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Unban Appeal - Johnny Riggs - GTA RP

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Johnny Riggs

Unban Appeal for Johnny Riggs 

In-game Name: Johnny Riggs

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199126944882

Ban ID: !!rpuk6287!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i was banned because i helped a friend transfer money between characters.

Why should we unban you ?: I helped a friend of mine within City to transfer money From character to character (Drey Grey) I knew fully that it might involve Going against GTA Server Rules and i can honestly say i am very sorry and I'm an idiot for doing so i have never been in trouble within this community and should of thought better to myself unfortunately it was a spur of the moment from both of us, I cant be sorry enough to everyone on this community and i feel embarrassed to be honest. What ever needs to happen with characters and such is welcomed and deserved, I can assure you it will never happen again.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

To Stop people becoming warlords over night, Obviously making characters rich can harm the economy of the server when everyone else is working hard to earn there place within the server.

@Johnny RiggsPlease can you find and quote the rule.

Also, did it not seem like you were cheating the game at the time when you were transfering stuff across?

(G2.9) Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method. 

No sir at the time it did not as i was only trying to help a friend now thinking back it was totally stupid of me to even Consider it.

Hello @Johnny Riggs ,

I am not convinced whatsoever.

I see that the fellow staff members asking you question so far are really trying to steer you into the right direction, yet I still see minimal to no effort whatsoever in your responses and the appeal itself.

I will give you another chance:

Please quote me the server rule you broke and explain in your own words why we have this rule in place

Don't come with the "At the time I did not think it was bad" excuse, that will not get you anywhere.

(G2.9) Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.

Sorry i didnt mean for the short answers I am not sure what to say really not really good with these of things, Transferring money between characters is highly unallowed due to the fact your getting an advantage over new players and Basically cheating Unfortunately at the time i was not thinking of what i was doing and i do apologize sincerely this is my first time here and my last, With that being said With (G2.9) in place its basically cheating the system and i understand that now to the fullest and if you want me to be blunt its kind of shit if im being honest.

Moving forward here, regardless of outcome. How are we suppose to trust you to play here when you have quite openly admitted that you have helped someone cheat the system to get money?

well its like this I have been in the community for awaile now and have not been reported ever or even have a mishap ever till now, I always try my best to have a good time within the city and everyone else that is with me, I know its a bad rule to break the one time i do break one but i can promise you now that it will never happen again, I do not want this to define me as a Roleplayer within this community because i should of known better and i am deeply saddened by this if im been honest, obviously cheating is a serious thing nowadays and i do not like them myself when im playing other games and can only imagine how you all feel when something trys to cheat on your server and for that i am sorry.

@Johnny RiggsYou have been unbanned however we have set your bank balance to £0 and wiped your inventory. Please refresh yourself on the rules before connecting to the server.

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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