as to why you weren't keeping to your conditions which you assured us you would.
Essentially you've only got 1 month left of your original conditions and character lock, however throughout this time you've only created another gang character and mained it.

Unfortunately, as you were given a chance to return but ignored the conditions we can only assume that if we give you more conditions and allow you back then you won't follow up on them again.
Due to this, we believe it's not the right time to accept this appeal as of yet.

May re-appeal 16/10/2024.
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