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Unban Appeal - jackaboy16711 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for jackaboy16711 

In-game Name: Josh Symides

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199047095218

Ban ID: !!rpuk14906!!

Reason given for your ban: G3.1 Meta Gaming

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Firstly thanks for taking your time out to read my appeal, what happened was a vagos member by the name of appo got banned for hacking he had a container which anton the hang around knew the code for which he acquired in the city he and i both know where it is in city also when he was banned we decided to go to the container which i didn't go into personally i was passed the items from anton and a lot of guns and ammunition was the contents as we basically didn't want them to go to waste which in hindsight is the wrong decision to have made and a severe lack of judgment on my behalf to join in on this as we knew what we were doing wrong we then went to my container and transferred most of the guns and ammo into it although it was played out in city that anton asked me to come to appo's container with him to take materials out and switch them to mine. i can only apologise for my actions which led me to break the metagaming rules i guess i seen a big prize and went for it. i enjoy playing this server and have only been banned once before which was over 6 months ago and i have a lot of play time on the server i hope i can return 1 day to be apart of the community i enjoy the most sincere apologies Josh.

Why should we unban you ?: I believe i should get unbanned as i am not a one to go out his way to be detrimental towards the community or city i have made 2 severe lack of judgments and it has cost me dearly to a game which i love and am addicted to this city comes across as the best and i have made alot of friends within the community and i feel i have more to offer other than why i am here today i can only apologise to the community and staff as a whole and i believe in chances i appreciate your time

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good evening @jackaboy16711, I hope all is well with you! 🙂

You've been in this community for a while now, fair a fairly decent(ish) record so far.
Surely by now you'd be more than aware of the OOC Information / Metagaming rules? What was the motive behind you acting on this information?
Were you aware at the time of this that you were breaching the server rules or were you too focused on the prize? 

Hi Danoo i appreciate your time to read over my appeal and the swift response, Yes i am fully aware of the ooc information and bringing it into the city being metagaming although i had a severe lack of judgment along with others and being totally honest i didn't want to see the guns go to waste and seen the chance to have them for myself and to help my financial status at the time looking back on this it was the silliest and most selfish thing to do by firstly jeopardizing the rules and also my character as i really enjoy the server and the way my rp has been going since being apart of vagos. i was fully aware of my actions and like i have been totally honest in this appeal i disregarded the rule for the prize i can only apologize and im glad i got caught as it has taught me a valuable lesson that being apart of this community i enjoy that rules are in place for a reason to help protect the server the economy in the server and to make it a fair playing field for everyone in the community. Thanks again for taking the time out of your day to deal with this. Josh

Good evening @jackaboy16711, thank you for the response! 🙂

How can I be sure that if I were to give you another chance here you won't just go and easily disregard server rules because you see a chance to gain an advantage via OOC methods?

How much did you take from that container, and where is it all now?  

Hi Danoo thanks for the reply i appreciate it, i can assure you that in no way i would jeopardize my time in the city again if i where to be allowed back on your platform also i wouldn't want to jeopardize anyone else either by not having a level playing field. Since being banned i have really missed the city and my friends i have made within the city. i only know what i had in my container before taking the multiple guns and ammo from appos container here is a list of what i had inside so anything not on this list is what i took +300 armor +1000 Smg Ammo +1048 Pistol Ammo +1 Tactical Smg +35 Lmg Ammo +1 Mp 40 +1 Combat PDW +1 Uzi Smg +1 Mini Smg +81 Shotgun Ammo +1 Broken Combat Pistol i also sold x2 revolvers and x1 .50 cal pistol from appos container. I appreciate your time in dealing with this thanks again Josh

2 severe lack of judgments
Would you say that we believe everyone and everything that people type in the appeal? because lets be honest. Most people willingly break the rule but only say its a lack of judgement once caught right?

So, do you think staff believe everything you say here?

Hi Charles thanks for the reply and taking your time out to deal with this report ,I wouldn't say you believe everything everyone types in there responses otherwise no one would be banned especially with the bs some people do come up with, yes most people would say its a lack of judgment as they got caught but im just being truth full it was a lack of judgment as my eyes where bigger than my belly that day, I wouldn't say you believe everything im typing in my responses although i have been truth full on all my responses and will continue to do so. thanks again for taking the time out of your day to reply 

Thanks Josh 

Can you please write out the full rule that you broke and what you will do to ensure this NEVER happens again.

Without the full details, your one lack of judgement could have been incredibly detrimental.
Why should we give you the chance to return?

Thanks for responding @PsianaRama 

I broke 3.1 when I saw a msg from appo on a private chat stating he's perma, and when he shared his container code. I then let my greedy side hit me, and thought it would be better to go grab the guns, when it was a mistake, I should have ignored the information, and stick to what I knew at the moment in roleplay.

It will not happen again because I'm full aware of my consequences, and this mistake will remind me in the future in case of doubt 

Thanks Josh 

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Josh the issue I'm having is this just doesn't cut it.

This is your second perm now, although the ban definitions are different the premise is the same.
Both bans rooted from greed.
I can say this because we share a previous ban reason.

It's greedy and you've done it twice now with different circumstances.

i will make sure that this never happens again as it was completely stupid of me to even think of this never mind preceeding ahead with my actions on the said day
This is from your last successful appeal, one I even had a part in dealing with.

Why should we EVER believe anything you say?
I want more than a couple of sentences. 

Thanks for the quick response @PsianaRama

 I understand that it may look like i'm just here to say what you want to hear, however that is latter from the truth, I really do wish to come back to this community and display that I have learnt from the mistakes I have made, I understand this has happened now and that it doesn't look good, however I generally do mean that this would not happen again, I have taken the time away to understand the seriousness of my transgressions towards the community by transferring these items, I did in fact get greedy, I see that now to its fullest extent.

Like I have stated I know my actions were wrong, and should not have taken place, I should have taken the time to understand the severity of my actions that would occur from this in rp.

The fact of the matter is I am a human and I made a mistake.

I want you to know that this would not occur ever again, I am capable of delivering high quality roleplay without making these types of mistakes, I know that it happened and it occurred in a moment of weakness, I misjudged the situation and thought that it wouldn’t affect anything however it did, I see that now.

I do not want to make these mistakes again as I do wish to stay on this server and uphold the standards everyone is meant to uphold.

Thanks Josh 

Good afternoon @jackaboy16711

I hope you are well today 🙂 

It is sad and disappointing to see you here as it was not long ago I had a chat with you about some quality roleplay with a brand new player that I has witnessed. 

I do wish to stay on this server and uphold the standards everyone is meant to uphold.
How do you plan to uphold these standards? 

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Firstly thanks for the reply i appreciate it, i plan to uphold these standards by making sure i don't get involved in any rule breaks and plan to continue the scenarios which i was involved in before with vagos whilst creating new scenarios helping others out which i always have done and generally just enjoying myself in the server which i have missed and want to return to. thanks again for taking the time out of your day to respond  Josh

Hello there @jackaboy16711

That´s all nice and well, really... However, we´re not buying it. How´s the moving house going and are you still planning on ban evading, should we not unban you?

Hi @Sammy

Thanks for the swift response its appreciated, The moving house went well thank you all settled in now and living as normal except not being able to play on the server, if i was planning on ban evading then i wouldn't be responding to my appeals from my new house and new internet which i am sure you will have the new ip address from me responding on here through logs etc, which would mean i would get caught pretty much instantly, my time off the server i have been moving house as you already know, working and going out enjoying my time with friends etc its actually been pretty nice and has shown me i need to spend less time on games although rpuk is the server i always have enjoyed the most and is my most played game, i wouldn't be responding to my appeal with the amount of effort i have been if i honestly did not want to return and my record up to now is 2 perma bans which i understand is not the best look although im not one for going out my way to cheat greed did get the better of me this ban but i have learned from my mistakes and i can assure you i am here to provide good rp and scenarios like before also make sure i don't get my self caught up in this ban section again. again i appreciate your time and swift response i hope you have a nice day Josh

See, now you are talking around my question. 

Not only did you go around boasting and laughing about how you lied to staff when talked to on ts, you also made very clear that you would try to ban evade, should your appeal be denied. We know. Not only about the "baldy", as you said so nicely yourself, that you sent into the container to avoid being detected but also about the metagame sheet from Appo that you shared around, amongst other things.

We are done here, good luck ban evading. If you feel like being honest for once - come back after 08/07/2024

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