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Unban Appeal - JuanNUmbahJUan - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Unban Appeal for JuanNUmbahJUan 

In-game Name: Juan Vaffanculo

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198991628960

Ban ID: !!rpuk8775!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2, C1.7

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I know I was banned for abusing a glitch with the mechanic towtrucks, I stacked them on top of each other in order to gain an advantage of more storage than I should have (1250) while extra storage was one reason for doing it, also i did it for the fun side for me, which was not okay in anyway. Obviously with the nearly year long ban that i was rightfully given, I have had time to think about why this is not the correct way to have fun and why it was such a stupid decision.

Why should we unban you ?: C1.7 common sense tell me i know this is wrong, especially now and its obviously impossible to stack that many trucks and drive them at the same time since it would never be able to drive, I will definitely not do this or similar again.
C2.2 also as @siren told me that the ban would happen, cause it was an exploit. This is extra reassurance to me that I won't do anything like that again and will use common sense to think things through before doing something which may be an exploit for future

Also i have come to the conclusion if needed that my items can/could be resetted/seized if staff are thinking it is necessery since i have used the exploit of the mechanic trucks to get an unfair advantage

Apart of that.
even tho i was very sad after my last appeal got denied and didnt wanted to reappeal since my last one, people of the server have begged me to reapply over and over again since i was a big part of their daily routine and they have had a lot of fun with me and tell me how they miss me.
some of them even wanted to start a petition but i thougt i would even worsen my ability to reapply again
even tho i have done some silly stuff in my past id like to retry to being a part of the server again as i feel i have always been fun for a lot of people and always bring the good vibe when being in the city and i will keep on doing that if i were to be unbanned.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Just why....

Games aren't fun if you're trying to Min Max everything for an advantage. Not only did it look stupid stacking 6-8 Tow trucks on top of one another for extra storage space its also very unfair for those in the mines and puts them at a disadvantage.

Do the following;

  • Quote the rule you broke
  • Explain it in your own words
  • Explain why we have it in place
  • Explain why you wanted to gain an advantage over others
For the first point:

(C1.7) Common Sense - As a Roleplay game, every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things simply come down to common sense.

(C2.2) Exploiting - Using or attempting to use any exploits in any of our community game servers such as but not limited to duplication of items or money, transferring/processing items through walls and windows or bypassing intended animations. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not get abused in the future.

For the seccond:


In a roleplay game many things are based on reality (of course not everything is possible to be detailed as in the real world) but we have to comply and try to take over the  common sense rule to have a fair game.(roleplay experience.)
In my current case i descirbe that i broke the common sense rule firstly, by stacking up that many trucks (that would /could collide /fall at any given moment and cause death arround it.) seccondly i have  even drove it off the mechanic/ towing area. besides of that also it would never be mechanicly (engine wise) be possble to pull that many trucks anyway.


Expoliting, trying to exploit or useing a exploit in any of the games supported by rpuk, will be punished by a perm ban without appeal, if i do discover an exploit no body knows of i shall report it to a staff member in a closed manner (by a discord ticket/dm if i have ever dmed a staff member who is willing to talk to me etc.)
following things will be seen as expoliting in the current point of view:
Duplication of item or and money,
Processing and or transfering items through walls, windows or by beeing in a diffrent place that is usualy not intendet to process/ mine /gather items through/from.
Bypassing animations by any action /keybinds/ragdoll whatsoever.

For the Third :

The common sense rule is there because not all rules can be enforced at the scene of the RP situation by staff/admins (late at night perhaps) and in terms of what is meant by common sense in relation to the server is that we wouldn't do things on the server that we just genuinely wouldn't/couldn't do in real life.
My own case being the perfect example, how could you stack 10 trucks on top of each other and furthermore, drive the one at the bottom carrying the rest, its simply common sense that something like that couldn't/shouldn't happen in the city.
I honestly feel so stupid because I did this, I loved playing on the server so much only to be banned for doing something incredibly stupid. I'll think twice before doing anything like that if I was ever to be back in the city again. 

The exploiting rule is in place so that players on the server cannot gain an advantage against other players e.g. those who are working legally/normally, stacking multiple trucks for extra capacity or even a combat situation. The server is an RP server so it should be played out more according to real life than the likes of GTA online. Also I'd like to state that exploiting could even interrupt the economy of the server, which would be doing an injustice to players who possibly spent a long time working by the book/legally to build their wealth. In my own case I honestly wasn't wishing to do any of this as again it wasn't in my original intentions and I really regret doing it.

The fourth:

I admit the fact that I did use it for the massive amount of storage in each of the trucks that were stacked on one another but I did do it originally because I thought it would've looked cool, I know this was very immature of me at the time and believe me it was genuinely a spontaneous moment of stupidity but I assure you I didn't do this to exploit/gain a advantage at first, it just came into my mind after I did it stupidly.
Not only was this a bad idea in terms of storage but most importantly it doesn't make sense in a RP setting, this is another thing I've thought long on and will never do again.
More than ever I realize now that it was a big mistake because although others do tend to goof around on the server, there is certain limits that shouldn't be passed and I clearly did that for which I'm very sorry because all I've really ever wanted to do the past year is come into the city and see all of my old friends again as I did this everyday whenever I was allowed to play on RPUK.
This year out has definitely taught me a lesson and I'll never cross those lines again if I do get the chance to come back.
I 100% did not want to gain a tactical advantage at first, I was alone at the mines/towing area and I honestly had a moment of sheer foolishness and I didn't truly think out my actions at that time. I know this may not appear to be the case to some but I'm telling the truth on this matter and I feel that's the best thing to do.

There will be some assets removed from your character if this appeal is to be successful due to the severity of your rule break and due to the fact that when you were told to not continue breaking the rule, you continued. Do you agree to the terms?

Yes, I 100% agree with your terms and I agree that it's a fair punishment as I did break the rules. I am extremely grateful for this and I appreciate you all taking your time to look at my appeal and assess it like you have. Thank you

This is being put on hold to investigate into further, be patient please.

Thats completely understandable and thank you again for taking the time to look at my appeal, I really appreciate it, I look forward to seeing your reply

How much money have you made from this exploit?

Now, I'd be very honest about your next reply. I have the evidence of this on my other monitor, but I want to see if you'll be honest and tell us exactly what we need to hear. Whatever you say, will depend of where this appeal goes...

From this exploit I made zero money because that was the first and only time I did that and I didn't sell any of the items gained as I was banned in the act of mining/bringing the items to the trucks, I might have saved between 5 - 15k on fuel but again I sold nothing at that point nor did I bring any of the harvested items to their designated point and if I was to sell those items at that time, I would've made 337k + ( 5 - 15k saved on fuel expenses).

Being completely honest, I did not calculate a single penny of how much I would've been saving AT THAT TIME because as I stated in earlier replies, this was a spontaneous act of stupidity and it wasn't done to save money but because you've asked me, I have done the calculations now and put them in the paragraph above for you to read and that is 100% how much I think I would've been getting had I sold my harvested materials from the mines and the money saved on fuel by stacking those trucks in my opinion was about 5 - 15k... Again I would like to state that I didn't calculate any of this at the time as it wasn't anywhere near my first intention and these calculations now are being done almost 1 year later from my memory so if I'm off by a few thousand or so, there is that to keep in mind.

What about the mining materials that you sold to another player on the 09/05/2022 for £640,000, 11 days prior to your ban?

I cant really remember since it has been quite some time besides of that i only sold my materials mostly to The lost. 
I sold bits and pieces to a friend i had who never gave me that ammount of money for the small ammount he needed. 
Than i sold sometimes a little bit of lithium to Auto exotic and sometimes i sold my diamonds at the taxi place.   
The only reason i sold at that time must have been that i have made preperations for my birthday on the 11th of may and wanted to have a little party at the gallery even if only some people would have come       
I cant remember anything else that happened at that time if that is still not right i could only see it through my phone messages. but that is not possible for me. If you like to maybe u can help me remembering trough my phone messages... (if it is necessary )       

But if you want to count that 640k in into my "to be removed assets" aswell i have no problem with it. 🙂

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The 640k is and has already been and gone into another players account. We're going to wipe your character clean of all assets due to the severity of the exploit, and the money that you could've and did make from this exploit.

Wipe Pending

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Wipe completed

Wipe has been completed on Juan Vaffanculo, You still retain all RP knowledge and experiences just that you have 0 assets.

Your record is quite poor as it stands right now, and I understand that you've been away for quite some time due to this ban. However, I am willing to give you a chance to return although all I need from you is to be on the straight and narrow course now. Please re-read all the rules as we have had some changes since you were last here.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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