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Unban Appeal - MeMakeSoup - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for MeMakeSoup 

In-game Name: Charlie Fox

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198095341220

Ban ID: 11964

Reason given for your ban: G3.1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I don't know all I got told was it's something to do with the date 26th March and it's for metagaming I was denied the whole reasoning within TS.

Why should we unban you ?: I didn't break G3.1 which I know of.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Can you please quote the rule you were banned for? This might help to jog your memory.

Being honest is the only way you will ever be unbanned so I want you to really think about what you might have done to break that rule.

You might try to play innocent but you should know, we know a lot more than you think.

(G3.1) OOC Information - Using out of character information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban. This includes but is not limited to: Twitch Streams, forum information and Steam messages.

Is the rule I was banned for, not trying to play innocent don't know what I've done to break this rule.

Run me through what happened 26/02/2023 at 02:09

To be honest can't remember what happened back on the 26th at this time.

Can I have some context to this date please? 

Looking over the appeal as a whole and questions asked above, If you simply won't run through what you did on this day (When in Teamspeak with myself you we're starting to go somewhat into it) there wouldn't be much more for us to provide at this time. You we're told to be honest about what happened on this date first and we will go from there.

In the appeal overall there is no effort being made on your part. Based on this I will be going ahead and denying the appeal and also providing a one month cooldown period before you may appeal moving forth. 

I would suggest in the meantime you have a think if you do wish to be open and honest to your own actions in your next appeal and we will go from there. You may appeal on or after April 5th 2023.


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