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Unban Appeal - markrebka - GTA RP

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united states
Unban Appeal for markrebka 

In-game Name: Zaid Morrow

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199119846514

Ban ID: !!rpuk10020!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I understand that I was subsequently banned for C2.3 " Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained". I made the ignorant and selfish choice to log out during an active roleplay situation in a moment of frustration, this was a bad decision and it is unfair to other people on the server. I gained nothing from this and it negatively affected all parties involved, combat logging is extremely selfish and unfair for other people trying to enjoy the roleplay and can even damage the economy of the server via logging out in order to keep certain items or money. In any case, it is a damaging and overall stupid thing to do, especially considering staff members have to take time out of their day to review and decide the outcomes of the subsequent bans. The situation in which I logged out was a prison scenario which can be fairly rough (prison fights etc) and this was no excuse for me to combat log and ruin the experience for my fellow players.

Why should we unban you ?: I'd hope to be unbanned as I have taken a few months to refresh and I fully realize the impact of my ignorant and selfish decision both on the players, staff, and the server as a whole community, I understand that I made a bad decision and I will not do it again. I would like to reintegrate myself into the server once again and really put in the effort that I should have always had, I would like to also regain some lost friendships and connections I made during my time as well as meet my friends whom I regularly hung out with in the city. I really enjoyed the scenarios I managed to find myself in and I regret allowing one ignorant decision to prevent me from having fun, it is still fully my fault though for doing it. I do have a friend who will be joining the city very soon and I'd like to see him on the server. I have once again familiarised myself with the rules of the server to both ensure that I can perform my best and ensure that I will not break a rule again in my time. An additional reason would be that I'd enjoy seeing my cars once again and casually driving around the city.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @markrebka

Looking at your previous appeal and your history on our server i cant say it paints a picture of someone who has any intentions of serious RP, never mind following the rules.
So how can we be confident that this time around you wont be exploiting and ruining other peoples experience? I dont want to hear about ''i didn't know'', quote me the rules you think are key to a good RP community and explain what your goals are with your character.

Hello, thank you for replying, I understand that I don't have the best record and It is due to my ignorant and selfish past actions which I have absolutely no intention of repeating, I have had a few months to understand the things I have done in my previous time on the server and I'd like a fresh start once again to build friendships and interact with the people of the server, I also really enjoy driving and modifying my personal vehicles to make them look really nice. I believe every single rule is vital to maintaining a stable server otherwise there would nothing but chaos, with this I have linked the RPUK rules as a response to your demand, I hope this is viable, https://www.roleplay.co.uk/gtarprules/. My goals with my character are to interact in fun and creative situations, make friends with fellow role players, and overall actually contribute to the server and the people, I also really enjoy driving and gaining money to modify my vehicle. 

Why do we need a combatlog rule?

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That rule exists to ensure it is fair for all players and to maintain the economy of the server in certain circumstances of combat logging, if there were no rule against it then the server would be unplayable and nothing but chaos. It is a very important part of the whole RP community. There are many more reasons why combat logging is damaging for example, If someone dies but does not wish to lose an expensive item, they may log out to keep the item which is unfair to others and overall selfish, it also damages the economy and possibly many roleplay situations.

 I have absolutely no intention of repeating,
I'm going to hold you to this! Stay squeaky clean for the next months. If not, you will be gone for 6.

Before you back in.game, read the rules a couple of times to understand them.


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Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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