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Unban Appeal - Neb - GTA RP

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Well-known member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Neb Yahontov
Steam ID: 76561198291545787
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16851
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for combat logging due to not knowing I was being chased. I was asked in discord if it was me and my reply was no because I didn't know I was being chased. Once I ran away, he spoke at a normal volume and whatever commands he gave I didn't hear as I was too far to hear them. I continued to run to a safe place I knew I could disconnect to take my phone call.
Why should we unban you: I feel like I should be unbanned as I genuinely had no idea I was being chased. Had I known I would not have disconnected and I would have stayed to take part in the RP. I had no intentions of combat logging on anyone.

My time away from the server has been refreshing to say the least. I have taken the time to understand why I was banned and the circumstances surrounding it. I can understand how my actions completely shut down any RP that could have happened between myself and the individual that was chasing me and I never intend to ruin the RP for anyone.

Obviously, had I known I was being chased I would have stopped or continued to run until I escaped the chase or was caught. This ban is only a result of my own actions and unawareness of the situation unfolding before me. Once I was questioned in the groups discord as to whether it was me or not I did offer to log back in to finish the RP if it was me as it wasn't intentional for me to combat log. I was ignored which is fair enough.

If staff have any questions for me I am more than happy to answer them to the best of my ability.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
I was banned for combat logging due to not knowing I was being chased

Did you watch the video in the report against you? As it appears you maybe watching a different video that I just watched where it was very clear you we're being chased from the start. So should we try again? Being honest is key.
Hi Stuart,

I did watch the same video as you and I am being honest with you. I wish I had my POV. By the time the other person giving shouting commands, I had already started running and I was too far away to hear him as he was talking at a normal volume. Whether this was my own volume being turned down unknowingly or the fact that I was out of range I’m not sure.

I can see from the video that it is clear from an outside perspective that I was being chased, but at the time I genuinely had no idea. Had the other person continued to shout whilst chasing me instead of running in circles on his radio allowing me to get further away and out of range to hear him then maybe I would have heard him shouting me which would have made me aware of the chase.

Whilst I can understand why you may not believe me, I’ve always believed honesty is the best policy when it comes to appeals. I have no reason to lie. I feel it would be worse for me to just lie in order to get un-banned than tell you the truth.

In this particular situation, I had nothing to lose. I also had nothing to gain by intentionally combat logging. It was never my intention to combat log, and again had I known I was being chased I would have made sure I continued to take the chase until I escaped or been caught.

When asked in groups if it was me they were chasing my answer was no. And that’s because at the time I had no idea. I then offered to log back into the server if it was me as I didn’t want to ruin someone’s RP. If I had intentionally combat logged why would I then offer to log back in? It wasn’t until I saw the report and the video that I was made aware that I was in fact being chased.
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I had already started running and I was too far away to hear him as he was talking at a normal volume
But lets use logic here, You ran for a reason based on what you said, So it would be obvious you would of been followed or chased. It's not a far stretch overall. If the situation was different I'd accept your side saying you had no idea, However you put yourself in that situation.

Whilst I can understand why you may not believe me, I’ve always believed honesty is the best policy when it comes to appeals. I have no reason to lie. I feel it would be worse for me to just lie in order to get un-banned than tell you the truth.
Indeed honesty is key as trying to lie never ends well and this is something you know.

If I had intentionally combat logged why would I then offer to log back in?
You say that, Not saying it is you but there have been people to break rules have offered to try and jump back on to avoid a report or punishment.

Now if this was your only ban as a whole I could understand however there was a prior ban from January you had that leaves me to the point it was intentional rather than not. So why should I believe you saying it wasn't intentional?
Hi Stuart,

I appreciate your replies.

I understand looking back that there was a high chance I could/would have been chased but in the moment I had no reason to believe that I was, having not heard the commands the other party was giving as he was far away and speaking at the normal volume i did not hear him say anything to me.

I know lying wouldn't get me anywhere which is why I'm being as honest as possible with you. I understand that previously people have intentionally broke a rule then offered to log back in but all I can do is give you my word. I had nothing on me that would have been worth intentionally combat logging to save, which is why I say I wouldn't have gained or lost anything by intentionally breaking a rule.

I know my past isn't the cleanest, but I'd like to think that I have shown dramatic improvements since January. My ban in January was for my own immature behavior and not containing myself in an appropriate manner when speaking with staff and making stupid remarks which was childish of me.

All I can do is give you my word that it wasn't intentional. I have never wanted to intentionally ruin the RP for anyone as I know how it feels to be on the receiving end, and for a lack of better terms it's shit when someone intentionally ruins the RP.
See, I am having the same issue believing you here as Stuart does.

You walk around in "enemy territory" and proceed to get mouthy towards another player after being asked what you are doing there. "Whatever I fucking want, what you gonna do about it you stinker?" is your response.

The highlighted part of your reply and the fact that you immediately start running off seems to be a very clear indication that you knew precisely what was coming and it is extremely hard to believe that you would have not expected to be followed after that comment.

You antagonise the other person quite clearly, putting yourself into a hostile roleplay scenario and then expect to not be followed when you are legging it? Logging out mere 90 seconds after starting a hostile scenario yourself seems not only unbelievable but also calculated.

I feel you are, despite your claims to be, not entirely honest with us here.
Hi Sammy,

You say that it is a “clear indication that you knew precisely what was coming” but how am I then to predict someone else’s actions? That other person had many options. They could have continued about their day. They could have gone back into their turf. How was I to predict they would chase me & try to shoot me? I can tell you for a fact I never expected the other person involved to pull a gun for something so minor as a little name calling?

If the roles were reversed I wouldn’t have chased them. I would have continued about my day and leave them to it as it was just something so minor. So no I didn’t/couldn’t predict what their actions could be.

I wouldn’t say asking what they’re going to is creating a hostile situation? It was a bit of attitude to someone I don’t like asking me what I’m doing? Now if I had made a threat yes I’d understand but it was a bit of attitude and if that’s considered “hostile” enough to pull a gun then I’m not sure what to tell you.

To say it’s calculated is extreme and completely untrue. I again wouldn’t agree that I started a “hostile” situation. Merely giving attitude to someone I don’t like? Am I supposed to be friendly with everyone even if I don’t like them?

I am being completely honest with you. Whether you choose to believe that or not is completely up to you. But I am being honest and all I can do is give you my word. Again, it’s your call whether you believe me or not but my answers will not change. It wasn’t an intentional combat log. I had no reason to intentionally break a rule. I didn’t know I was being chased. That’s the truth.
but how am I then to predict someone else’s actions?
Common sense? Normally this is a good indication, However from your own words you thought you could just say whatever you wanted and have no repercussions.

Am I supposed to be friendly with everyone even if I don’t like them?
Indeed you can act as you want i.e friendly or not however there are consequences to your own actions, However now you feel you have none going from your own response.

You are correct it is up to us if we believe you and given the context and looking at the video and how you have been here I don't believe you didn't know you we're being chased and in turn combat log off the server.

Since this is the case I will be going ahead and denying your appeal and also providing you with a cooldown period of 6 months from today. I honestly hope you do start being honest in the next appeal if you choose to make one. You can make a new appeal on or after November 22nd 2024.

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