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Unban Appeal - Miyoko - GTA RP


Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Miyoko Hunter
Steam ID: 76561198202650124
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19480
Ban Reason: C2.2
Why do you think you were banned: Good day,

I got banned because I created multiple characters during the time of the advent calendar/winter event/christmas, where i was able to open the calendar i think 24 or 25 times, on each character i created. After logging into my account on the 25th of December again I saw I was banned. (I went also to the casino with some of those characters and went to the casino to hope to get a jackpot with winning many blackjack rounds in a row)
Why should we unban you: Before I get to the point why I should be unbanned, I wanna thank Bonzi for giving me that more than a month timeout, because I made the appeal literally right after I saw I got banned and I wanna take a look at it myself and then go from step to step what I have done wrong, to self reflect and atleast take some ownership.


1. My general mind and self reflection

1.1. The situation in general

1.2. Skirting around the rules

1.3. Stupid mind and excuses.

2. General talk

3. Why you can trust I won't do this again

4. Additional information (in ticket)

1. My general mind and self reflection

''After some thinking I think I realized the reason why I was banned was because C2.2 Exploiting also counts as when I create multiple avatars and then open the calendar. I didn't try to exploit at all honestly. I didn't even know but after I thought about the situation more again it makes more and more sense now why I got banned. Because creating multiple characters to open advent rewards and then deleting them can be considered exploiting as it might harm the economy or even worse if everybody would do it, it might destroy the server as well.'' (https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-yukiyuki-gta-rp.428389/)

1.1: The situation in general

I didn't lie in my appeal, but the moment when I wrote it, I tried to justify everything with ''I didn't do it on purpose''. Even though my intention at the start was not to exploit at all, at the end when I kept opening the calendar, with each account, I really hoped I would get some big money. After every time during the I think 2 days, and 5-6 characters I have created, I have lost count but i think it was only 5-6 not more, but you staff know it better, because I really lost track of it especially after a month my mind is not that fresh to remember atleast how many avatars I created. I kept opening the calendar one by one, I don't think I went to the Casino with every character. I can only recall that I went with 2 or 3 to the Casino. I am not trying to lie but I am trying my best to recall everything how it was for me in my mind.

1.2 Skirting around the rules.

''Given your history of skirting around the rules we have regarding money transferring between character - I simply do not believe this. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck - it's probably a duck.'' (https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-yukiyuki-gta-rp.428389/)

After I created each character I hoped I would get some new money to do a new start, as mentioned in the Ticket closed-25437, during that time I had a crisis with myself. And since the only safe space I thought I had was here, I thought I could maybe try something which I wouldn't do in real life. But I would love to do here. Since I feel like I have no way to explain myself in a Ticket without getting weird looked at I will just do it here, firstly thank you for being so tolerant about this one day in the Ticket. It gave me some kind of serenity, and also I totally understand now after rereading everything why it didn't work, and when I was simply asking if it would be possible that I could transfer all of my stuff to a different character, it wasn't my intention to skirt around the rules. But I wanted maybe to ask if it was possible because at that point it wasn't due to technical/scripting/developing problems, which only allows to choose 1 gender in the character creation, so I thought maybe if it was possible that I could transfer my own stuff to another character with the help of a friend with staff supervision so you would see that I don't try to scam or anything. But I do understand that you can not bend the rules for 1 person, because it would just destroy the fairness where every player and staff member is supposed to be equal to the rules. And if they get bended for someone like me for example, then maybe other people would try it and use as argument ''but you did it for him as well.'', if it looked that I wanted to skirt around the rules. Then I do apologize, I take full ownership for this action as well.

Ticket: closed-2582 (23.06.2024 17:39)

This is the first note I have ever gotten on my profile. I created a female character at that day as well, the first day I did it, it was okay, but from the time to time, it got more weird and weird due to me having of course a manly voice which is not a bit feminime. I've no experience in vocal training or anything in this way, so every time I talked it was uncomfortable. That's also the reason why I deleted this one. I don't remember the name I just know it was something with Miyuki and then a Japanese last name. The ticket was being handled by C_Date and Violet if I remember correctly I talked with both of them on Teamspeak as well on that day. And both explained me why this has been a violation of the rule. Well for me it was, I created a new character but before gave my irl brother and my friend 50k, or just one of them, after i created the female one, I was about to buy a Kuruma, and i asked my hunter who i gave money before for money as well, which was earned through a bin job, but to be sure, I have opened a ticket and got everything explained. At this moment I also wanna thank C_Date and Violet for being understanding and explaining me the situation on that day as well. But I do take ownership for this as well. in my last ticket I tried to explain myself out of it because on that day and until my last unban I didn't understand what was wrong with it, but now I do, I took this month to check through everything again. And all I can say and do is I apologize for this stupid behaviour and trying to justify that it was not a rule break. While in fact it was one, intended or not. A rule break is a rule break. So again, thanks for the patience on that day.

Ticket: closed-2711 — 03.08.2024 16:34

I deleted my first female avatar, because I got uncomfortable with everything. But I did open a ticket to ask what I can do so I can play with my brother and my best friend again. I got told simply delete the character without transfering any asset, which I didn't try to do and didn't do in this case. I am adding this to maybe prove that I had no ill intention on this day.

1.3 Stupid excuses. Naive mind.


''sorry that I didn't reply that fast because I didn't expect to get an answer that quickly. But let me clarify why I didn't mention the casino firstly, I didn't think of it as a ban reason to be honest, but I did mention everything else. But yeah about that, I was just really stupid doing that. And as I said I had no real intention of exploiting the system or anything in that way. When I made my character on the 25th for example i wasnt satisfied with the face but i still loaded in to see how it looks like i dont even think i opened everything on one of them. I'm not sure anymore, because I made around 4-5 avatars, where 1 was corrupted/corrupted gender because i crashed during the creation. I can prove it with discord messages sent to my friend about me creating the character and asking for his opinion when he just laughed i decided that it doesn't really look that good so I made a new one. I don't want to try to find excuses about all of this, but the character wipe, wasn't it about me opening a ticket in the first place to also get a clarification and then I went to teamspeak and talked with 2 staff members (i dont remember the names anymore sorry) and yeah I agreed to the character wipe because i wanted to stay on my second character as main but switched back due to the fact that I felt weird being on the second one, now after some time i got some self confidence to try it again and yeah.. it was really unfortunate that i used the advent calendar and I promise and assure you that I didn't know that it was exploiting I wasn't hoping for the big jackpot, also the characters i made on the 23rd from what i remember it was 1 or 2 but i only used 1 but i deleted it because the face was also looking not that good for me. And yeah as I mentioned up there in my first response/appeal, I had no intent of exploiting the system, even when it looks like it. Also as I said I didn't think the gambling was the problem when I wrote the appeal firstly but you clarified it for me as well thank you. I got multiple guns, cars and everything on my other avatar, I never wanted the big money, I just wanted to have a normal looking character, that's the explanation why i deleted 2 of the 4-5 i created, if I am wrong please correct me. All I'm telling you is honest and I don't think you believe me, but I just wanna assure you that everything I did was with no ill intent. And I do understand now the consequences of why it is bad and why it is so problematic and serious.'' (https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-yukiyuki-gta-rp.428389/) my response to Phoenix on my first unban appeal

I have honestly no idea why I was so stupid and tried to justify everything with ''Oh I didn't like the face'' while indeed I really didn't like it, but I could have simply just not opened the calendar and not go to the Casino on those days. I do understand that I am not able to make unlimited characters. And especially not with exploiting the System which was in this case opening the calendar and then going to the casino straight from Sandy/the spawn point to spin the wheel and then go to the blackjack table, lose everything and then go offline afterwards. I agree, it should have been common sense that this is not allowed and that it's just overly stupid and naive to do this.

''It should be common sense that we don't allow you to create infinite characters, use the advent calenders as a source of money to gamble with the hopes of hitting it big, as this is exploiting the advent system.'' - Phoenix (https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-yukiyuki-gta-rp.428389/)

And indeed I did try to hit a big Jackpot, I was hoping I would get atleast 500k or a million to have a good start. Because doing bin jobs felt really repetitive for me and this looked like an easy way out. The 1st character I created wasn't firstly my idea of (now time to go to the casino) because I did before a bin job and then went to the Casino. And after I opened during it the calendar I realized that I am able to open every single one of them, and my mind shifted from doing bins to the easy way which was in this way in my mind the Casino. After creating more and more characters I just didn't think about it as exploiting anymore. I justified myself everything with ''it's on a new avatar so nothing will happen to me, because I don't break any rules''. And well this is where I am in the Forum writing my second unban appeal, because my first one got rejected since I showed 0 insight and said ''oh I didn't do it on purpose and when I try to say I didn't do it on purpose then they might maybe think that i got banned for no reason''.

Which again is just REALLY STUPID to think of me and I don't even know why my mind justified everything with ''Oh don't worry you didn't do it with any ill intention''. While I can say now after having a clear and rational mind I hope, that THERE WAS AN ILL INTENTION, I wanted to hit it big. I was too blinded by the money i got from the calendar each time and the chips, I just wanted to hit it big. I wanted to get money, I wanted to do it the easy way, which made me realise, that the easy way, was the most stupid one I could have ever done. If I had the chance to revert it, I would just keep 1 second character the one I created at the start, and I would have just done bin jobs or Taxi, literally anything which gives me money, for which I would have to work, instead of this I went a path I can not look at anymore without feeling ashamed. Also about other topics like that the masks were bugging through and everything, yes it did really indeed happen on some avatars, but I just tried to use it as excuse to get unbanned. Atleast during the time when I wrote it in my first appeal, when I wrote it firstly it made total sense to me, but now it is just non sense.

2. General talk:

The break I had for this 1 month did me good, and I hope it is being reflected in this post. Since a week or two I wanted to get back to the Server, I miss my friends, I saw the updates like fishing, I did go fishing once and I loved it, but the payout was really meh. Every sunday/whenever the development team brings out the update I look at it, and I look back at it and I just wanna headbutt myself all the time, or like hit my head, and tell myself that it was really stupid from me to betray the trust of the staff in the way of exploiting the system. This is the only server I have ever played actively, I am ashamed of myself that I got myself banned for such a stupid thing. This is why I would love to have a second chance, the emotional connection I was able to build up to a few people on the Server is insane, it really tears me down that I am not able to play on the Server. I was never a fan of FiveM because all of the servers felt like ''frag mentality servers'' even the ones which claim to be serious rp, while I can say that in roleplay co uk it is completely different. You guys are also the only ones who are not having a real life money store where you can buy cars, atleast I didn't find any server like this one where everything can be obtained just by grinding.

I don't wanna talk myself out of everything anymore, I wanna take ownership for what has happened. I don't wanna miss the chance that i am gonna get told that the door will remain closed for me, because thats what I am truly scared of.

I'm sorry for trying to talk myself out of everything, that I was so stupid that my common sense didn't just tell me to stop doing all of this. I have and had a serious problem with this, I tried my best to self reflect, my English ain't the best because I am foreign I do study Anglistics and History for teaching, but I still think I do some mistakes which might be understood wrong. When it comes to logic or sense or context. Every body says during the time away I have grown more mature and so on. I didn't grow more mature, but I think my mind became more rational about everything happening around me and happening to me while I did this on the Server.

Everybody is saying ''I'm not perfect everybody does mistakes'' well yes, I did a mistake and I am not perfect. But that ain't an excuse why my common sense didn't work and why I was so greedy for hitting the big money to have a good start.

I take the full blame for everything which has happened. I apologize for exploiting the system, for exploiting the advent calendar, while you guys just wanted to do something nice for the community, and I did try to gain an advantage over every one else with spamming avatars to get money. I shouldn't have done it in the first place. My brain wasn't genuinely working during that time.

3. I wanna answer one question beforehand which I see in every unban appeal

How can we trust that you won't exploit again?

When something is not clear I will open a Discord Ticket and ask for guidance from the Staff. Even when some things are obvious, I will still ask to be on the safe side.

I learnt my lesson from this ban. This ban did hurt me in some kind seeing my friends play every time and I can't I can only watch and hear them laughing or do other things where I would love to be part of. I'm gonna enjoy how the server is supposed to be played, fair and square without any exploits, without trying to manipulate the system with opening a calendar or anything which might give me an unfair advantage. I do know that exploiting also has different meanings, but in my case it was duplicating money on different avatars to get a big win to have a good start with a fresh avatar.

I can not fix everything by words. I wanna show it with a better behaviour. It doesn't matter if my record has been clean before or not or if I had a note or a warning or whatever on my profile. I still did a mistake, a genuinely stupid mistake, which is maybe only ever seen once, because the stupidity it has is kinda unmatched and I have never done anything more stupid in a game or server than here.

4. Additional Information.

I will give more infos which I don't wanna tell here in a Discord Ticket.

Edit: forums-2684/closed-2684 i dont know how its gonna be called afterwards since it hasn't been closed yet.

(Will put the ticket reference/number here soon for the staff member who is gonna read this appeal)

I'm done with justifying myself as you see. It is time to take ownership for every mistake I have done throughout my time.

This text is not written by AI, it is all written by myself. (Don't know I saw in some appeals it got asked if this text was written by someone else or AI)
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

EDIT: (03.02.2025 15:02)

Through the process of explaining when i created the characters and everything i don't wanna defend myself because thats just not fair, since i did this mistake which was also a rule break obviously, but i realized it has a defensive tone, but all i wanted to do was explain my process and thoughts during the time it all happened. And I can just admit and say that it was stupid from my side, to even think about making multiple characters, to open the calendar and then coming up with excuses like ''oh the face..'' which was just during the time i wrote the appeal an excuse i used because in my mind everything was justified and i didn't see a rule break from my side in my first appeal but since i had the time to reflect it is clear what i have done, and the stuff i have done is just genuinely really dumb.

''I didn't mature'' in this appeal, i am in general really open for any sexuality, religion, gender and so on I don't have problems with anything in this way, when I said I didn't mature it was more meant in a way of I think I am mature enough, but my brain hasn't been really rational and I was just stupid, I shouldn't even have done that in the first place.

The reason why I quoted those few things is because after I went through my old appeal, I can just agree with Phoenix and Bonzi the quote Bonzi said nailed it..
''If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck - it's probably a duck.''

My last appeal really looked like that I tried every possible way to find an excuse to get myself unbanned in the hope you guys might say ''oh it might have been a mistake'' because during that time i didn't want to realize I got banned because I didn't see a rule break from my side. But again the more and more I look at it the more I wanna smash my head against a wall and tell myself how stupid I was for doing this. I am already sorry for the staff member who has to read through all of this appeal with the length, but I think it is necessary and I wanna show that I mean it serious, i think this might be the longest appeal on the forum in general which wasn't really my intention
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Hi @Miyoko

I want to start off by saying, we really appreciate the amount of time, effort and accountability for your actions you've put into this appeal, it does not go unnoticed.

You state you didn't like doing the bin runs, but there are multiple ways of making money. Yes, it does get a bit monotonous, but it's the same for everyone else.
So if you wanted to 'win big' and start off with a large amount of money, where would the RP be in that? Or the character growth?
If you didn't want to work for something, why not just play somewhere else, that doesn't require the amount of effort?

Why break our trust, even after you've opened tickets with several staff members, including myself, to clarify questions you've had?
How can we be so sure that we won't see a repeat of this, as you've stated above you would open tickets if you are unsure of anything.
Hi @Violet_


I hope all has been well in general. The year didn't start well weather wise way too cold xD.

Well let me state for me at the moment everything was getting monotonous, shall it be making money, the gang and whatever it was during that time, Taxi was not giving enough, I tried fishing and it was fun, but the payout was really middle as well. But I heard fishing got buffed and when it gives a bit more I would love to do it atleast.

Well about the character growth and where the RP is, I am honest I don't know as well where it is supposedly to be, because during that moment my common sense went completely away and well here i am.. banned in the Forums which could have been avoided with 1 easy trick, just don't exploit, don't be greedy or even better I should have just used my brain for once and only stick to 1 Avatar.

As I said there is no rp and no character growth which is already bad enough in a RP server, like imagine i would have hit it big and then I wouldn't do anything anymore, which again thinking of it right now at this moment, is stupid from my side, that I didn't think of it. Since what I did raises questions in general about ''Just why?''

I didn't want to play elsewhere because this has been the only Server where I played ever actively which isn't maybe only 1-2 weeks, i have been more or less active from June to December, and I felt worn out, my brain wasn't functionally as it is usual and I am honest I didn't think of it thats why I can not give a specific answer for this situation. I never tried any other rp server and won't try it as well, because my time is not as it was to be when i was in high school, so with university and everything I should just admire that I wanna spend my free time here and there on the Server.

Breaking the trust from the Staff team has been a huge mistake as well, but I think in this Situation it was for me just ''Well it must be right'', while in fact it was not, that's the reason why I am wrote this appeal so lengthy. Firstly to fix the mistakes I have done in my first appeal, and to be as transparent as I can be.

You can be sure that there WON'T BE ANY REPEATING OF THIS because, I am not interested in getting banned at all anymore, being away from the server for 2 months now has been doing a lot to me, shall it be on personal growth, on my mind how I am supposed to go over everything or even a rational mind. I've reflected a lot and really really did take my time to write this appeal and also to try my best to prove that I can still be trusted, which I have only tried over words but not actions yet, if I am about to be unbanned I would just love to do where I stopped, being with my friends and trying the new fishing system instead of bins I heard it's really really good. But I wasn't able to test it myself yet.

You can also be sure that it won't happen because I reread everything up to the rules for atleast 3x now during the time I was banned and while I did have the rules in my mind before too now I do even more, and shall it be NVL, NLR, RDM, VDM, Exploiting or any kind of rule, I will stay safe and clean. I was always safe and clean but this one moment and the one before which I said in the ticket above were the only completely failures I had, and now I have learnt my lesson, and I will even be more safe and clean as I can be, and I am sure it will be possible from now on.

I'm not a bad person per se, neither do I want to do bad things on the Server. But yes, the most important is. When I am unsure ABOUT ANY SITUATION before I do anything I will ask for guidance shall it be in OOC or Tickets. You guys have always answered me with the best intentions and I don't wanna break this trust again. If the staff team even has some trust left at this moment.

If I forgot to answer anything please just mention it or if you need more details just tell me. I'm happy to answer anything else. But I don't really wanna make lots of text because I think from my side I answered the questions okay and idk what I would have to say, since the only thing I do feel is regret that I did it and remorse. It did really change me and my view about everything on the Server, and actually let me correct something I said ''I didn't mature'' but I think in some kind I did. In the way of that I can think more rational now and I can just say thank you for it, because this ban is maybe what I needed to wake up to reality. While yes it could have been avoided, you guys gave me some time away until the 31st and it helped me when I compare how I wrote here and on my last appeal.
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5 characters.
Yue Blossom 119385
Yue Blossom 119387
Miyuki Blossom 119429
Miyuki Blossom 119430
Miyuki Blossom 119431
The intent was clear.

You've had a character wipe previously,
spoken with multiple staff members regarding transferring assets and money,
Warned explicitly not to transfer items from a male to a new female character but hinted you'd do it anyway,
and now you've created multiple characters to use the advent calendar to "boost" a new character start.

All in less than 5 months.
I appreciate the effort BUT you've severely broken the line of trust.

IF you were to be unbanned you'd face a FULL character wipe for ALL your characters.

What will you do should you be let back?
Hi @PsianaRama

I hope all has been well.

Yes as I stated the intent was clear, at the start i wanted to create a single character only but after I realized I could open the calendar on multiple characters, my brain stopped to work and I just did it without thinking, my common sense went away.

Just after all it was really stupid from my side.

Indeed I did have a character wipe before, because I gave my 2 friends 50k after I made my first character where i also had character growth, but I deleted it after all, as I mentioned in my appeal above in the Tickets.

I talked with staff members 3x about it if I remember correctly.
Once when I transfered the 2x 50k, after i created my other avi (the first character wipe i had but i think it wasn't an asset wipe because i was allowed to keep my car)
Once when I deleted my avatar and I was asking if its possible that i can still give my friends money on my real main character. I got told to delete it and I did it.
And then the big ticket I've done which I don't wanna explain further because it is a sensitive topic for me in general. But what looks at hinting that I'd do it anyway was in my view me trying to find a way to make it work, which might not be a rule break under staff supervision, which got rejected and yes I discussed further with it, I can only apologize for it, and I know it doesn't make it better that I still tried to push my own mind. (actually when i think about it, it was still only me trying to push my own will i am sorry for that). And when I thought that with staff approval I would be able to do it since I was in the month I have written this ticket in a crisis with myself and as I said this is like a safe space for me but I will scrap any idea which has to do with switching characters or anything.

I know that I've broken the line of trust a lot. But that's also the reason why I am trying my best to be as transparent, as honest and I reflected a lot about my last actions. While words do not change what I did neither do the actions I've done before. All I can do is apologize for this genuinely stupid mind and failure of my common sense during those days.

I'd understand that. And I do agree to a full character wipe without hesitation.

Firstly I will delete the 3 other characters I made because honestly I have no need for them at all and I should just focus on 1 character or a second one if I ever attempt to join the police because that would be the only condition i would make a second character atleast in my mind but I would rather not.

Also since I'll get a full character wipe and asset wipe, I will try my best to get as much money as I can through fishing or bins. In a time of several months or weeks, depending how much I am able to play. I'd stop gang activities for a time because I am in no position to do anything. I'd get back with my friends and start doing my casual business. Like mining, jobs in general. Because right now I have no idea what I am gonna do. I just know that I need to get my money up so I can atleast have 2-3 cars which are not a Tornado. But in general I can say I'll do where ever the roleplay brings me. But my main objective is to get myself up to the same level as I was before doesn't matter how long it takes. Also I am not sure if the what will you do should you let be back is also meant for the context of what I will do better, because what I am going to do better is, I will use my new rational mind I was able to collect through self reflecting and on a daily basis of telling myself that I'm stupid for doing this kind of exploiting.

(EDIT: Sorry I just don't know what to say because I don't wanna repeat myself since it gets tiring to read i assume, but I will keep a low profile, get some money, and find out how the new fishing system works because thats what i am really wanting to do, fishing for multiple hours and just enjoying the time.)

Also a question does a FULL character wipe also include the levels I earned throughout mining, taxi, bins and so on?

Also thanks for taking your time to read through all of this unban appeal since you guys do it as volunteers and not getting paid for it. I know I haven't been the best or a shine example of a member of this community for doing this exploit, but I am really really serious when I say that I am ashamed of myself and that I only feel remorse for my actions that I just wanna be with my friends again since the time I have been away is just feeling empty. This mistake has been one of the my stupidest decisions ever. And if you want me to add more to the question please tell me because I have genuinely no idea what I wanna do once I get back except for

Rebuilding through legetimate means (illegal way, legal way) but mainly through fishing and bins.
Avoiding gang activities until I am in a stable position money, car and house wise.
Focusing getting my things back through roleplay than taking a shortcut (which in this time was going to the casino with different avatars)
Deleting the avatars I had except for my main one Miyoko Hunter
And that I still should reflect on my mistakes because even though I have done it, there is no place in my head and mind to repeat them.
Most importantly rebuilding trust with the staff team, shall it be through showing a good behaviour, good roleplay or just not doing anything stupid


And thanks again for taking your time for reading through all of this because every time i write wall of texts and yeah i dont know how to explain myself or show remorse otherwise rn
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Ok, I've had a read through your notes and your appeals. I've come to the following conclusion.

I will offer an unban, but your character "Miyoko Hunter" will receive a character wipe and the duplicated characters will all be deleted.

If you accept these terms, then I can get this processed.
To be clear. Any repeated poor behaviour, and you will find yourself back in the appeals section, with a significantly longer cooldown on when you can appeal.

Miyoko Hunter - 111353 - Full Wipe
3 x other characters deleted
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