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Unban Appeal - Jerry Johnson - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Jerry Johnson 

In-game Name: Jerry Johnson

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198272163725

Ban ID:4213

Reason given for your ban: Didn't say

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: The reason for my Ban including the rule broken is not clear when I try to connect to the server. I have attempted to take this to Teamspeak/Discord as directed by my ban "Speak to admins". After doing this and patiently waiting I have been directed to raise an unban appeal on the forums.
In order to properly appeal by ban I would like some further information on the reason for my ban, The rule that was broken and how this conclusion was reached. This would then enable me to properly form an appeal and address any concerns or issue in the correct manner.

Why should we unban you ?: Un-sure if it is made clear what has been broken I will understand fully.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Alright Jerry, here we go, apologies for such delay on your case. We have been looking at your case for a while now and have found some stuff that have been different to what you have told us / claimed, therefore we do know you did some stuff. That being said the decision was made and is as follow.

Your account will recieve a full wipe meaning all your characters and their assets will be deleted prior to you being unbanned so no more Jerry Johnson the rep he had or the name he made for himself in the city, money, cars, house, anythign else you might have had on any other character. After that is done an unban will take place. Fair warning though if you do ever repeat anything of the sort in the future from that point on there will be no returning back to this community.

The wipe of your account has been requested and once it's completed you will be informed here of the unban. Thanks for your patience.

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Thank you so much this is amazing news for me to hear i cant wait to start fresh and get back into the city thank you everyone who looked over this report I really appreciate. F for Jerry Johnson but its worth it to just be back thank you so much.

In light of the information at hand, the appeal and the decision to unban is reverted.

We have a zero tolerance on cheaters and the call i made on letting you get unbanned was a mistake.


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