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Unban Appeal - Ravi - GTA RP

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Well-known member
The Block
Unban Appeal for Ravi 

In-game Name: Ravi Labile

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198349123038

Ban ID: !!rpuk15988!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned due to having no evidence to prove that I had not exploited when picking a gang member up. I was banned as the door for those inside was closed whilst for myself and everyone else outside (barring 1 person) it was open, I believe this was due to desync.

Why should we unban you ?: It’s sad to see myself here again. Unfortunately, a report went up accusing me of exploiting and I had no evidence to prove my innocence.

As I stated in the response to the report I did not have a clip from POV to back myself up. I said in the response to the report “Unfortunately, I have no clip of this as again for me and all the other Aztecas outside the door was open so I saw no reason to clip it”. This is still the fact of the matter.

Whilst looking through my session recording the night before the report went up, which was prompted by a conversation happening between other Aztecas I very quickly took a very small clip (29ish seconds) and took a screenshot of what I believed to be a very clear image of the door being open. I sent this to the conversation (as stated in my reply on the report) and disregarded the clip in it's entirety as I had no reason to keep it at the time having not been asked to liaise or any other comments in /ooc other than 1 message to say the door was closed after I had already grabbed Larry.

I went back to look at the session recording as a whole and take other clips that I wanted. Whilst the clips were uploading I deleted the session recording as I felt no need to keep it as I had no idea about the report until the next day. Session recordings can take up a lot of memory so I never keep them once I have what I want from them. After I had deleted the session recording and all the clips had uploaded, I then went back to watch the clips and they had all corrupted. I was unable to watch them. I then deleted these too as I had no reason to keep clips that I could not watch or do anything with, they were useless. This left me with just the screenshot.

It was the next day, after I had already deleted the session recording and the corrupted clips that the report went up, this is when I sent the screenshot I had to Donny as this is all the evidence I had. I again had no idea that a report would be made as there was no effort to offer a liaison or any other comments in /ooc. By this time all evidence that could prove my innocence, barring 1 screenshot, were already gone. As I said in the original report, and here, I had no reason to think I would need a clip of the door open as there was no indication that a report was going to be made.

OneShot stated in the report that “we are unsure what the reason for you to delete this footage is” and I feel like I have already explained that. Once I got the clips I wanted from the session recording I had no reason to keep it as I had no idea a report would be made and it takes up a lot of memory. Once I then found out the clips I did get corrupted I deleted those too as I had no use for them, what am I going to do with corrupted clips I can’t watch?

I understand it’s not ideal to be here again for the same rule break but I can only use what I have as evidence. I was unable to get a full clip once I deleted the session recording and the corrupted clips. It's unfortunate that Hammie, who states he was also on the outside couldn't clip it either as he was also having issues with medal. It would have been nice to see where on the outside he was as he states the door was closed for him with no evidence to back it but it could have easily been that he wasn't in render distance which we know is common for the server. I do honestly believe that what happened was purely desync and if we had been told earlier that the door wasn't opening for those on the inside when those inside could clearly hear all the shooting at the door then we as a group would have made a more conscious effort to ensure that the door was open for both sides prior to attempting to grab anyone.

I understand there will be more questions and I am more than happy to answer them.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there @Ravi

Given this is your second ban for C2.2, are we noticing a pattern here? 
You were spectated by a staff member while that situation was ongoing and the door was closed for them too. 

Was it only open for you? Or your partner in crime too / your other Aztecas involved too? 
If so, are you able to provide any footage? - That may assist us in this detective work. 

Hi Mike,

Thank you for the quick response.

Whilst I can see why you would think there is a pattern emerging I can assure you this is not intentional. I have no intentions on being here again.

I believe the door was open for all of the Aztecas on the ground. As I've tried to explain, no one thought to get/keep a clip because we had no idea there would be a report and clips would be needed as we had not been asked to liaise and there was 1 /ooc message to say the door was closed after I had already grabbed Larry. Like I stated in my responses on the report, had we been asked to liaison multiple Aztecas would have been able to clip their POV there and then but we weren't so no one thought anything of it at the time.

Good evening @Ravi! 🙂

It seems a bit odd that the door was closed for LostMC & Staff but wide open to all of the Aztecas, no? 

Hi Danoo,

Thank you for your response.

Whilst I can completely understand why you would think its odd but afaik desync is client side no? So had staff or the Lost inside the building shot at the door I'm sure it would have opened for them too.

What I can only assume here is that myself and other Aztecas who have shot the door are seeing it open for that reason and it is closed to others due to desync and client sided issues.

Again, had we realised that the door was not open for those inside we would have made a more conscious effort to ensure there was no possibility for foul play.

Me picking up Larry through the open (for myself and others) door way was not intended to be foul play or rule breaking in the slightest as I had no indication prior to grabbing Larry that the door was closed for those inside despite the endless shooting at the door from our side.

I'd also like to add were the shots at the door not witnessed by staff? I know it was called out to the other Lost members inside as Hammie told them over radio. Afaik doors swing open when shot at and we knew the door was unlocked as our members had just ran in after drilling it open. The door was open for us as we had shot the door open.

EDIT: 9th Feb

I didn't want to add another reply to this appeal and be told off for "bumping" the appeal so I will just edit this reply instead.

Upon searching through other clips that myself and other Aztecas have we have found another occasion where door desync has happened, this time at the Arcade.

Aztecas are breaking into the Arcade through the garage originally. We get to a door at the bottom of a staircase that leads to an office in the Arcade.

Bandz drills the door to break the lock and then shoots it to open it, after this the door opened for him but not for myself. Had I shot at the door also it would have been open for myself.

This can be seen in the following clips:

Bandz POV: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/1RN057QidBO5j-/d1337wNPLsQR?invite=cr-MSx1MTIsNDg1MTE2ODgs
(at 35 seconds Bandz begin drilling the door, which is where my POV starts)

My POV: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/1RN0r9PMDK2v-e/d1337XKqnUoJ?invite=cr-MSxWcDIsNzc4OTcxMTAs

Some more examples of door desync that has happened:

https://youtu.be/weCXA4joYlo?t=477 - at this video at 7:57 you see a POV of a Hustler outside the Coalition Ranch shooting through a window, hitting a door causing it to swing open and give him a clear view of the Coalition member on the other side. It then quickly goes to the POV of the Coalition member, who doesn't see the door swing open due to desync.

https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/MHKA1iiS6BC9h/d1337mjDmW4S?invite=cr-MSxSM08sNzc4OTcxMTAs - another one of my POVs where for me the door is open to the right, I shoot a member of 229 with a shotgun who fake dropped and the door swung the other way to show him stood on the other side of it.

https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/1oNe25reCgDY8c/d1337E13aM4b?invite=cr-MSxYUVUsMTQ1MjUxNjIs - a POV from Jack Mckenzie where him and another Azteca are shot through a seemingly closed door, but at the time we were assured that the door was wide open for the 229 member on the other side.

At the instance at the Lost compound that caused me to be banned, myself and a lot of the other Aztecas had shot at the door after it being drilled open, allowing it to swing open, which is why all of us outside saw the door wide open. Had the staff member spectating or Hammie shot at the door, I am 100% sure it would have opened for them too

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Good afternoon @Ravi, thanks for the response! 🙂

Something I'm extremely curious about before I go into the responses provided are your graphics/settings.
Your resolution appears to be extremely stretched out with minimal settings? 

Hi Danoo,

Thank you again for your reply.

My resolution is 1920 x 1080, are you referring to the aspect ratio I use?

I went through my settings a while ago and chose an aspect resolution that gives me better performance and FPS as with the standard my FPS as well as the game play in general on FiveM was awful. I wouldn’t say that it is “extremely” stretched out. I tested all aspect ratios. FiveM is not the only game I have on this aspect ratio. All of the games I play are on a similar aspect ratio to help with performance. I am used to this, it feels comfortable and natural.

As for the “minimal settings”. I made sure that my in game settings worked with my pc alongside server optimisation. I didn’t want to kill my pc by not running it at the same level as the server can handle. The majority of my graphic settings are set to "normal" except Texture Quality that is on high. Previously I had higher graphic settings but felt I got a lot more muddy textures and issues the longer the session became.

Good afternoon, 

I'd like to move on from the whole door situation for the moment. 
Firstly, I'll remind you that this is a serious roleplaying server, therefore actions/scenarios are to be played out as realistic as possible.

During this situation, there was fire from both parties involved, bullets flying all over and people downed inside a compound that wasn't yours. 
Please, explain to me how it would make sense for you to lean over 3 meters inside a building during this scenario and scrape a body up off of the floor unharmed? 
It appears to me that you've gone into full videogame frag mode during this scenario in an attempt to save your buddy, he's just been teleported out of the building under the nose of your enemy's on the opposite side which makes absolutely no sense. 

In terms of the doors. You all should know that these doors work client side. If I see any one abusing this going forward there will be bans handed out.
This is your only warning.
I'd also like to point this out, from another report. It has been previously mentioned that bans will be handed out for actions such as these.

Hi Danoo,

I appreciate your responses on this appeal.

Whilst I appreciate I could have done more in this situation, which I also discussed with Donny in QE (after the report had already gone up), I’d like to point out that I wouldn’t have had to “lean over 3 meters inside a building” as like I mentioned previously, for myself and others the individual I managed to pick up was right next to the door, in carry distance. Yes, I agree I could have done more in terms of a /me or said something whilst shouting to ensure everyone could hear but in the heat of the moment I didn’t think of the small things like that and in the future I will take time to think of the little things that could possibly ruin a situation. It would have also made no sense for me to leave my fellow gang members there to die when they were in arms reach of an open door way.

Whilst I can appreciate that bans are given for abusing client sided game issues, I want to make it clear that this was never my intention. I did not deliberately go out of my way to abuse a client sided issue. After all of the shooting at the door I didn’t think it would still be closed for those inside, especially when we weren’t told or warned that the door was still closed until after the fact. Again, it was never my intention to abuse anything.

Good afternoon @Ravi, thanks for the response here! 🙂

I appreciate that you've considered the usage of /me's moving forward if you're given another chance but that's not the biggest issue here.
The main problem which is behind this ban is the fact you've picked them up altogether, they may have been within "arms reach" but in terms of realistic actions would it actually make sense for you to bend down and lean into a doorway knowing the enemy will see you? The fact is you've abused the game mechanics to pick him up whilst under fire from both sides.

Do you not see what is wrong with this part of it? 

Good morning Danoo,

During the time I have had to reflect on the situation I can completely understand where you are coming from. Whilst at the time, in the heat of the moment, I thought that there was nothing wrong with grabbing the person I did I can see how it looks unrealistic looking at it from the outside. If given another chance, I can assure you that during situations like this I will take a step back and properly think about my actions prior to executing them to ensure fair play on both sides so that this doesn’t happen again.

Good evening @Ravi ,

What happened here displays a huge frag mentality as there was not a moment for you to stop and think about the realism of this but instead decided to abuse the game mechanics.
Why do you want another chance here on RPUK? What is your plan, what high quality roleplay can you offer? Which characters are you planning to play?
Good evening Danoo,

I hope you are well. Thank you for the response.

What happened was a complete lapse of judgement during an intense heat of the moment situation. Again, I wouldn't agreed that I knowingly abused any game mechanics as I had no idea the door was closed for those inside. If I had, I obviously wouldn't have even attempted to grab anyone.

To answer your question, I know I can offer high quality role play as I am sure many people can attest to. One example of some RP I would highlight when thinking back on RP I have been involved in would be when myself and Lucy were saving to buy Legion Bean Machine from Roman. Whilst given the opportunity to run the restaurant as managers while we saved, we ran multiple different events to gain attention and attraction to the venue. We wanted the restaurant to not just been seen as somewhere to run in and get smoothies or food, but somewhere you could go with your friends, sit inside and have RP. We ran a car show event, as well as quiz nights. And most nights for a long time we just sat in and around the venue, speaking to passers-by, manually serving customers and just all round RPing at the venue in order to gain attraction to rid it of the stigma it had at the time that it was deserted and was just there as basically a shop. Whilst running Bean Machine, we also had the opportunity to branch out to other people and include them in our RP. We used trucks we already owned, on multiple occasions to "loan" to new players who wanted to earn some money. We would loan them the truck to pick us fruit for the restaurant. This was my idea as Lucy had a bunch of mules that she didn't use and we constantly came across new players that were bored of mechanic jobs or taxiing so I came up with the idea of helping these new players by giving them another option.

I would like another chance on RPUK as I have always seen the server as a place to have fun with my friends. RPUK is where I made the friends I have now, by joining the RPUK community I have made friends that I am sure will last a lifetime. If allowed back I plan on exploring into my other characters in more depth, specifically Marcus. Now that he is not in a gang due to the new rules and his story with Grove Street has come to an end, I have no idea what I want to do with that character but I know I don't want to delete him. With his criminal charges it is unlikely he would get into any legal faction so I want to explore what other opportunities and options he has as a criminal without being in a gang so I would like to play him more. I would also like to explore Ravi deeper too. He has a job at Luxury that, due to wars, he has been unable to sell cars, something that he thoroughly enjoys as he gets to interact with a lot of different people, from judges to other gang members. I do want Ravi to still be my main character but if I do make a legal character I will make sure I spend time on that and establish that character whilst also having the opportunity to take small breaks from crim life when needed.

I have also been considering making a character for a legal faction. I am unsure as to whether I would like to go for NHS or Fire, or maybe even a solicitor. But I have been considering the idea. I have been able to speak with many different people who have legal and criminal characters and ask for their opinion on which faction they think I would enjoy the most. For example, a fellow Azteca had a character that was in the LSFS and he used to talk about how fun it could be when staff/devs get involved in making big fires that you wouldn't always seen on a normal basis. I have also considered maybe the NHS after having the opportunity to watch others on NHS characters and see the different side of RP they get and how dynamic and completely different from criminal RP it can be.

If given another chance, I can assure that nothing like this would happen again. I know I need to think about my actions, regardless of what situation it is that I am in and consider the realism and how it looks for the other people involved in the RP. All I want to do is create and be a part of RP that is fun for everyone and I never intended on gaining an unfair advantage over anyone.
Good evening @Ravi , thanks for the response! :)

Now, as you're fully aware, this ban is currently in place as we believe a frag mentality is being held by yourself rather than actually being here for the roleplay.
Your responses to this appeal have been rather decent, I would like to figure out if you are actually here for roleplaying purposes or not.

Given the nature of the ban, if I were to give you another chance this would also come with some conditions;

You will not be able to play character "Ravi Labile" for 5 months, during this time you MUST create a legal character and experience the legal side of RP (This could be NHS/Fire/Police/G6/Park Ranger/Mechanic/Solicitor ETC).
If you're to be seen logging into Ravi, you will be back onto a ban.

Do you agree to these terms?
Hi Danoo,

Whilst I understand why you are setting those conditions, can I also ask a question about them?

Whilst I am not allowed to log onto Ravi for 5 months am I also to accept that I will lose things I have worked very hard for such as my house and containers? All I ask is that the staff team allow me to log on Ravi once a month to pay my house tax as well as add a 1 month ledger to my containers. I am happy for this to be supervised by a staff member as this is all I will be wanting to do.
I think it is only fair that you are to log onto 'Ravi' for, and only for, the purpose of paying your house rent and the rent of any container(s) owned.

You will be required to open a Discord Ticket, inform staff before you log on and when you log off.
You may only log on when a member of the Staff Team has acknowleged the ticket.

Any deviation from this, even for the smallest of circumstance, will result in the ban being replaced on yourself.

Do you agree to the terms Danoo has set with the amendment that I have made above?
Good afternoon @Ravi , I hope all is well! :)

We've had some internal discussions regarding this appeal, in regards to the conditions Fluqi set, we've changed it ever so slightly.
Your tax has been locked, a lump of money will be deducted from your account which will pay it for 5 months and you need not log into Ravi.

If you're seen logging into this character before the 5 months, you'll find yourself back on a permanent ban without discussion.
To add, if we're seeing some high quality and consistent roleplay from you, perhaps we may look into removing this restriction before the 5 months is up however that is not a definite.
Please don't waste the chance, any ban you receive within the next 6 months will also be a permanent.

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