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Unban Appeal - Jason Wild - GTA RP

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Jason Wild

Well-known member
The Netherlands

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Jason Wild
Steam ID: 76561198140362509
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18067
Ban Reason: C2.2
Why do you think you were banned: Hello. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I was banned for a player report made against me, with an 8 minute video as evidence. The 8 minute video suggests that I misused the ticketing system to figure out someone's identity. It is however missing at least 1 hour of context. This context would be an investigation that happened in the cells of MRPD. My character, Jason Wild, arrested a suspect for a robbery. The suspect was taken down to MRPD to identify. There was no name linked to the fingerprints that the suspect had. However, if you search the fingerprints on the incident report pages, you find the name Sam Simpson. This was also the name the suspect provided. When I looked further, I found out that the profile of Sam Simpson mentioned that this name is used as a fake name by Arthur Walker. My character began questioning the suspect as to who he was, what kind of vehicles he owned etc. My character noticed that the first time he used the name Arthur Walker, the suspect said something like "All right, fuck it". The friends also kept calling him Sam Simpson, in order to convince my character that that was his name. The profile of Arthur Walker was also more complete, like it seemed that that was the person that was actually around in the city. Things like active fines, updated picture and notes on his PNC. It also didn't mention the name Sam Simpson, indicating that he didn't actually use Arthur Walker as his fake name, because it was his real one. This investigation was conducted together with William White. My character, Jason Wild, decided in the cells of MRPD to use the name Arthur Walker going forward. I used this name to address the suspect going forward. My character wanted to continue the conversation/investigation, but was rushed by the other constables & sergeants as they wanted to transport all 3/4 suspects together. I should have ticketed him inside the cells, but was rushed and got him into the car. We then took him down to the prison to jail him. This is where the video begins. Before ticketing him you can see in the video that I was certain that his name was Arthur Walker and that I was going to use that name. I still gave him the chance to come clean for a reduction of his sentence. I gave him the ticket and noticed it appearing on the record of Arthur Walker. I acknowledged this verbally, which was wrong. I then jailed him, reducing his time from 550 months to 300 for the time spend and him being a sport. I also thanked him OOC for the great RP (https://gyazo.com/ba9e881f6d945822d1bc20907c820e95)

Report linked: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/report-a-player-kyle-gta-rp.426266/#post-2488553

I would like to use this chance to explain 2 points.

- Before giving him the ticket I was going to use the name Arthur Walker, this can be seen in the video and was a result of the investigation. The ticket did not change anything. It was not like I had no names. I had two choices, two names of which I had chosen one prior to the ticket.

- The ticket was a confirmation of his identity. One that I did not want to base my investigation on, I told the constables outside (Moody, Sergeant Steve) that it was a dodgy and scummy way to identify someone. I verbally acknowledged this confirmation in-game to the suspect. That was wrong, I should not have done that, but instead explained my reasoning for going with the name Arthur (See above, the clues I picked up on).

I apologize for this.
Why should we unban you: Hello. I have been playing RPUK for 6/7 years. I used to be around in the golden ArmA days. To my knowledge, I have never broken the rules of have been banned. I have recently returned to FiveM on RPUK for the roleplay. I have been providing the people I interact with good roleplay and positive vibes. I have had a great time while doing so. My sole intention while RPing is to brighten people their day, spread positivity and provide them with quality roleplay. Examples of this are when I used my pocket bible to offer characters the chance to swear before King Charles to never sin again, I use this instead of sending people away for hours in jail. Please ask around the Police Service as to how I act and roleplay.

I genuinely apologize for what has occurred. It was not and never will be my intention to break the rules or powergame. If the player reporting or staff had reached out I would have explained and apologized.

I thank you for taking the time to read all of this. I would very much like to return to FiveM so that I can continue spreading positive vibes and making people's day a bit better.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Before giving him the ticket I was going to use the name Arthur Walker, this can be seen in the video and was a result of the investigation. The ticket did not change anything.
Oh really? Why do I not buy this.... I watched the video today and in all honesty I'm baffled by you claiming the above... So when the ticket was issued and you said "HA I was right"! Sounds like it changed everything.

It was not like I had no names. I had two choices, two names of which I had chosen one prior to the ticket.
No, You didn't know who it was and this was confirmed by your own words in the video. You claiming you had two choices baffles me more. You could of added a report under the prints no?

Could of went ahead and done a report under "Unknown" for example. The ticket was used to gain the information and the fact you had to get that dig in was stupid.

I was banned for a player report made against me, with an 8 minute video as evidence. The 8 minute video suggests that I misused the ticketing system to figure out someone's identity. It is however missing at least 1 hour of context.
Indeed it does show that you DID misuse the system. Got any video from your side of prior? If so put it here, I'll watch it.

I was certain that his name was Arthur Walker and that I was going to use that name.
Might of been the case however the fact the ticket system was used falls under powergaming and why you we're banned. For all you knew it was the same player on a different character. Could you prove that before hand or are we going to sit and assume?

I also thanked him OOC for the great RP
Whilst this happened, This holds zero weight as this was from you. I could break a rule and thank you for the roleplay. Does that make it all better because I said thanks? No.
Oh really? Why do I not buy this.... I watched the video today and in all honesty I'm baffled by you claiming the above... So when the ticket was issued and you said "HA I was right"! Sounds like it changed everything.

No, You didn't know who it was and this was confirmed by your own words in the video. You claiming you had two choices baffles me more. You could of added a report under the prints no?

Could of went ahead and done a report under "Unknown" for example. The ticket was used to gain the information and the fact you had to get that dig in was stupid.

Indeed it does show that you DID misuse the system. Got any video from your side of prior? If so put it here, I'll watch it.

Might of been the case however the fact the ticket system was used falls under powergaming and why you we're banned. For all you knew it was the same player on a different character. Could you prove that before hand or are we going to sit and assume?

Whilst this happened, This holds zero weight as this was from you. I could break a rule and thank you for the roleplay. Does that make it all better because I said thanks? No.

Hey @Stuart, thanks for your reply, much appreciated.

You are right. I misused the ticket system. I was wrong. I should have known better and acted different. I apologize, not only to you but also to @ClassyCustom (the player in question).

As far as I know this is the only incident I have had in my years on RPUK. I truly hope I deserve a second chance. I will do better and ensure any type of powergaming or exploiting does not occur again. This I promise.
You are right. I misused the ticket system. I was wrong. I should have known better and acted different.
In all honesty I'm struggling to comprehend the full response....

So now you say you did misuse the ticket system?

I still would like answers to my questions above please.
Hey @Stuart,

Thanks for your swift reply, I hope all is well.

Yes, I did misuse the ticket system. I came to this conclusion after reflecting upon my actions. I made a mistake and what I did was wrong. Below you will find my replies.

Oh really? Why do I not buy this.... I watched the video today and in all honesty I'm baffled by you claiming the above... So when the ticket was issued and you said "HA I was right"! Sounds like it changed everything
I noticed the ticket appearing on the profile of Arthur Walker. It confirmed what I was thinking all along, hence why I said "Ha, I was right". I should not have looked at the tickets and I should not have mentioned or use it in-game.

No, You didn't know who it was and this was confirmed by your own words in the video. You claiming you had two choices baffles me more. You could of added a report under the prints no?

Could of went ahead and done a report under "Unknown" for example. The ticket was used to gain the information and the fact you had to get that dig in was stupid.
You are right. I absolutely should have just added the report under the prints or used unknown/John Doe. The ticket was used, because I noticed it on his record, that was wrong of me.

Indeed it does show that you DID misuse the system. Got any video from your side of prior? If so put it here, I'll watch it.
I would love to add the full context in the form of a video, I was however unfortunately given zero notice by anyone prior to receiving a ban (a day later), thus I was unable to save any footage.

Might of been the case however the fact the ticket system was used falls under powergaming and why you we're banned. For all you knew it was the same player on a different character. Could you prove that before hand or are we going to sit and assume?
I was not banned for powergaming, but instead I was banned for exploiting. I agree that it is more powergaming then exploiting. I checked his record after giving the fine and noticed the ticket. I forced the outcome of a scenario in the form using the ticket system to confirm what the name was. This was wrong and I should not have done this, instead I should have just added the report under the prints.

Whilst this happened, This holds zero weight as this was from you. I could break a rule and thank you for the roleplay. Does that make it all better because I said thanks? No.
At the time I did not realize my mistake and enjoyed the interaction. I have had time to reflect upon my actions and I agree that what I did was wrong.

I have mentioned it before, but I really would appreciate a second chance.
Afternoon @Jason Wild

All is good thank you for asking and hope it is with yourself too!

Yes, I did misuse the ticket system. I came to this conclusion after reflecting upon my actions. I made a mistake and what I did was wrong.
So if this is true why did you make the appeal and start off by saying "The ticket did not change anything."?

- The ticket was a confirmation of his identity.
You then said this towards the bottom so contradicted yourself, But I would like to know why you decided to try and say nothing changed and this has no influence when it's clear from the video it did.

I noticed the ticket appearing on the profile of Arthur Walker. It confirmed what I was thinking all along, hence why I said "Ha, I was right". I should not have looked at the tickets and I should not have mentioned or use it in-game.
Indeed, The ticket would of went to the player however as you mentioned there was roughly an hour of prior interaction between you both. Does it seem fair that if someone is roleplaying well for that long to be shafted by you wanting and what I assume wanting to get one over on them?

It does feel like a kick in the teeth to the player as they did spend so much time with you all just to be done over because you had to misuse such system. Lets say the shoe was on the other foot and an officer did this to you. How would it make you feel given you spent such time within roleplay and going through a story?

You are right. I absolutely should have just added the report under the prints or used unknown/John Doe. The ticket was used, because I noticed it on his record, that was wrong of me.
Why didn't you? There we're many things you could of done but didn't. Why?

I would love to add the full context in the form of a video, I was however unfortunately given zero notice by anyone prior to receiving a ban (a day later), thus I was unable to save any footage.
You made a ticket the same day after the report was actioned. I fail to see how you knew nothing about it, However in the ticket you also didn't provide any video that you made of had. So I cannot say that there was a lot more context as from an outsider POV I have no idea and I won't assume.

I'm very curious and would like you to be 100% honest here. After you saw the ticket going onto Arthur, Did you link the prints to them? I will be checking however I'll allow you to tell me before I check.

I was not banned for powergaming, but instead I was banned for exploiting. I agree that it is more powergaming then exploiting. I checked his record after giving the fine and noticed the ticket. I forced the outcome of a scenario in the form using the ticket system to confirm what the name was. This was wrong and I should not have done this, instead I should have just added the report under the prints.
In a sense yes and no. So you we're banned for Powergaming then it was changed to exploiting. I'll explain this so we are both on the same page. As per the rules you did Powergame, This is a fact and this is the main reason for the ban. It was then changed to Exploiting due to using the ticket system as such to gain said information. It's more on the side of powergaming as a whole however both rules do apply as you did abuse a system in place for police to gain knowledge you wouldn't otherwise already know.

I have had time to reflect upon my actions and I agree that what I did was wrong.
Explain how you have reflected on your actions in the past week and a bit?
Hey @Stuart,

Thanks for the reply!

So if this is true why did you make the appeal and start off by saying "The ticket did not change anything."?
I reflected and came to the conclusion that it did have an impact on what occured in roleplay. There is no way to be 100% sure of the identity of the person of whom you have the fingerprint if they do not co-operate. Unless you powergame and misuse something, which I did.

You then said this towards the bottom so contradicted yourself, But I would like to know why you decided to try and say nothing changed and this has no influence when it's clear from the video it did.
I noticed the ticket appearing and this was 100% confirmation that the person was truely Arthur Walker. I used & mentioned it in-game and thus I misused the ticket system, I powergamed.

I did not fully realize this while making the appeal, however, now I realize what I did and that doing so is wrong.

Indeed, The ticket would of went to the player however as you mentioned there was roughly an hour of prior interaction between you both. Does it seem fair that if someone is roleplaying well for that long to be shafted by you wanting and what I assume wanting to get one over on them?

It does feel like a kick in the teeth to the player as they did spend so much time with you all just to be done over because you had to misuse such system. Lets say the shoe was on the other foot and an officer did this to you. How would it make you feel given you spent such time within roleplay and going through a story?
It was absolutely not fair. Which is why I apologized to the player in question. The roleplay & investigation we had was thorough and enjoyable, right up until I misused the system and gained an unfair advantage. Roleplay is all about balance and taking and giving. Sometimes you win a situation, sometimes you lose, the goal should be an enjoyable & fair interaction for ALL involved. I lost sight of that and for that I am truely sorry.

You made a ticket the same day after the report was actioned. I fail to see how you knew nothing about it, However in the ticket you also didn't provide any video that you made of had. So I cannot say that there was a lot more context as from an outsider POV I have no idea and I won't assume.
I noticed I was banned and went straight to discord. If I had known in the moment (of the situation) that there was going to be a report, I could collected videos from those involved etc. I have no videos currently.
I'm very curious and would like you to be 100% honest here. After you saw the ticket going onto Arthur, Did you link the prints to them? I will be checking however I'll allow you to tell me before I check.
Yes I did. After noticing the ticket and thus knowing 100% that it was Arthur. I added the prints to Arthur's profile.

Originally I had this info = Fingerprints (The character was in custody). These prints were linked to a report with the name Sam Simpson. The profile of Sam Simpson stated that it was a fake name used by Arthur Walker. Both profiles had pictures that were almost the same.
In a sense yes and no. So you we're banned for Powergaming then it was changed to exploiting. I'll explain this so we are both on the same page. As per the rules you did Powergame, This is a fact and this is the main reason for the ban. It was then changed to Exploiting due to using the ticket system as such to gain said information. It's more on the side of powergaming as a whole however both rules do apply as you did abuse a system in place for police to gain knowledge you wouldn't otherwise already know.
The following is simply my opinion; I agree with power gaming, I forced a scenario where no matter the roleplay of the other side, I would win. I never looked at the fine receipt, only the two profiles of Sam Simpson and Arthur Walker.
Explain how you have reflected on your actions in the past week and a bit?
As you can hopefully see I put a lot of effort into this proces. I am 100% honest with you. I really enjoy roleplaying on RPUK and have since the golden ArmA days. Typing up these responses and thinking about the situation and going through it in my head I realize my mistakes and the harm I have caused. It has also been a little while since the ban, which means I am able to look at it more composed and less emotional I suppose.

I lost sight of what is most important, a fair and enjoyable interaction for all. I powergamed and realize my mistake. I am sorry, not for getting caught but for doing it.

This appeal has made me rethink why I roleplay and what is most important. I hope this will result in a second chance.
I reflected and came to the conclusion that it did have an impact on what occured in roleplay. There is no way to be 100% sure of the identity of the person of whom you have the fingerprint if they do not co-operate. Unless you powergame and misuse something, which I did.
I'd disagree with you on you stating there is no way to be 100% sure. There is however it comes with roleplay and not abusing our systems we have in place. You could deal with someone for hours and they don't give their name up, Not an excuse to powergame or break any rule for that matter.

It was absolutely not fair. Which is why I apologized to the player in question. The roleplay & investigation we had was thorough and enjoyable, right up until I misused the system and gained an unfair advantage. Roleplay is all about balance and taking and giving. Sometimes you win a situation, sometimes you lose, the goal should be an enjoyable & fair interaction for ALL involved. I lost sight of that and for that I am truely sorry.
You also said "Thank you" for their roleplay whilst in the same tone dismissing all the roleplay they did have with you and in turn leaving a sour taste due to the interaction you had with them.

Roleplay is all about Roleplay. It's not a balance game, We should ALL enjoy the roleplay we are having and the types of roleplay we are putting ourselves in front of. For you it was as a police officer so the roleplay given and received is a lot different than me with my civilian character and a gang member.

Why has it got to "Situations you win and lose". What happened to just enjoying the roleplay regardless of the outcome? I think we all need to remember why we are here. Winning as you put it shouldn't even be a thing!

Yes I did. After noticing the ticket and thus knowing 100% that it was Arthur. I added the prints to Arthur's profile.

Originally I had this info = Fingerprints (The character was in custody). These prints were linked to a report with the name Sam Simpson. The profile of Sam Simpson stated that it was a fake name used by Arthur Walker. Both profiles had pictures that were almost the same.
Now this is where is causes yet more issues caused by your actions to power game. You have gone ahead and linked prints to the player whom by what you have said had none before you decided to do this. Also calls into question everyone else's prints YOU have linked now.

So why would you link prints to a players PNC knowing you broke such a rule to find out who they are?
@Jason Wild Please respond soon or the appeal will be timed out.
Hey @Stuart,

Sorry for the delay, I was traveling.
I'd disagree with you on you stating there is no way to be 100% sure. There is however it comes with roleplay and not abusing our systems we have in place. You could deal with someone for hours and they don't give their name up, Not an excuse to powergame or break any rule for that matter.
Agreed, it was wrong.

Why has it got to "Situations you win and lose". What happened to just enjoying the roleplay regardless of the outcome? I think we all need to remember why we are here. Winning as you put it shouldn't even be a thing!
Well said.

Now this is where is causes yet more issues caused by your actions to power game. You have gone ahead and linked prints to the player whom by what you have said had none before you decided to do this. Also calls into question everyone else's prints YOU have linked now.

So why would you link prints to a players PNC knowing you broke such a rule to find out who they are?
I linked the prints straight after I send them away. At the time I realised it wasn't perfect, but didn't completely realise that I was powergaming. I realised this later during this appeal process. I can however honestly tell you that this isn't something that has occurred before. It will also not occur again. Even tho I broke the rules, I feel like I haven't broken your trust. I can assure you the other linked fingerprints are obtained according to the rules. If you feel a wipe of some sort is necessary I will obviously not object.

In the future I will be extra vigilent to situations where exploiting & powergaming might be possible, I will also go through the rules again thoroughly. I realise my mistake, the impact and will take various lessons from this appeal, such as this one:
What happened to just enjoying the roleplay regardless of the outcome? I think we all need to remember why we are here.
I linked the prints straight after I send them away. At the time I realised it wasn't perfect, but didn't completely realise that I was powergaming. I realised this later during this appeal process. I can however honestly tell you that this isn't something that has occurred before.
Whilst you say this it does call all prints you have added into question based on your own actions, You only have yourself to blame for that in all honesty.

If you feel a wipe of some sort is necessary I will obviously not object.
I'd like you to explain what you mean by this?

In the future I will be extra vigilent to situations where exploiting & powergaming might be possible,
In all fairness it's not hard. If you don't know something you don't act on it.

In relation to the rule you have been banned for I'd like you to quote said rule and explain in your own words why we have such a rule in place and why such a rule is important for the community to follow.

Furthermore, IF I allow you to return what are your plans?
Hey @Stuart,

I'd like you to explain what you mean by this?
If you do not trust the rest of the prints I added to profiles, you can erase them. Like I said, the prints of this report are the only wrong ones.
In relation to the rule you have been banned for I'd like you to quote said rule and explain in your own words why we have such a rule in place and why such a rule is important for the community to follow.
Powergaming - Forcing a scenario where no matter the roleplay of the other party you will win. Example: Roleplaying superpowers, roleplaying fatal injuries when they were only minor to avoid roleplaying with the emergency services, sealing buildings with cars to prevent entrance of other players, using knowledge of the rules within roleplay.

The suspect in question did his best to use other identities. I ignored this fact and proceeded to force a scenario in which I would always win. Roleplay isn't about winning or losing, but its about the enjoyment & fairness for all those involved. If we can't roleplay with the intention of only having fun and being fair, then that would mean the downfall of the community. It is very important to maintain this.

Exploiting - Using or attempting to use any exploits in any of our community game servers such as but not limited to duplication of items or money, transferring/processing items through walls and windows or bypassing intended animations. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not get abused in the future.

I checked his record and noticed a ticket appearing. That is not what the ticket system was intended for and thus it could be seen as exploiting the mechanic for something it was not intended for. The developers create features and scripts for intended purposes. If you misuse them, you have an unfair advantage, which again is not what RP stands for. If you don't deal with unfair situations, then that would hurt the community as people would leave.

If I would be allowed to return, I would try to continue my police roleplay on Jason Wild. I greatly enjoy traffic stops and making them unique and fun for other players. For example using my pocket bible to offer them the option to never speed again instead of i.e. receiving a ticket. Otherwise I might attempt to join the NHS, as I enjoy helping people.
Good evening @Jason Wild

I hope all is well today?

If I was you offer you a chance to come back to the server but it came with a faction (Police/ NHS) blacklist, would you take it?
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