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Unban Appeal - jaywraggy - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for jaywraggy 

In-game Name: Jay Wraggy

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198360206756

Ban ID: rpuk7729

Reason given for your ban: I got banned for speaking out of character and abusing a staff member

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for breaking the rules G1.6 and C6.2. I'll be honest, I was extremely frustrated and was in sort of a blind rage, so I can't really remember the events leading up to the ban 100%. I do understand that what I did was extremely unacceptable so I'd like to take a second to apologize. I am so sorry for my actions and any harm they may have caused. I wasn't thinking straight and that wasn't right. I am truly sorry for anyone I may have hurt with my words as well. With that being said, this was my first ever offence. I had a moment of weakness due to stuff that is going on in my life adding on to what was happening to me in the city and I cracked. I know that this is no excuse but I haven't had a day this bad in a long time and I let it get the best of me. I am willing to do absolutely whatever it takes to make it up to staff and anyone I have affected with my actions. I would really love to have a second chance to prove that this will never happen again. Again, I really am sorry. Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal.

Why should we unban you ?: I believe I was banned for using foul language against a member of staff in a moment of rage which got the best of me. I also left character due to this which is also unacceptable.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Let's see, what did you say to people which led to the admins coming to speak to you? 

I genuinely can't remember, it feels like a blur. I was saying things I shouldn't and I can admit that, but I really can't remember the full details. Like I said I was having a really bad day and let my anger get the best of me. I felt very overwhelmed and believe that's why I'm having trouble remembering exactly what I said. There was a lot going on at the time, I'll be honest with you. I had some trouble with the blue gang and a police officer. The blue gang constantly harassed me and my friends breaking the 'new life' rule. The admin did not make it clear what they were actually banning me for but I was able to find out later due to the reasons being posted when trying to log in. I think the admin didn't even know what the situation was at the time hence why he was asking me questions and I remember it feeling like he was trying to make me slip up in my words. I can admit that I did things that were wrong but I truly can't remember the details of the incident.

But why come after the member of staff?

It was in the heat of the moment while being frustrated about people in game and what I had going on in my life. Looking back on the incident, I know it was a terrible thing to do as I know the staff are only here to help and make the server better. If I could change what I said and did, I would in a heartbeat. This server is amazing and the work the staff put into the server is also amazing. This genuinely was a heat of the moment mistake and very out of character for me as a person. I felt very overwhelmed and attacked whoever came through my path. I haven't acted like this before and I intend to never act like this again. This isn't me, it was a mistake, and I apologize from the bottom of my heart to everyone I affected

I never understand how people change the narrative here.

Your asking for chances, however the admin that you abused gave you what? 2/3 chances to STOP breaking character and you just couldnt? Straight after being spoken to you were back to square one speaking OOC again. You didnt care for the admins reasons and wouldnt listen then threw your toys out the pram. You ask for chances, you were given them and showed your true colours when enough was enough. 

Everyone uses the reasoning "i has a lot going on IRL" well.. if that were true i highly doubt you would be streaming would you? Your head would be in a different place and this would be pretty low down the lost of priorities. However, maybe im different to most people. 

My point is, you were given chances and shown you cannot be trusted with chances. Why would we believe you now? Staff abuse is something we do not take lightly here. So you have some convincing to do. 

@jaywraggyplease respond soon or this appeal will time out. 

The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

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