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Unban Appeal - MoDeen - GTA RP

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New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Timothy Blacksmith
Steam ID: 76561199220664161
Ban ID (just the numbers): 0000000
Why do you think you were banned: I got banned because I was underage at that time being only 17 and I got banned for killing someone with no active roleplay situation
Why should we unban you: I have been through a lot of FiveM servers since that incident occured around 8 months ago in october. I revised and read the rules over and over again for when I was ready to appeal it which is now because Im finally 18. I have matured and played through numerous FiveM servers and read the rules before hand. I have never gotten a ban on any of these servers before. I have matured greatly and I turned 18, 6 days ago which was the 05/05/24. I know how to roleplay efficently and I get so lost in the world of roleplay that hours go past. I have gotten such a big name on another roleplay server called 'CMG' which I am loved and I am part of many whitelisted factions. I have a fanbase and started my own discord server not long ago based on roleplay servers and suggestions. I hope this is seen and I get given the benefit of the doubt if I am allowed to prove myself and show what I really am capable of. I was a excited 17 year old and just messed about but I realise now those people lost their items, and had to wait respawn times because of me killing them for no reason. I geniunely see where I went wrong but as a human being I believe in second chances and i really hope i get mines because I swear I wont ever make that same mistake again.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello @MoDeen

I wish you would of started off being honest with us, you told us that you were 16 at the time of your ban (11/10/2023), so how on earth would you be 18 now?

Due to you making this appeal with a lack of honesty, you have raised some more concerns with us.

Since you have originally said you were 16 at the time of your ban and now 7-8 months later your saying your 18 is concerning, I will be placing a cooldown for your next appeal, to not only safeguard you but also the community.

You can re-appeal on the (11/10/2025) this would only make us comfortable with you being 18 by this point.

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