Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Alfred Stevenson
Steam ID: 76561198353225373
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19420
Ban Reason: PEGI
Why do you think you were banned: The reason I'm banned is I was at work and my little brother sneaked onto my pc when I was at work. I've come home and tried to get onto the server and I've got a permanent ban. I told my brother who is 15, I told him he needs to be 18+. But he done this whilst I was at work.
Why should we unban you: I should be unbanned because I've had a lot of hours playing this server, and one time I left my PC to go work my brother gets me banned and it wasn't me. I'm 21 and I can prove I'm 21. He used my other character Alfred Stevenson but I mainly use my character Ivan Roberto. I've been loving this server and I really don't want to get banned for something I didn't do. I've now changed my PC passport so NO ONE can go on my pc again. Again I can prove I'm 21 and I'm sorry this situation has happened. Please give me a chance to prove I'm over 18 and give me a chance to play the server I love. Thank you
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes