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Unban Appeal - Maynz_ - GTA RP


New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Bobby Bradshaw
Steam ID: 76561198354436276
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16999
Ban Reason: Combat Log
Why do you think you were banned: I was very confused as to why i was banned as i was killed outside hospital and was left there which then a random got me and let me heal on a bed but i logged out while i was healing which then was known as combat logging which i didn't think was as the people that had killed me had left and dumped me at hospital but i understand that no matter the circumstance this is combat logging no matter what and i had learnt from it.
Why should we unban you: I think i should be un banned because im a loyal player to this server and i want to continue playing this server, i know the mistakes ive made but i really have learnt from them and want a second chance it was a stupid slip up from me whether i was having a bad day or not i shouldn't have done what i done and with that i apologize and i wish you guys can give me a second chance.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

This unban really lacks effort.

You have covered the combat log, slightly but how about opening tickets and abusing staff members.

And before I get a "eh or what", you can come back in a month so you can think about it and then put more effort into your unban and think about your actions.

Denied - Able to appeal (14/06/24)