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Unban Appeal - JordanDMK - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Unban Appeal for JordanDMK 

In-game Name: Jim Daniels

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198033002783

Ban ID: ||rpuk12166||

Reason given for your ban: C2.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for holding a cop at knife point and telling him to empty his pockets into the boot of a car.

Why should we unban you ?: In my defence the cop dropped his pockets on the floor, I was confused but assumed there might have been a reason and did not attack him for not following my commands. I can now see the obvious how this is a exploit but at the time it didn't cross my mind. I personally didn't gain anything from this nor was the server exploited in this incident, I was fortunate enough the officer dropped his things on the floor which prevented this.

I have been having a lot of fun recenetly with Jim Daniels recent adventures, we have provided some great RP to other people aswell. I feel without me the group would disperse and the effort of everything is lost. I would like to continue to try and provide unique and quality rp to all the members of this community.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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As the leader of your group,

Are you not the example the group follow?
With the plans you have for the group I would've expected the rules to have been read and the warnings passed on.
Particularly about breaking character.
I'm so disappointed to see you here.

What will you do IF we let you back to make sure this never happens for ANY rule again?​
Hi PsianaRama, 

Thank you for being the one who has taken the time to read and reply to my post. I feel I owe you a apology as you showed interest in "The Occult" I'm sorry. 

I'll admit I should have probably been harder on the group to knock in the rules, I tried multiple methods to make them stop for example we implemented a Strike system (1,2,3 strikes and your out) That felt useless for these people so then we implemented a fine system (You break a rule you donate to the church) but they either never had money or never paid the fine, we kicked multiple people to try and clean it up. 

This doesn't excuse me from what I did, I feel lucky that the server wasn't exploited but obviously it was not right what I asked the officer to do. As I said "I can now see the obvious how this is a exploit but at the time it didn't cross my mind." I should've ran the plan by someone in hinsight. 

"What will you do IF we let you back to make sure this never happens for ANY rule again?"

Thats the big question and to be completely honest with you, I've done nothing but plan, plot and think about all different things I can do if I ever get let back in again, I have been schemeing with James and some friends. 

So to answer your question, I believe "The Occult" will wash away, it has a damaged reputation which hurts considering I really wanted something great out of it. I am considering more legal businesses, My friend's have been talking to solicitors in the city to find what we can do and how we can do it. I think we are all really ambitious for starting something new, even though I am being extremely hopeful I still enjoy trying to imagine what we can do and how to do it. 

I hope this answers your question, please feel free to ask me anything, I don't have anything to hide.

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Quote the rule you broke

Explain it in your own words

Explain why we have it in place

Firstly I want to apologise for any spelling or grammar errors as I am writing this from my phone.

The rule quoted is as follows:

(C2.2) Exploiting - Using or attempting to use any exploits in any of our community game servers such as but not limited to duplication of items or money, transferring/processing items through walls and windows or bypassing intended animations. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not get abused in the future.

How I interpret this rule:

Exploiting the server for personal or any other gain is not allowed, this can be from trying to bypass certain animations or interactions to bypassing server coding. Duplicating or seeing things that you shouldn't are considered exploiting. If a exploit is found it should be reported immediately and discretely to a member of staff. You should not share exploits with the members of the community  or expose them if you come across them. Failure to follow this rule is punishable with a permanent ban without appeal.

Why this rule is in place:

This rule is in place to prevent individuals from gaining a unfair advantage on others. This rule keeps the server economy balanced and fair for everyone. If this rule is broken it could put rp businesses at risk, for example if items were duplicated it would ruin the current cost of them. This rule is not only limited to financial balancing but also tactical balancing, if people were to duplicate cars, guns ect it can put people at a unfair advantage to others which leads to one sided rp meaning it isn't fun for the party who hasent taken advantage of a exploit. 

After a lot of thinking with the time I've had away from the server, besides the obvious rules such as no RDM ect, I would consider C2.2 the rule that makes this server stand out the most from others. The server has a great community but without this rule it would cause anarchy. This rule is what keeps the server balanced and fair for everyone. Nobody has a massive advantage over somebody else, the only thing that makes you better in the city is the time you spend in it and the connections you make being in it, that's the only time you might know something that someone else doesn't. Rp doesn't get better than that, learning things you didn't even know existed.

Sorry if I've gotten a bit off track with Why I feel this rule is there and why I think it's crucial to the server. 

Okay @JordanDMK

You seem to understand the severity of your rulebreak and why that rule is in place. I am willing to give you another chance, don't mess it up. Any rulebreaks within the next 6 months you will be back to a permanent ban in which you will have to appeal. Dont let me see you back here


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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