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Unban Appeal - MIKE SPIKE - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Mike Spike
Steam ID: 76561199183771666
Ban ID (just the numbers): 12062
Ban Reason: combat logging
Why do you think you were banned: i combat logged a lot
Why should we unban you: Firstly i would like to apologize for appealing this ban so much, I am appealing this ban again as my previous city has shut down and would like to come back to roleplay. I understand that combat logging is a serious offence and can really affect peoples roleplay and is a rule that should never be broken i would also be annoyed if someone had combat logged on me whilst in a scene and would also expect them to be banned or get in trouble. When i was banned from the city i was new to rp this was my first city i flew into.

Combat is logging is where you F8 quit to avoid getting robbed, took hostage, being killed or arrested

If there is anything in this appeal that i can work on or add please tell me as i would like to come back and improve my chances of being unbanned
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

We are talking over 30 combat logs! - This is a massive joke!

I feel you are just appealing because the other sever has shut down an you have no where else to go.

You say you understand combat logging and that it really affects people but yet you have done this multiple time, why should I waste my time here and I don't even see why I should give you another chance.

You do not learn from your mistakes and this is what annoys me the most.

This is going to be your only chance and I would like you to do the following:

1. Read the server rules.
2. I want you to tell me what specific rule you have broken and in your OWN WORDS explain the rule.
3. I want you to explain why the rule is important on the server.
4. Which server were you playing on?
5. Why should we even bother entertaining this appeal?

Please get back to me on here, when you have managed to answer the following questions, please consider your answers and provide effort when answering.
thank you for getting back to me

1. i have read the server rules multiple times

2. Combat Logging is when you alt f4 or f8 quit to avoid getting robbed, arrested, took hostage, getting killed or to even stop the respawn counter from going down so ems or someone can come and get you so you don't die

3. This rule is important as when combat logging in a scene can ruin peoples Roleplay/immersion and even ruin a whole series of events that lead up to the interaction and these series of events can last a couple days to even months

4. Arkadia, it was a really good server its honestly a shame it shutdown

5. You should consider this appeal as i have leant from my mistakes and have really improved my quality of roleplay i was even voted for top tier rp In my last city.I have also looked at some other citys but i just miss roleplay.co.uk in general

I am going to be honest you have answered my questions, although not in great detail.

When you are avaliable can you join a Discord or Teamspeak for a quick chat.

Many thanks.
my bad im really bad at trying to go in to detail like i can get the main points across but trying to put more detail into something im pretty bad at and yes i can i will be around like 10ish if thats a good time
I appreciate you're not confident typing in great detail however we need great effort and detail in unban appeals.
I'll cut you a break but I want a lot more than 1/2 sentences for these two questions;

1. I want you to explain why the rule is important on the server.

2. Why should we even bother entertaining this appeal?

This is your last chance to convince us why we should let you back.
You have a week to work on your replies with great effort and detail.
I understand you want more detail i will try and provide you with a fully detailed answer on these questions but i cant promise they will be anything special

.The reason why combat logging is such a important rule on roleplay.co.uk is because this is a roleplay server and combat logging means you have no intention to roleplay that's why it is a perm ban if it wasn't a perm ban then you would have more people combat logging to save there loot this would ruin more peoples roleplay and scene opportunities this is why this rule is so important and it also keeps people roleplay top tier.

.You should consider unbanning me as when I started playing roleplay.co.uk I had never really roleplayed in my life and have roleplayed in very serious city's this has really increased my roleplay and if i get unbanned i plan on trying my hardest to create good scenes and rp for everyone. I have learned from my mistakes and wont combat log again

Also sorry for my slow reply i have been struggling on what to respond with
Apologies you were supposed to have a week :ROFLMAO:
Anyway, I do have some more questions. This time you actually will have a week!

Tell me about your character;

What's their backstory?

What is the long term plan?

If let back how would you achieve your character/s goals?
I plan on changing my character to Jack Davis as i feel like my story with mike spike ended when the cult had disbanded so i will be bringing jack Davis about

-My long term plan is to become a mechanic and start doing some street races just keep it basic and make some good roleplay

-His backstory is that hie joined a street gang called empire and did store robbery's often sometimes even hitting a bank one but the gang had disbanded after about 6 months when he went to prison for a botched meth run and got tortured by a police officer for information on the gang but he didn't rat and he was also being a bit of a prick to police and plans too take a step back from major crime as he learnt it does pay well but with severe consequences and live a basic life

-my character is a car enthusiast who does petty crime like robbing cars catalytic converters ect... he might rob an atm or store now and again but never anything too big

Sorry if the back story is a bit basic i just went off what happened in my last city before it got shut down i would put the whole story in here but it would take the whole page up lol
That sounds very fun and exciting 😁 Ok let me know when you're free for a chat on TeamSpeak!

You can send me a message on discord or the forums, same name on both :)

I won't be free today so if today is better for you then open up a ticket on discord and I'll make sure someone can get you sorted!
As per our discussion on TeamSpeak you are unbanned :D

I mean it when I say not even a hair out of place!
