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Unban Appeal - Meepyy_UNBAN - GTA RP


Unban Account

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: unsure tbh possibly 'Ben Hanson'
Steam ID: 76561198068164842
Ban ID (just the numbers): 3353
Ban Reason: (G1.2) (G2.3)
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned because I thought rules didn't apply to me. I thought I was above everyone and that I could do what I wanted without punishment. I was a immature teenager and eventually paid the price.
Why should we unban you: I believe I should be unbanned because this all occurred in 2021. Its been a long 3 years and during this time so much has changed, I'm now a married man with my life together. I have learnt to become more mature and understanding of what rules are and why they are placed. During this 3 year period ive been into other city's and learnt how to be a respectful player of FiveM. However all these cities didnt bring me the enjoyment like Roleplay.co.uk, I still remember having really good times with some great people on the server. I really hope you guys can understand my view point and give me a final chance to become a member of a really well made server. I hope to be back and playing again :) . If you guys feel I did too much wrong and its still unforgivable, I completely understand. Thank you for the opportunity to appeal.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good evening @Meepyy_UNBAN , I hope all is well with you? :)

I appreciate the blatant honesty!
You have as stated been banned for G1.2 & C2.3, are you able to tell us as to why?
To be honest its been 3 years and its hard for me to remember but G1.2 was probably due to me killing people without respecting RP rules. I clearly had a power trip and believed I could do what I want in order for my experience to be improved, which I now see is very wrong. Also with C2.3 I am very clear as to why I was banned for this. 3 years ago I was basically a wrongen. I thought I could do anything I pleased without a consequence due to a super inflated ego. I must say though the past 3 years for me has been crazy. I finally got my dream job, I finally tied the knot with someone I love. I finally found the desire to enjoy life once again. I understand now its horrible and unjustified to ever say discriminatory terms. Every human deserves respect regardless of anything. I genuinely hope you guys can understand me and allow me to have a final chance.
Thanks for the response! @Meepyy_UNBAN !

Indeed, you were banned 01/04/2021 so I understand you may not remember every detail regarding the situation.
To help jog your memory, you had driven past and randomly shot 4 players at different times without any roleplay whatsoever (RDM), as others began catching up with you, you ran into a shop and logged out (Combat logging).

You say you've been on other servers since and are far more familiar with roleplay, could you then please answer the following?

If you're to return to RPUK;
What character(s) would you create?
What backstories would said characters hold?
What quality roleplay could you provide here?
That sounds about right to be honest. I dont remember the full details but the description you gave certifiably makes me agree with those facts.

What character(s) would you create? -

I would like to create a character with the name 'Luke Mogul'

What backstories would said characters hold?

Luke Mogul, raised by a single mother in New York City, discovered his business talent in high school with a successful custom sneaker store. After earning a scholarship to NYU’s Stern School of Business, he founded InnovateAI, a thriving AI startup. Now a prominent tech figure, Luke mentors young entrepreneurs and invests in socially responsible projects, embodying determination and opportunity.

What quality roleplay could you provide here?

I could roleplay as Luke Mogul, where you ask him for simple business tips or talk about teaming up. We can chat about how to handle problems, grow your business, or why he cares about responsible investing. Whether you need basic advice or want to learn about his company, we can keep the conversation straightforward and easy to follow.

I really hope you guys give me another chance now im a grown man. I just want to have a good experience and ensure everyone else does too :)
Good morning @Meepyy_UNBAN , thanks for the response! :)


Would you care to explain this for us? Frankly after stumbling across this I'm tempted to decline your appeal as staff volunteer their free time into keeping the server going, we absolutely do not need rubbish like this thrown in our direction.
I would like to apologise for those messages, I believe they were sent 3 years ago when I was banned for violation of terms. As I already stated though 3 years ago I was a very angry young boy. I have had a big change in my life and how I respect other people. I would never send any messages like that these days. I cannot express how sorry I am for my actions back then. But if I was given another chance you would see how much I've changed. I completely understand whatever decision you make and I will not be upset if its outcome I fear. At the end of the day I did/said some bad things back then and I now understand the consequences.
How old were you 3 years ago?

How have you changed since then?

How can we trust you will act your age upon return?
How old were you 3 years ago?

How have you changed since then?

How can we trust you will act your age upon return?
thanks for the response.

- At the time of the ban I was 20/21 years old. I just turned 24 years old a few days ago.

- I have changed in many ways. I stopped abusing drugs and alcohol which really didn't help me back then, only made my behave worse but I was too blind to see it back then. As I also stated previously, I'm now a married man with a child on the way :) . Back then I would think of someone who volunteers to help people as a loser. Now I have become the complete opposite, I do some weekend volunteer work working with young people who are battling addictions as I used to be in their shoes. I like to think that after all those years of being a menace, I'm now giving back to the world. These are just a ways that I have changed.

- There's not really much I can do to gain your trust once again other than saying the things I've stated in these posts from me. At the end of the day it's your decision as staff to decide whether or not you think im able to reconnect back into the city and what ever choice you make, I will respect as I know the consequences for actions, even if they were years ago. All I can say is that change is real. Not everyone goes through this but Im really proud of the way my life is going now, I actually wake up happy in the mornings whereas three years ago i'd wake up depressed and not ready to face the real world.

Thanks for the opportunity to reappeal.
Given your ban was 3 years ago, I have seen enough to accept this appeal from the answers you have given us.
