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Unban Appeal - KillerCurse - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for KillerCurse 

In-game Name: Jack Richards

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199414190553

Ban ID: 82557

Reason given for your ban: | Permanant Ban | G2.4

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: G2.4 NVL for jumping of a cliff in the middle of the RP scene beacuse i felt that the RP situation isnt going anywhere from there to be considered that much high quality RP

Why should we unban you ?: Firstly im gonna put it like this for a man joining the server 1 month ago i got banned only for NVL wich is most common one and it has been always the same party that reported these situations . I never had bad experience with other people in this city except yakuzas others even if they hated me at that particular time had decency to learn me yakuzas never past me the knowledge of roleplaying i was getting constantly pushed to a degree in liasons with them so i act as a dickhead i personally take this too much private sometimes so i get heated . So im gonna explain the situation and basicly how i felt in that RP scene.
My character is getting robbed in front of his house ( SK would be in old samp hard RP servers but ok just flexing a bit old samp knowledge :D ) , basicly im complying and giving 3 robbers what they want the items and money i had at that time , i give them verbal beacuse im being mad that im robbed not the fact that i have something much just RP to have fun ( had like 5k at that point i aint petty about that they can take even more if they want ) then Yakuzas decided beacuse i was giving them slack to kidnapp me ( ok have nothing against it ) they take me to a studio where they tortured me and where forcing me to sing songs ( wich i did and even in the report the member lied that i didnt comply wich wasnt even checked you didnt even ask for footage 5min before or after ) . On top of that all they decided its not just enough that they Robbed me , tortured me , made me sing they wanted more they wanted for me to suffer more at this point i dont see how its realistic to take me to mountaint chilliad with my penis cutted off and force me to walk back to the city imagine that like in real life happening no way like i would be tripping and lossing blood basicly collapsing on the ground would be the end of it tbh . So i feel at this point the RP is not taken serious and i decide to jump off the cliff simple as that my time has not been valued and for that reason i felt like my character from all the shit that he has gone thru can justify it with ending it .
Now private message who came across me knows im a bit complex guy and not a basic persona , so everyone who had past RP with me didnt report and we somehow got to a solution in liasons only Yakuzas asked for liasons so they can bait me mean and wait for me to slip up and act diffrently towards them so they can get a point im saying now i have been banned not perma but time periods all 3 reports where yakuzas so speaking with these mandem never got to a point where they were happy and continued or even that they learned me anything so i think personally people who dont learn u but cause only damage are ones that you need to look out for . I realise now that i made a mistake and unfortunately i cant bring back time but i think perma ban is too harsh for this situation beacuse nobody asked the 2 party is he enjoying all of this ? Are we taking someones time ? Does this guy have a private life , maybe he is in a hurry ? So i can see tought process of yakuzas is basicly like butthurted kids and i dont mind staff that has been banning me for most stupid NVLs i saw in my RP carrer but it is what it is . I can only say who RPs will always make mistakes and mistakes do happen much more then its being reported on daily basis but at the end of the day the person commiting the rule brakes should learn i can tell you now Yakuzas never learnt me anything and their power trip RP is killing the fun so that wasnt fun for BOTH PARTIES how they would say it . I know im bringing a lot to the community for 1 month of playing i have almost 200 hrs so basicly one of the most active players in the community currently its your decision i feel sorry towards the server for rule brake but towards the other party i dont have simpathy .

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

I just wanted to add that i fully complied with robbers , giving my stuff , going to the studio for torture part  so there is no benefit in me dropping from a hill with 0 loot no damage was done to the other party and if you say high quality roleplay and that stuff comes around im just gonna say my guy with wounds , is being  forced to walk to the city 10 minutes after getting his part of the body dismbembered doesnt seem to fit good RP scenario thats the only reason i felt like RP was finished at that point no futher development would be in place to be honest only them mocking it and taking my time so when they say we try to make it fun for the other party well they could done it in many diffrent ways like giving me a shovel to dig my own grave still better then verbally abusing me whole way to the city while i walk in zip ties bleeding from my injuries so there is much more to this then its being presented and there should be 2 sides looked upon always , in this particular scene i didnt feel like RP was going anywhere and i know when robberies are commited IRL nobody does that to victims to be honest for few verbal words maybe torture with fists and verbal abuse too but i think this was taken way out of the proportions what was actually happening beacuse the whole scene is a mess and someone enjoyed the making fun of me but i didnt for sure so the famous words of Yakuzas that they have spoken apply ,, we just want the RP to be funny to both parties ,, so keeping me in zipties for almost 40 mins didnt get them enough grief they wanted to take additional 40 minutes that night for a rp scenario not so important i can see my mistake for jumping off a cliff how that can be NVL ( like it is legit ) but there was so unrealistic scenes in that RP that i wont even wanna mention at this point super unrealistic demands like walking to the city with my penis being cut off but ok its always one sided i wont be putting too much emotions in this i just want to say i enjoy every second of roleplay.co.uk and if i get a chance to come back i will take more serious manners in playing the server i had serious intetions even before as i am new to the server 1 month in i still learn and i will be learning but i just want to make it known for the community and Yakuzas that they didnt learn a single person from the city anything and just rant about petty stuff in reports ofc everyone has the right to report but baiting in liasons aint helping neither side . I want to add i had some nvl in past its the most common rule brake beacuse so much situations happen around NVL in the city i had a scene with Dan the leader of NSC we went discord solved it all so there is good people in the server , explanation how can i resolve with others but not Yakuzas i dont know to be honest . 

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@KillerCurseYou have not provided your ban ID. Please do that first.


So, a few points. First of all, a permanant ban is not too harsh, it follows the fair ban system that has been in place for years. You were banned for a day on 21/11/2022,  banned for 2 days on 29/11/2022 then broke the same rule you had just been unbanned from again on 10/12/2022, netting yourself a permanant ban as you skip a level when repeating the same offence.

You have now been banned 3 times in 20 days. Justify to me why we should let you back given this record, and what you can do in future to prevent this from happening.

Every ban i had was as a newcomer so basicly the last one for NVL is a legit one as i was aware of rules by that point . All bans that i had were reported by same party that never tried really to resolve with me the problem NVL is most common rule brake i feel sorry for my actions but always you look one sided like i didnt write what happened so there was for sure some mistakes by the other party too in the roleplay i had . If i get unbanned i will work even harder to get my RPing to a high level but that is a skill that is being learned every day we play and i think this system just shows that you should give more chances to players beacuse you say i was banned 3 days in period of 20 days im a newbie so i never got taught about city rules like explalnations in real time, so i was learning by myself all and im quite proud of it . I know i deserve suspension for what i did but you need to look the whole situation ( yes i know 2 wrongs dont make it right ) but still the other party had 0 common sense and interest in solving this i bealive i was revenge reported multiple times on this server beacuse im not most loved guy beacuse of my personality that has been implied in my life for years and its hard to get to people when u are like that beacuse half of the time ur being missunderstood , everyone who knows me knows how much i try to roleplay hard so there are some scenes that happen like with Yakuzas where i take shit personal and out of that emotion i do dumb stuff after this perma ban i would never risk my spot on the server ever again but mistakes happen and i bealive that every mistake is a learning ground and not a punishment so you decide yourself should you keep me in the community i will just say that im one of the most actives players currently in the city and 20 days of mine plays aint same like someones else beacuse i have legit 15+hrs in the city per day so its pretty fair to say im addicted . I get it that roleplay.co.uk values high quality roleplay but i just dont feel it with some other players then i rage and dont do it like it should be done (record the poor rp from frustrated guys like yakuzas and just report it after like they are doing ) but i have some codex and i dont report unless its 101% rule brake and i lost something so i expected decency from the staff now to give me a second chance and i will prove everyone on this server that im a serious roleplayer , as far as i saw roleplay from some parties is low level and is considered high quality just using rules as a weapon in their roleplay baiting people who are stupid enough to let their emotions get best of them like i did so i will just say this what ever you decided i had a good time with my friends from the city so basicly if this is the last of Jack i wish everyone from the city all the best and i want to say what ever i said to anyone i was always taking the piss and just having fun it was never too deep so this is it from me greetings to rp.co.uk community it was a nice ride 🙂

the last one for NVL is a legit one as i was aware of rules by that point
All bans were legitimate, your lack of rule knowledge does not make them not so.

i bealive i was revenge reported multiple times on this server
Interesting you bring this up. Tell me about your latest report against Drex that you initiated because someone left your group as a result of his actions.

I would also like to know about your recent message to a Staff Lead, and what happened there.

All bans were legitimate, your lack of rule knowledge does not make them not so.

Nobody says they are not , i just say as a newcomer getting reported over petty stuff can be frustrating , still doesnt make it right but there should be some more understanding xD 

Interesting you bring this up. Tell me about your latest report against Drex that you initiated because someone left your group as a result of his actions.

I would also like to know about your recent message to a Staff Lead, and what happened there.

Report against Drex pure no knowledge that i cant report after 24 h , revenge report i dont think so there was nothing personal there just the loss of weapons and member in organisation it happened by time so how the scenario went thats how the report came up when u lose stuff in this city beacuse of someones actions i think at least you should report at that particular time i didnt know even revenge reporting existed so calm down beacuse u are talking to a guy who is 1 month in the city not 1 year .

To adress this recent message to Staff Lead i never had any vulgar messages on forum only heated up liasons so i dont know where u coming from with this and why you dont resolve my matter about the unban only message i sent was to you to say that i feel stupid getting a perma ban on this server wich is true i feel stupid i think rule brakes happen when people just take it too way personal and decide to do dumb stuff thats it .

Im just gonna say it simple my mindset was not right for this server i was just a grinder , now when situations happened in 1 month i realise spot on the server is far more important then few petty glocks or something you can grind in few hours so i know for myself how im gonna be acting in the future its up to you to decide who you want in your community so be truthful about the whole thing tell me your decision im just putting my point of view across this server is specific and unlike any other i played so its harder to grasp some thing YES the rules are written in the forum and i can tell you there are no examples in the rules so in theory many stuff can apply to a rule brake but in scenarios half of them are tricky and you need to play your cards right so its not so simple system for newcomers i know you have this community for years but at least understand when someone is genuenly in the wrong and he  realised it i said that i bealive that it was a RR beacuse first time that i had interactions with Yakuzas they had multiple sorry and yet still decided to report that wasnt considered a revenge report but you bring up Drex i can see we have a issue here more about me then others . Im gonna be a man and just say im sorry for my actions its up to you now to decide does this person deserve a second chance .

I dont say im right here and you are in the wrong im just asking for little understanding that 1 month is not sometimes enough for people im not a native speaker and im still learning about the server , there is people who are gonna teach you about your mistakes or confront you i had multiple scenes with people some tought me something some reported me at the end of the day i enjoyed every second of rp.co.uk and i just want to make that clear beacuse i dont like the narrative thats being pushed this is roleplay i have daily 20 scenes for RP how much i play, in 1 scene there can be frustration and a lot of missunderstanding happening so im just saying that there should be more realistic view on this that its just part of the learning process like it is legit . 

Talking about the last scene i read in the ooc chat that time wasting is bannable too so from that knowledge i didnt see the RP continuing with Yakuzas i was robbed , forced to sing and tortured already so making me walk back to the city with fatal injuries seemed unrealistic thats why i ended the RP and didnt feel it . I would not jump off the cliff if i knew it was a rule brake instead i would record the situation and it would be totaly diffent scenario and thats what i have to say nothing more except i feel sorry for my actions on the server but still i feel like im being missunderstood always in these forums two wrongs dont make it right i know i made a mistake end of the story .

Plus lets say this if the other party wanted so hard to RP with me they could escorted me so i dont run off in the wilderness , second they could take me again when i jumped and took me to the vet and continue the scene explaining to me that suicide is not valued so much in the city and that we should continue they decided to bait me in liason again joining 3 members of organisation when i speak with someone in liason i always go alone so i felt even pressured . No knowledge was past on to me just pure hate like im hitler even worse , there was no damage done 0 loot on me so basicly the only thing that i destroyed for these lot is the fact that they could not laugh at me thats the only pleasure i took away and i feel like High Quality Roleplay is more then few laughs to a guy who was ziptied (personal opinion) so there could be more brutal scenes like maybe passing me a shovel and making me dig my own grave lets say let me pray for 1minute and just put the bullet in my head and ditch the body sounds like a good scenario to me so yea im not being neglectful about my actions but i feel like the whole scene is a mess and nobody talks about it instead we talk about other people outside of this case . Again im saying what i did IS WRONG but there should be more understanding for it beacuse i have not mastered the RP skills yet and i still think i deserve a chance to have that option avaliable .

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so calm down beacuse u are talking to a guy who is 1 month in the city not 1 year .
why you dont resolve my matter about the unban only message i sent was to you
i feel sorry for my actions but always you look one sided
So i can see tought process of yakuzas is basicly like butthurted kids
yet still decided to report that wasnt considered a revenge report but you bring up Drex i can see we have a issue here more about me then others .
I would not jump off the cliff if i knew it was a rule brake
Your attitude here is terrible, and you are continuously blaming others for your own actions. It has been 20 days and you have had 3 bans, that is not the norm, no matter how new you are. I get that you're new, you're bound to make mistakes, but the rules that you are breaking are absolutely black and white.

You have broken the same rule twice within those 20 days and haven't seemed to learn from your mistakes. No-one is saying you cannot come from this ban but if this is the attitude that you hold towards it, I don't see much chance of your return.

You have had plenty of opportunities to raise these issues that you have stated multiple times to staff, but haven't so blaming them for your own actions really isn't helping here, and saying that staff are corrupt in DMs to staff leads and complaining that we're biased against you in your unban appeal works against you even more.

There's a lot more I could say and question in this appeal but with your current mindset, it is not something I feel is tenable.

So, with the above said, here's where you go from here. You now have the opportunity to make another appeal. In your new appeal, I don't want to see you passing the blame to others, nor blaming staff for your own actions or the concequences of said actions. Come to the appeal with a new attitude and admit that you did wrong, and it may go more in your favour.


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