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Unban Appeal - Matthew Labile - GTA RP

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Matthew Labile

Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
The Block
Unban Appeal for Matthew Labile 

In-game Name: Matthew Labile

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 7656199154044237

Ban ID: !!rpuk16085!!

Reason given for your ban: g1.2 RDM and g1.7 Community leader

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Hello, first of all thank you for taking time out of your day to read over my appeal.

Right now I'm unsure if I should go into detail on the few bans leading up to my permanent ban or just the most recent one, so I will explain my most recent one. Aztecas and Cutlass had been in a war for countless months, to the point I had actually got mixed up with the war rules to my knowledge we could kill on sight as long as both parties was in there whitelisted clothing, however this definitely was not the case hence my ban. I'm unsure how I got mixed up with what the rules are, probably due to the fact Cutlass chopped and changed there minds on war rules in what felt like every other day and a few disagreements between parties on what the war rules actually should be, but in the end it was me who made a mistake and I'm more than prepared to own up to and use this platform in order to say to Cutlass I apologise for my rule break, I know how much annoyance a rule break can bring when on the server and sometimes it can really ruin your mood, so I do apologies I'm sorry you had to put up with a rule break from myself, I can only try and always have a understanding with war rules to ensure that this doesn't happen again.

Why should we unban you ?: Now I know this isn't the first time I've answered this but hopefully it will be the last, I would greatly appreciate another chance here to show I'm capable of being a rule abiding player, I believe I have shown positive progression since my last permanent ban was well over a year ago, so I know I can definitely stick to rules but unfortunately sometimes I make mistakes or a lapse in judgement for that I can only apologise.

I've been on the server now for I believe 3 years? I know more than anyone I should definitely being doing better than I have done, I don't have the best ban history, in fact I think it maybe one of the worst in terms of server bans but I know I am more than capable of providing high quality roleplay and funny role-play scenarios for all parties involved, it's what I enjoyed so much throughout my time on the server as well as helping newer players in what phrases to say instead of breaking rp or pointing them in the right direction to ensure they have a good time on the server but also a positive influence in there role-play scenarios.

So to answer your question straight up on why I feel I deserve another chance is because I know I can be a positive member of this community and I feel most of that is done in game, I do really feel that other players enjoy my role-play and my humour and I am also quite fond of others role-play.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good afternoon @Matthew Labile

I hope all is well today 🙂  

Let's have a look at you record over the last 6 months? 

20/09/2023 - 1 Day ban for fail driving 
05/12/2023 - Warning for NLR when you have been revived 
19/12/2023 - 2 Day ban for OOC information 
04/02/2024 - 1 Week ban for RDM 
12/02/2024 - Perm for RDM 

You have said yourself that you have been here for a very long time so why are these rules being broken? 

Why has your  standard of roleplay dropped over the last 6 months? 

Good evening @Jessie BennettI appreciate the quick response, now I admit I feel/ its obvious my standards did drop and I take full accountability for this, it's something I have definitely reflected on since being permanently banned and realise where I've gone wrong and what to do different in future scenarios. 

Now my NLR timer warning I am grateful it was a warning and not a ban as I believe I was a few seconds out of it expiring, I myself calculated the time wrong and it's definitely something I will be more weary of going forward if granted another chance.

The 2 day ban for OOC information I'm more than happy to explain my side but I chatted with @Mikeand @C_Datein TeamSpeak with them about it for hours and I believe the outcome was that it wouldn't count towards my FBS and Mike even said to me as I was leaving he was tempted to remove it but pending a chat with Stuart but I don't believe that chat ever happened. 

As for the 1 week ban for RDM, I failed to provide a clip from my pov which adds context, I do feel it was not a ban but however I respect the staff decision and will take steps to improve and try to avoid this happening in the future.

I already kind of discussed the reason for my permanent ban so won't bore you with re-wording it to make this response seem more.

To straight up answer your question I think I just got carried away and this permanent ban more than makes me realise that, I know I won't get unlimited chances, the rules are in place for the better of the community and that should always be my main priority not just as a long standing player but also as a community leader and I will definitely be taking steps to ensure I don't go down a slippery slope again. 

Good morning (kind of)  @Matthew Labile

I have been looking at your record and even if the 2 day ban is removed that would still leave you with 3 bans and a warning in a 6 month period alone. You are a player that has been here for a long time and it is a shame to see you going down this path.

I think a break is needed and hopefully some time away will make you think  about how your roleplay standard has declined recently. You may appeal again 25/04/2024


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