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Unban Appeal - KillerCurse - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for KillerCurse 

In-game Name: Jack Richards

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199414190553

Ban ID: !!rpuk10947!!

Reason given for your ban: | Permanant Ban | G2.4

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I broke the rule of not valuing my life , in that point of time i tought that my actions are justified , but looking back at that scenario and many more i acted childish im aware of the rule i broke im sincerely sorry ive grown as a person and played in many communities with a clean record in that experience after the ban i fully understand how i destroyed RP for many people ive changed and started to engage in RP far more serious , im not a native speaker so my last appeal was short with words and it was said its not enoguh effort i understand fully my actions and what rule i broke and i know now that i should ALWAYS value my life in RP scenarios.

Why should we unban you ?: Beacuse it has passed quite long time and as a person of faith i bealive in second chances , everyone makes mistake are we human enough to say sorry and fix those mistakes from the past , ive grown so much for the time period that i cant exactly name (im banned for months and months now maybe more then 6 months of my punishment ) but ive experienced Roleplay on serious servers and my soul is really here on roleplay.co.uk my friends , every good moment i cant forget and i want to say sincerely sorry to everyone in community and be humble as someone that was banned can be and ask everyone for another chance to reedem my spot in the server
Best regards to the staff reading this and bless you have a nice day all :)

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hm, so given the fact you managed to rack up so many bans in such a short ammount of time and how your attitude was towards staff in other appeals aswell as outside of them, why should we give you a chance?

Given all the circumstances that happened i do agree i was wild and out of line i needed to pattern up for these 6 months that i was banned and accept my punishment fully , i understand how immature that was and i know for a fact im not the same person as i was before , unfortunate it is that roleplay.co.uk is my first FiveM server so i was basicly a newbie to FiveM community i was arrogant and unpolite and im sincerely sorry for that , as a person ive experienced all the bad stuff ive been doing on other servers and made me realise what value roleplay has and how frustrating it can be if the other party is out of hand . I cant say why u should give me a chance that is on the community , but wise versa towards roleplay and my personal tought process ive grown and i want to prove that if possible i know its hard to bealive a man that has been slipping up constantly but it has been long time since then and i think everyone deserves a second chance if there is space for progress .

So what made you suddenly mature up over those few months?

I would not say suddenly ive been banned for around 6 months and more , half a year is long time when u put in in spectrum of days , ive matured as a roleplayer beacuse ive experienced it on other servers and ive kept my bans clear there i didnt get any , maturing is a process you need to put yourself thru being that in roleplay or in life ,what ever u want to change u can , ive myself changed beacuse ive growned as a person privately dealt with some personal issues i wont adress here we are all humans from bones and flesh and there is good times there is bad times ive overcame both times im standing right now behind every mistake from the past and im saying now sorry for every situation you have to deal with with that nonsense that was happening before is putted a big dot from my perspective i see my wrongs in this space of time i can just say sorry

So let's say you were to be unbanned, what are your plans on what to do, which routes should your characters take etc.?

If i was unbanned i will be truthful about this one i would look to make my character a lowkey person in a bussiness that can operate with no beef or nothing like that , would look to make Roleplay scenes way more then shootouts , more communication with people , less action for sure my mistakes made me lose a lot of friendships and everything that stayed on roleplay.co.uk but im not there so i would not like to compromise that never again . I would pick the most safest option and go way smart about it , i know keeping a low profile can still get me in some roleplay scenarios that can be violent ,but ive grown as a roleplayer and now i can handle it way better , but im still chosing the option to be like a passive criminal beacuse roleplay is way more then just shooting out couple of bullets its dedication and hard work that keep the roleplay fun for both sides of parties i will dedicate my character more to the roleplay essence of bussiness and relationships  between people then on Weapons , Ammo , Shootouts , Gangbanging there is way more to offer then just thinking about stupid outcomes of violence , i really changed and i want to prove this to every singe person doubting me brother ,  building a character is hard but on last server i played i build a persona that never robbed anyone was ,truthful with unusual work etics , kind , it was never boring roleplay beacuse other people were very interested to ingage in roleplay with that kind of person so i learned a lot how i can use some good for my advantage and i realised how roleplay can be outsmarting the other person not just shooting all down .

Anyways best regards im sorry if this is unclear a bit its confusing from top of the mind to explain it but i have a vision defined in this statements , im sorry maybe i cant explain it good beacuse of language barrier but all in all complete opposite of last time . Ego on minimum , straight headed , honest , morals and principles included towards the fairness to others 


That is a very general answer with no details, would like to see something with details, not just "i will take the safest route possible" without event mentioning what your character would do, except for staying out of fight? Do you plan to join any factions or groups?

Currently i dont know the state of factions or groups , to be fair i would look mostly towards Drug rp , so if i get involved with a faction or a group business wise im not saying no , but i dont feel like getting involved fully as a member of any faction or group beacuse im mostly a lone wolf , my bussiness will be priority number one and even when i was before in the city i was more focused on making racks then anything else i was assosiated with a strong group . So basicly i want my character to be this lowkey person that is trapping constantly with good connects and strong moral beliefs wich is important for business these days . I would say i would rather partner up with my old friends like a crew thing for trapping  exclusive, i lost interested in getting into groups and factions beacuse i dont have many more friends left in any groups im sorry if im generalising it a bit but its very hard question i was not in the city for quite long and i dont know what is going around currently , but main things my character would do is drug trade beacuse im very experienced in that matter so i would make good roleplay scenarios business wise for drug distribution ,and for the second question  its very hard to say yes to a group or faction beacuse its constant action and u can slip up easy in the roleplay so in the begining i would look more for a steady start . Main goal is to rack up some money and maybe invest in a firm or something like that can represent me and make a mask for the drug business .  My character had a thing for racing in past i cant forget that one it will be still a routine for my character to race , and beacuse my character liked motorcycles so much in the past i would look to learn skills one day to be a mechanic and have my own shop to fix bikes those are some of my occupations that i would do im sorry again if this is not a good explanation but its very hard to plan the future 


So if you plan to go into drug dealing, what is your plan to make sure you won't get in too many shootouts and conflicts as you mentioned above?

Try to keep it on the lowest level so i dont contest others , to be fair i would risk it everyday i dont have security inside the city so i need to use tactics to be a player from the shadows not so much social and mysterious to be fair would probably try to organise to pay protection and be a shotta on a corner for some faction like i already told you i dont mind having business with the big fishes only the violent part is a big no , my character will try to be a pacifist most of the times and try to use his common sense and communication to pass by hard situations . Even in real life real good dealers dont go drill on people and make madnesses beacuse they want to keep low profile and organize their shit deep thats what im planning to do from A to B to take safest routes , places where i sell to be friendly territory and of course less people know you the better it is for you so i would just basicly try to survive in the cocncrete jungle anonymously and from shadows mostly so i can skip the heat but even if the heat comes as i said i will try to reason always 

So, due to the ammount of rulebreaks by you in a short timeframe, go ahead and list all the rules you got yourself banned for, nlt just this ban, but also the other bans. I need you to quote each of them word for word, then explain each in you own words and explain why that rule is in place.

[SIZE=medium](G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM) - Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.) - Mass RDM is a permanent ban.[/SIZE]

The rule is in place so we actually have interaction with people and deeper storyline before just opening fire , in roleplay the story line is way more important then firing a gun , i didnt realise that at the time , but essential in a good roleplay is to be patient , creative and to create a good story with the second party so basicly we should never shoot with not engaging good with the other party (Beef before the shooting must be on point and the other party must realise they are in danger ) this rule is very important if it was not in place it would look like a civil war inside the city its a big essential in roleplay .

(G2.4) Value of Life - At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands.

Most common rule brake in Fivem communities , but very important rule valuing your life is something that is a must its very unrealistic that we act in every situations like boss material even if we are outnumbered . That doesnt happen in real life putting it like this a scenario if you are getting mugged on the streets and there is 2 muggers with knifes and im barehanded i wont risk my life and dont do what they tell i will try to do their demands and save my life beacuse at the end of the day life is most important and fe should fear for it or it would not have any point it would destroy roleplay so much if this rule was not set and we would see rambos going on super saiyan mode against fractions or groups alone wich is a lot unrealistic so this is very important rule .

Just a little de-tour for a sec, could you send us a screenshot of the ban message you get when trying to join the server?

Of course no problem , here you go Sir ... if its for the question beacuse of bans i hope i didnt forget some i think that should be it, im sorry if i did forget sincerely to be fair .


Alrighty, you know what, i'm willing to give you a chance, but there would be some conditions, if you do get yourself banned over the period of the next 6 months, no matter how small the rule break, it would be a permanent ban, and if said ban would be within the next 3 months, it would be a permanent ban with a 2 month cooldown. Do you agree to that condition?

I fully agree sir , and i hope i wont dissapoint im a man who likes to keep his integrity i want to thank you for the chance you are giving me from the bottom of my hearth ive been speerated from my friends for half a year and more now i cant describe you how happy i am you made my day brother , im going to show the whole community that i wont waste the chance🙂

Ok, let's hope that is true, otherwise if you get banned you return here will not be easy, if possible at all.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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