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Unban Appeal - pwrjd4 - GTA RP

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New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: cant remember the character name as this was months ago
Steam ID: 76561199151443151
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18510
Ban Reason: saying i was 3 nearly 6 when staff asked me in city for my age
Why do you think you were banned: was banned because i said i was 3 nearly 6 when asked for my age but i was joking around
Why should we unban you: i was behaved in that server, i was following the rules and the rp rules and was only banned for taking the piss with my age by saying 3 nearly 6
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
So if your not 3 or 6, how old are you?

If your giving that as an answer to staff, do you not see that as being a troll?

You are also missing one other rule your banned for "G1.2 - Random Death Match", can you explain why your banned for that aswell?
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sorry only just seen this, im 21 irl and tbf i didnt even know i rmd'd the person as he started hitting me and my mate first so i stabbed him once but he wasnt on the floor or anything he was still puching us and stuff then we got sent to prison where staff talked to me about it.
Hello @pwrjd4 ,

Can you join our Teamspeak server so we can have a chat,

1) First download TeamSpeak here,

2) Launch the TeamSpeak 3 Client, hit the Connections menu and click Connect,

3) Enter the server address: TS.RolePlay.co.uk

4) Once connected, join the "Join for Support" Channel.

5) When you talk to a member of staff, tell them you are here for a chat about your appeal and link them your appeal.
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