Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Oddvar Stoltenberg
Steam ID: 76561198804258791
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19548
Ban Reason: G2.9
Why do you think you were banned: I was asked by my boyfriend to help him transfer his car from one character to another, and I helped him.
Why should we unban you: It honestly did not cross my mind that transfering a car from one character to another was wrong. I completely understand that this action was not thought out at all and was fail RP. I would love to be unbanned because this server is one of the best severs in my opinion, I am not the best at RP as you can tell but I want to do better. I understand my actions were wrong and it will not happen again. (The wiki link for the rules doesn't work, but it could just be me)
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes