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Unban Appeal - JCVG - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: vincent gambino
Steam ID: 76561199205293798
Ban ID (just the numbers): 15656
Ban Reason: G4.4 G1.5
Why do you think you were banned: Hey so this was close to a year ago so I may be off a thing but I have just took some time to read over mm original appeal so I am able to give the most full detailed appeal so I'm pretty sure I have got the full event details to the T.

I was banned for 2 things.

The first being I had been downed from a event with the police and during my time in the downed position I had not roleplayed my injury's to a high enough standard and was just speaking in a normal voice as if nothing had happened witch was clearly not the case.

The second even that had caused the ban to put on me was as a result of me was after the whole even had unfolded and some time on the floor i had force respawned when the situation was on going.
Why should we unban you: So I do want to start this appeal with a couple of things as I have been at this appeal page more times that I care to admit.

First I want to say to whoever is reading this I hope you had a nice new years and are having a good day.

I am very much aware of my checkerd past within this appeal page of RPUK. So that even the staff just taking there time out of there day to take a read and look into my appeal is very much appreciated. I do understand that the appeals for the bans is the lowest point of priority and again I am grateful to have mine looked over.

As stated at the the beginning it has been close to a year since the ban had been placed on my account. now since that has happened I had slowly strained from even playing anything FIVEM related. For I believe a short while a had looked into some other servers but nothing really did it for me so eventually I had just quit fiveM as a whole.

During this time away I have defiantly had a long break and able to take a step back and just look at the bigger picture of roleplay and what it is and how it should be represented in game. Me picking and chosen when to be into character was defiantly something that should not be acceptable and I do understand why.

First of all it should be took into account that what i do and how in a roleplay setting can affect the other people who are trying to have a goof time and make a fun situation for everybody involved and for the fact that what I had did and possibly ruined the emersion for some others is a regret and i want to say i am truly sorry for that to the staff team and also to the police of rpuk who don't deserve that as there roleplay is always on point!

I understand that my ban history is defiantly not a good one so I know this might be hard to believe but I do want to say something.

I do believe as a whole of my experience other than my bans I was someone who was actually good at giving some good levels of roleplay to the members of the community. It was always in belief that there was defiantly some times that I had got to be very creative with my roleplay and give a very entertain time for those who had come to be involved on the receiving end of my roleplay .

I also want to propose something to the staff to prove I'm dedicated to being a member of the community and prove I have changed.

If given the chance to come back I'm willingly open and saying any little slip up the staff catch me on would result on a ban that I could be placed on indefinitely and never allowed to come back. I do hope this proves to that staff how serious I am and not just saying what you want to hear.

Have a good day 😊
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Since it's my birthday and I'm feeling nice,

Go on, tell me about you providing positive roleplay experiences.
Put some clips in if you like.

I want to see your favorite moments and the level of rp you can provide.
Hey thanks for the reply i really do hope you have had a nice birthday.

So when I had my first pc I I used to play RPUK or just any game in general it was a very bad pc. I had like played 200 pounds for it on Facebook market place so it was always hard to find a clipping software that I could run that would allow me to play the game and clip at the same time. I had tried medal obs even using the in built system and it was a case by case day if my clips would work so unfortunate I don't really have many clips able to provide but I will defiantly go into as much detail as I can.

Through out my time on rpuk i have always been very dedicated to make the roleplay that I provide as unique as possible and as fun as possible, I'm aware I have had slip ups and I'm not going to hide from them and I accept I have made mistakes but i don't want my representation of my ability to roleplay to be judged on them.

I have had two different characters that i have actually spent a bit of time on roleplaying different types of scenes out. I'm not someone who has just spend time wanting to run round the server and wanting to shoot people.

at one point i had took around a 3 month break and was working part time in one of the dealerships and can confidently say I had no violent sort of roleplay in that time. I always loved meeting the different type of people that would come into check out cars and making them feel comfortable within the establishment and not just saying the same thing to each individual that came through the doors to try make money, there was even about 5 occasions that I had met some new people to the city and would buy them a small started car for around 150k to make them feel welcome and show the good sides to the city and that was something I had truly enjoyed.

also another thing I had to come to enjoy over time was my interactions with the NHS. now a lot of people would go down and go straight into the bed but something i personally was a fan of and come to really see how far I could take the rp was the one on one roleplay with a actually NHS player. even the little interactions after were we would roleplay the advice to give after being let out of hospital and the meds to take and even a couple occasions to go back and check with the doctor.

The police station after being arrested I think was actually very enjoyable for both partys involved as long as it was pure. what i mean is there are times people can be arrested and just complain the whole time and then they wonder why the rp giveing back is so hostile towards them. I had learned very quick in my time on the server that if you make it fun for the people you are involved with you will always bee giving good and fun roleplay back and that's something i have always tried to do. even when i would been sent to prison, now a lot of people will clean tables and just go but I would hope that there is G6 up there so i could have some good and fun interactions.

From going to court for my self or to support a friend or to being a mechanic or taxi driver to mining and smelting to even going to somewhere like tire nuts or ae I have allways tried to make the rp i provide the most enjoyable and try to explore as many avenues of rp that i find interesting as I can.

I do hope you can see my intentions are pure and am giving one final chance to prove it and if so I will not let you down.

Again happy bday and if another member of staff reads i do hope your having a good day
Good afternoon @JCVG

I hope all is well?

This doesn't actually answer the question, please answer the question

"Tell me about you providing positive roleplay experiences.
Put some clips in if you like.

I want to see your favourite moments and the level of rp you can provide."
Hey thanks for the reply.

my apologies if this was the not the type of answer you was looking for that my fault for miss understanding the question I'm going to try answer to the best of my ability of what you have asked of me.

As I stated I don't actually have any fiveM clips to show but I will go into as much detail as possibly can for you

So as I have stated before I am very much aware of my past history with bans but I really do hope to prove to you that ultimately that's not how I represent my self in roleplay. for around 70 precent of my time that I have actively played the server I have been on crim. its not something that when I had first started playing RPUK that I was looking to do it was just the people I ran into and found my self meeting more crims so to speak. Now I know there are some people who don't play as crim that have the belief that most are just on rp servers to frag and I want to say that this really is not the case for myself. I am someone who believes that crims can roleplay to very high standards and not just on the server to shoot.

Now You asked me to provide some information's on some positive roleplay that I have personally been involved in. I never knew if you want some situations or one big one but I'm going to write about my personal roleplay that I was involved in witch happened to be my proudest/enjoyable and to what I Believe my peak of RP was at.

So this was back when I was in cutlass a couple years ago. now I have not been there for around 2 years ago as there was some issues in roleplay that had left to me leavening and eventually being killed off. Though I left on bad terms my most peak of rp was at this time, The main situation I wanted to highlight the was the marabunta war witch went on for quite some time and it was hear were things like fragging or winning never mattered I believed.

During my Time in the war my roleplay at this point was extremely good I believe. There was plenty of times I had caught some of there members I would try to extend the story of roleplay instead of the typical kill dodgy dump that seems to occur more often now witch I am not a fan of. There was many things that I had done instead. For example there were times were I had caught a member and would roleplay maybe torture or try to bribe to give up more information and even letting them keep the stuff they had and there is reason for this. If I was to kill them then the line of rp would just end but i found that me letting them go kept it more realistic and from that also means more avenues of roleplay could be created. I always found its better and positive to think about everyone and not just making a kill dump because the people involved will feel complete bored and at that point its not Roleplay.

As stated I don't have any clips of this but luckily Kash made a 2 part series to what i believe is some of the best rpuk videos of that time to show of our roleplay and not just frags.

If allowed back I'm even willing to accept a cooldown timer of no gangs for X amount of time to prove I'm hear to roleplay and if giving that chance I wont let you down.

hope you have a good day.
If you can't tell us about the valuable roleplay you've done in the past or could provide if we let you back then I don't see any reason TO let you back.

Your favorite moment was a war in which many said was frag heavy.

I remember the cutlass war and if I recall several staff members had to remind cutlass to up their rp.

With 5 bans on your record and a small pile of notes attached to you, a blatant disregard for almost every major rule we have,
I'm not convinced you're capable of sticking to the rules.

You've had a multitude of golden chances and unfortunately, the luck has now run dry.

This is the end for you here, the door is now closed permanently.
