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Unban Appeal - pwrjd4 - GTA RP

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New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: cant remember the character name as this was months ago
Steam ID: 76561199151443151
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18510
Ban Reason: saying i was 3 nearly 6 when staff asked me in city for my age
Why do you think you were banned: was banned because i said i was 3 nearly 6 when asked for my age but i was joking around and apparenty RDM when it was u
just a normal scrap but he ended up dying
Why should we unban you: i was behaved in that server, i was following the rules and the rp rules and was only banned for taking the piss with my age by saying 3 nearly 6
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello @pwrjd4 .

Before we progress with this appeal - can you open a ticket on our discord please?
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