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Unban Appeal - JordaNunban123 - Altis Life

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Unban Appeal for JordaNunban123 

In-game Name: ket.JordaN

Server: Altis Life

Steam ID: 76561198138122404

The date you got banned: 10/17/18

Member of the team that banned you: No Idea

Reason given for your ban: 1.6

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was blanket banned as I was the leader of the gang Ket.

Why should we unban you ?: Its been nearly 2 and a bit years since my ban I havent played PC since then tbh. Had a break from PC and went over to PS4, I've come back now with a chance to play on the server with some old friends again. Would like to appologise for my actions all that time ago and can't even remember if I was involved at all with the reasoning behind the blanket ban apart from being the leader.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @JordaNunban123

Your 1.6 was not just for that! Think back, what did you do in your last moments on this server?

I do recall being very immature on the last few moments and I appolgise for that, I took a massive break after it and I've thought about what I've done and I should know a lot better I think I was just trying to show off or follow like a sheep with everyone else and what they were doing.

Immaturity is the least of my concerns. I am more concerned by the abuse to staff members. Also does the name "Digga D" ring any bells?

I think I might have played under that name actually and might of made some horrible remarks towards the staff members. I do sincerly appologise for them and will personally try to resolve it with whoever the staff member was if I insulted him.

I'm just looking for a second chance to prove the ban was a one off and start with a clean slate on the server with no grudges or enemies on the server.

A one off? So when you were involved in mass rdm, then proceeded to mock a staff member who was trying to give you a chance, then started calling him racist names, then went on to ban evade. That was all just a one off? not to mention your previous 3 bans before that. This is not looking like a one off to me.

I never once ban evaded my brother played the server too and we both played at the same time logs will prove that. Yes I did RDM and that was immature and stupid but never once ban evaded. I may or made a sly racist remark but I’m not a racist what so ever it was just a childish remark and I apologise again for that.

Also for the 3 previous bans I don’t recall that whatsoever.


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So with you now up to speed with the reasons that you are actually banned for.

I'll ask it again, why should we give you another chance?

I think I should be given another chance as when that happened 2 years ago I was just acting very stupid and wanted to get a laugh from a lot of people. Now I’d like to say I am more mature and I’ve learned that doing things like that is not worth it nor funny at all. I haven’t played Arma 3 since then properly and would love a chance to join the servers again and interact with the community.

Again I’ve apologised in my other comments but would just like again to say I am sincerely sorry for the remarks, behaviour and inconvenience I caused to not only to the staff but the whole server who was on at that time.

After looking around and doing a bit of digging, I have found that you are banned elsewhere for scripting. So, no thanks!


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