Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Callum Jones
Steam ID: 76561199331210333
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17315
Ban Reason: c2.3
Why do you think you were banned: i had a situation where i had to log due to work issues so it was classed as combat logging this understand
Why should we unban you: i understand it was combat logging so that's why i have left it sometime to appeal the reason i combat logged was i had got called into work i couldnt not turn up but ive waited to appeal so i feel the punishment has been long enough if this issue ever happens again i will make sure i will inform the people in /ooc looc i understand the reason may have cause a issue to the rp and i apologize for that but i would like to come back to the city and enjoy the great rp roleplay offers this is why i havent complained or tried to appeal before now as i feel the ban was deserved i could have handled it better all i can do is apologize and hope i can come back thankyou for taking time to read this appeal
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes