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Unban Appeal - Jay Jay - GTA RP

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Jay Jay

The Gallery
Unban Appeal for Jay Jay 

In-game Name: Jack White

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199187423821

Ban ID: rpuk4631

Reason given for your ban: C1.11 C1.15

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Trying to buy game money with real money and trying to avoid ban

Why should we unban you ?: When I started playing FiveM with some we start joining random servers then we found RPUK and i liked the server but unfortunately i had 0 experience in RP I didn't even know what was that all I care about getting rich and start buying guns and cars , I didn't care about stories or RP actually I didn't know what was that at that point. I wasn't aware of any rules and I didn't even give the forum a visit , All i know about games at that time is just jump in have fun leave and after spending some times in the server i decided to try to buy game money with real money at that point i know its against the rules but still i did it and i thought i will get away with that , i got caught then i got banned and i did Evade the banned ( i didn't even know that i can appeal i never visit the site and i didn't care ) start new character then i did it again but Rule 2.9 then i got caught get 6month banned and tried to avoid the ban didn't work i tried 1 more time didn't work then i had no choice except gave up and wait this 6 month and tbh if there was anything to do to avoid the banned i probably would do it.
I got 6month banned I had no choice except to wait and appeal in 6month so I start watching streams for the first time , I saw how people enjoy the RP and how they laugh and I started to understand what this community is about so for the first time I read the rules and kept watching streams for hours and see how is it fun to RP and not everything about money and winning a fight .. it is new thing for me because I never played any kind of this games before tbh the only game I played in OW so my experience is none , I'm not looking for an excuse what i did was on me and it was wrong but in this 6months i couldn't play i kept learning how RP by watching streams and YouTube videos ( here i realized that what i did is SO wrong and i may not play this server again ) , 6 months later the time came for appeal i promised myself that i will be 100% honest and i will not lie and i will be honest and if i get another chance i wont break any rules. So i did appeal and i explain everything there but this part the one with C1.11 i didnt mentioned it and i totally forgot about it. i appealed i think in June 2022 and i got my 2.9 banned around Dec and all i was thinking about is my 2.9 banned didn't even remember the C1.11 because at that point i wasnt playing any games and i thought i wont play anything even RPUK i was done with games so i decided im going to appeal and i will be 100% honest about everything if i got unbanned then i may play if they decline it its ok i deserve it ,, i did appeal and i got unbanned around June 2022 and still i didn't play until end of Nov 2022 .. The reason i wanted to be honest 100% about everything that i dont want to get any banned in future ( Like this one ) because i don't mention something so i mentioned my Ban avoiding twice but i totally forgot about C1.11 not because i don't want you to know about it its just because i didn't remember it and as you can see i had nothing else to lose , i know i was going to get character wiped and i know I'm going to start from 0 and i don't want to get any problems in the future but my old actions brought me here again.

I started late Nov 2022 with new character ( Jack White ) and i was 100% sure i will not be here again because my past was clear and they forgive me so its new life to enjoy RP and the community and that's what I did,, i focused on my RP ( its not the best but im still learning and trying ) and never broke any rules and I never been called for liaisons or had any problem with anyone for 11months so far .. Joined good group of people and im learning from them and all i wish is to keep doing that.

That banned was i think 2years and 4months ago and my other banned is before around 2 years ( according to my appeal ) ,, If you going to make your decision before my 6months banned im going to tell you i don't deserve to be in this community but after that banned im new person i care about this community and I will never break any rules and if you can check everything i did in last 11months I hope you can see what kind of person i become.

I know I got my 2nd chance when i got unbanned June 2022 and i know i will not have 3rd chance and I'm ok with that because i know i will never break any rules but this thing happened long time ago and i cant change it so all I'm hoping is that my last 11months as Jack White can show you how I'm serious about this server and community. Im really sorry i did all these mistakes and broke rules i really feel bad and i regret it i hope i can delete that time of my life and i hope to get unbanned and prove keep proving i deserve to be part of this community.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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You say you've kept your head down and stuck by the book - not violated our rules, when in fact you have continuously violated C1.15 (Ban Evading) every time you've connected to our server since your original ban. That's over 1,400 times on 'Jack White' alone. 

An appeal will not be entertained at this time. Try again in four months from the original ban date.

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