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Unban Appeal - Kable420 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Kable420 

In-game Name: karl davis

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198848955901

Ban ID: !!rpuk8996!!

Reason given for your ban: G1.1 / G1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for running over another player and breaking another important rule within the probation period i was given after my first breach. Rather than pulling in and resolving the situation, i rode off laughing breaking the vdm rule and just as importantly, ruining another players rp experience

Why should we unban you ?: i now know that breaking the rules like i did completely ruins rp , im also very remorseful for what i did , not because i was caught and banned but because i probably ruined a priceless experience for another player who was playing in a respectful manner and they will now never know how that story could have played out. i can fully assure you that immature actions like the ones i took in the past will most definitely never happen again if i was to be allowed back into the city. i was very new to rp when i was banned from here as this was my first city , i have learned a lot in other serious rp servers since being banned from this one and i have not been banned from any of these due to now fully understanding rp and not just reading the rules and winging it.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Why did you decide to run over a crowd of people, then drive off laughing?

My head was a mess at the time due to grieving , drinking and depression , decision making wasn't a strong point for me when i was banned or even in the weeks prior as what had happened to our family irl was still quite raw. I used rpuk as my escape from reality , but i let my irl problems interfere with my gaming. I was definatley drinking the night in question and i didnt care about anyone else having fun but me, so when i hit the group of people outside the police station, like a prick i laughed and rode away . At the time i didnt see that other people could have been going through bad shit irl , also coming here for an escape from there troubles. i do see this now and i am truly sorry to everyone this effected , i have since got professional help with my issues and i have everything under control.


You used RPUK as an escape from your reality but broke these rules deliberately which would've meant you would've been banned. Sorry but I don't believe you.

sorry if you feel that way but its not something im bullshitting about , i was getting hammered while playing to forget about what had happened and because of that i behaved like a dick to which i fully hold my hands up. i am genuine in what i am saying though Liam, i have friends in this server that i have known for 20 plus years and both of my brothers . im not going to try and get back in just to go and fuck it up again 

Sort out your IRL stuff as it always comes first. Then try again.


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