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Unban Appeal - jhonny cox - GTA RP

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jhonny cox


Server: GTA RP
Character Name: jhonny cox
Steam ID: 76561199645322242
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18004
Ban Reason: c2.3
Why do you think you were banned: combatlog
Why should we unban you: hiya hope all is well i just want to start off with apologising to the staff i know ive been a nuisances with all the tickets and i apologise my mental health has been not great the past few months as a close friend has passed but i was starting to feel better because of 5m but i think that was just my brain trying to ignore what happend u have now started medication to help with my health and want to apologise again for the hassle ive brought on the community .
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
You deleted your old appeal, are you wanting to return or not?
Hiya thankyou for the reply Yes I deleted because I realised I needed a break I would like to return to the community if you would allow me to
Your totally right mate and it’s very confusing but with now taking my medication it has allowed me to start feeling right again have also linked them both
But this is a contradiction, is it not?

You've just stated that you needed a break, and as such you deleted your appeal. It's been 3 days, and you're back.

Are you calling deleting your appeal, waiting 3 days and having to start a whole new appeal from scratch again a break?
Hello hope all is well and yes while it has only been 3 days its and it may not seem a long time but this has allowed me to reflect on my actions towards everything and I hope my mistakes can be forgiven so I can come back to the community and give great rp
Hello @jhonny cox .

The ideal process when someone is banned is the following:
  • Player is banned.
  • Player reads up on the unban appeal process, then makes an appeal.
  • Staff reply when they reply.A conversation is then had between staff and the banned player.
    • This may take days, weeks, or months in some extreme cases...
  • Staff decide on a verdict, the player is either sent away or welcomed back into the community.
In your case, this process looks like this...
  • 16/07 - You were banned for combat logging.
  • 16/07 - You opened a ticket trying to appeal your ban, you got told to go to the forums.
  • 17/07 - You opened an appeal, and were hit with the standard month cooldown for C2.3 bans.
  • 17/07 - You opened another ticket right after your appeal was denied.
  • 18/07 - You opened a third ticket,giving some info in the steps leading up to your ban.
    • I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and removed your ban cooldown, an action that I'm now regretting...
  • 18/07 - You opened another appeal, bumped it twice, then made a ticket basically asking why it hadn't been looked at, then you DM'd a staff member, then you deleted the entire appeal.
  • 27/07 - Now you've made a third appeal stating that you've changed?
You've made a lot of unnecessary work that was not needed for staff - all because you fail to understand the proper procedures and processes we have in place for unban appeals.

I realised I needed a break

I agree, but three days is not sufficient. I'm re-instating your original ban cooldown. Do not appeal until 16/08/2024.

I'll make my final point painfully clear - do not open any more ticket into this, you don't need to know anything further then what is stated here. If you do open a ticket, or do anything that may be perceived as trying to pry into/question your ban, then I'll add another month until you can appeal.

Appeal Declined - no further appeals until 16/08/2024
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