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Unban Appeal - Luke Coyle - GTA RP

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Luke Coyle

New member
Unban Appeal for Luke Coyle 

In-game Name: Luke Coyle

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199167300022

Ban ID: !!rpuk12251!!

Reason given for your ban: Combat Log

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because I combat logged. Not on purpose as this was a genuine mistake using a piece of recording software Ive not used before trying to record a police chase I was in. By opening the game console using F8 which is also the key assigned to start recording on my software. I hadnt used Medal recording software before, or used or seen the Console before. So upon pressing F8, I pressed quit thinking this would shut the menu that had appeared, not quit fivem

Why should we unban you ?: I think I should be unbanned because this is a genuine mistake, and I made an attempt to approach the other player(s) involved to carry on the RP as i did not expect to spawn back in on my feet. I have the whole situation recorded, because as I said earlier i was trying to record what had just happened because it was funny. There were two officers present when I combat logged, one of which had walked off by the time I logged back in and the other can be seen getting on his bike, and asking how I am up again, to which I said I crashed and shall we carry this on, to which he said no Im not sure why youve even been arrested.

In the clip you will see me and two other officers, talking about one of them kicking me off the edge, then I opened pressed F8 to start recording, then pressed quit on the console thinking this would just close the banner/menu that had appeared and instead shut the game. I then log back in straight away, and try to carry on the RP situation.

This was a genuine, one-time error, and I am dThis was a genuine, one-time error, and I am deeply disappointed that it occurred since I play RPUK nearly every single day and eagerly anticipate doing so. I consistently strive to extend any roleplay situation I engage in and never speak out of character. I kindly request that you take the time to carefully review my footage, as the console menu is visible only briefly, given that Medal ceased recording FiveM once I had accidentally closed it. You will find all of the above details in the clip I have provided, and I would be extremely grateful if my ban were lifted, as this is as genuine as it gets; otherwise, I would not have recorded the entire incident.eeply disappointed that it occurred since I play RPUK nearly every single day and eagerly anticipate doing so. I consistently strive to extend any roleplay situation I engage in and never speak out of character. I kindly request that you take the time to carefully review my footage, as the console menu is visible only briefly, given that Medal ceased recording FiveM once I had accidentally closed it. You will find all of the above details in the clip I have provided, and I would be extremely grateful if my ban were lifted, as this is as genuine as it gets; otherwise, I would not have recorded the entire incident.


Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Okay, if you're going with that story.

Explain these;

  • Disconnected at 19:05:43

    Connected 19:07:06

[*]Disconnected at 19:12:15

  • Connected at 19:13:43

    Disconnected at 19:42:08

So the first disconnection is the situation I explained where I pressed f8 to record the police chase, the client console came up which I'd never seen before and I pressed quit to try and close the console window. I then logged back in and for some reason was alive again, I ran up to the police officer on the bike go continue the RP and he said don't worry he didn't know why I was arrested. I then was talking to the police officer on the bike for ages joking around and we had a fist fight for a laugh, he killed me and was laughing about it, he was then having a friendly fist fight with my friend, I had to go and get my dinner so I quickly quit to go downstairs and get it. When returning I was somehow alive again (I don't know how this happened twice in a row) I then continued laughing with the police officer and went with my friend to hospital who the police guy on the bike also killed whilst fighting. I believe the third disconnection is me logging off for the evening unless it shows me coming back on? I start work at 3am so I usually log off pretty early. I genuinely have no guns or any reason to combat log or evade being arrested, I enjoy messing around and going to prison because its good RP. I urge you to raid my house and search all my vehicles because I have nothing to hide and just want to get back to playing the game I love

(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

I have done what is suggested in the rule, by attempting to carry on the roleplay.

As far as I am aware I was only banned with 1 ban ID so I'm not sure what second rule you're referring to

As far as I am aware I was only banned with 1 ban ID so I'm not sure what second rule you're referring to

Essentially taking advantage over the fact that you spawned back in alive when you combat logged twice, you should've used /die to put yourself back into the state you were before you disconnected.

Well I honestly didn't know that was a thing otherwise I wouldn't of submitted footage of me doing just that. I still made an effort to carry on the situation, the other player also didn't let me know that I could use that command to put myself back in that state otherwise I would have of, when I could of just run off and not said anything. I didn't gain any advantage or leave anyone at a disadvantage in this situation and it was genuinely an honest mistake.

I am very happy to refamiliarise myself with the rules around this, particularly the /die command.

Lets not pass the blame onto the other player. He might've not known you were downed, he also can't exactly tell you in RP to use /die or maybe he just genuinely didn't care much. You did make the effort to carry on the situation, I am not disputing that. We're disputing the rule breaks overall.

In future circumstances, now you know what you must do if this were to happen again.

Combat Logging bans come with a wipe of your inventory, which I have already took the liberty in doing.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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