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Unban Appeal - opsfu - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Rammy
Steam ID: 76561199021010220
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17059
Ban Reason: G2.6 G1.6 C1.4
Why do you think you were banned: I believe i was banned for G1.6 ( Being In character ) In this situation i called one of the marabunta members we were fighting at the casino and i died and got annoyed at them and had called him a " a bitch irl ". I was also banned for G2.6 (OOC Help ) this was the same situation as my G1.6 incident and here i was just spamming in OOC because i was flustered at them in this situation and i received a 1 day ban for both of these offences. I'm not really sure why i was banned for C1.4 ( Harassment ) but it may have been this incident where i was saying the word " minka " and the people who put the report in thought i was saying the " n-word " and even the admins declined the report and said i was saying " minka " so i don't really know why i have a C1.4 ( Harassment ) Keep in mind this is the only thing that got me a permanent ban if this was declined from the start i would have only had a 1 day ban.
Why should we unban you: I believe i should be given a chance to play the server because i was only supposed to received a 1 day ban for my G1.6 and G2.6 offences and than had got a permanent ban for C1.4 offence but im not sure why i had been given that ban because the report where the people thought i had said the " n-word " and i said the word " minka " that report got declined in the end so thats why im unsure of my harassment ban. For my other ban G1.6 i had called him " a bitch irl " because the marabunta member had been annoying and toxic towards me and i had gotten annoyed in the moment and it had gotten out of hand and i apologised for that and in the same situation i had gotten another ban which was G2.6 and this was for spamming OOC but for both of these bans i received a 1 day ban and I'm very unsure of the reason for the permanent ban ive received. The Whole situation had just gotten out of hand and i apologised for my actions and behaviour towards staff and marbunta and i hope you take this into consideration and give me another chance to play your server again, thank you for your time.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Keep in mind this is the only thing that got me a permanent ban if this was declined from the start i would have only had a 1 day ban.
Am I supposed to be impressed? It's highly possible we would of put you on a permanent ban for the other ban reasons too however you decided to do what you did and got yourself here.

I believe i should be given a chance to play the server
I believe players should follow the rules and not end up in the appeals section, Nor try and ruin other players enjoyment. The amount of times I've heard this ngl just comes across as "Me Me Me" I WANT THIS.

Take a moment to think how your actions effected others. Why should we take time going through your appeal?
well the staff i was talking to when he teleported me he said im getting a 1 day ban for them reasons because i never did anything else wrong in the server and that was my first report on me. my action may of cause other players to get annoyed and get upset and that is not right and i get that and i j want to sincerely apologies. if that cause any players to feel a type of way that was not my intentions and my actions are only replicated. but that will never happen again because ive learnt my lessons and i had time to think about it.

i think you should take time looking at my appeal because i think everyone should deserve a chance to prove them selfs and everyone makes mistakes and learns. and i have learnt my lesson and my stupid actions wont happen again and ill just take it to forums if someone is trying to harass and provoke me. thank you for your time.,
well the staff i was talking to when he teleported me he said im getting a 1 day ban for them reasons because i never did anything else wrong in the server and that was my first report on me
At the time this is correct however, You did get reported twice and decided to breach C1.7 as well.... So to say " I believe I should come back" I'll need more than that.

I would like answers for the reports I link below that you we're reported for and these we're added onto the ban, So it would of been permanent regardless of C1.7.

ill just take it to forums if someone is trying to harass and provoke me.
Why not do this to begin with?
Hello I'd like to thank you again for taking your time to reply to me.

Firstly i'd like to begin with the "OOC INSULT" report, In this report I have already explained that I haven't been in this city for long as i have been in others which have my brain used to other slangs that aren't used in this city. This experience in the other city has then lead me to saying "your a bitch irl". I do apologise to the other party if they got offenended by this insult but this was also a heated situation so we were all shit talking eachother. Secondly the roport with the "nvl" I would like to state that I heard the marrabunta members say that the nhs was there, This then gave me the idea of maybe buying some time so the police could maybe come up and possibly save me or scare mara away and leave me alive. Also as I was saying to the mara that I was going to kick the gas tank this was to maybe add some extra roleplay to like scare them away from me to create a roleplay situation.The reason to why I didn't take it to forums is because at the time it was very heated and an argument started between me and and the marabunta member so I just didn't think of bringing it to forums because there was an ongoing situation and I didn't want to stop communicating as the guy was disrecpecting me and saying "your egos too high" "your new to the gang", shut up" etc. In the end I would like to say I do apologise for not bringing this to the forums and I was just infuriated at the time.

And last but not hopefully least I would like to say that I believe I should be allowed back is because the reasons to why I have been banned for can be thought through and be prevented which I promise the staff team that i will take part in and learn from my mistakes and not take part in those rules or any other rules. If I get the chance to come back I will try my best to bring a positive energy and I will most definately calm down on my attitude, The same will go for my roleplay I will do my best to make it enjoyable on my side and the other party by complying with their requests if I am brought into another situation that I was reported for the "nvl".
To be quite honest I'm not willing to entertain this after the attitude and nature of the bans you've collected in such a short time.

Come back in a month and try again.
I strongly suggest you do some self-reflection as this behaviour demonstrated on the server is appalling.

You can appeal again on 14/06/24.
