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Unban Appeal - Jack Jones96 - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Jack Jones
Steam ID: 76561198136734181
Ban ID (just the numbers): 11877
Ban Reason: C2.3 - Forum Report
Why do you think you were banned: Hi,

As the ban was on the 23-02-2023 I will be honest and say that I have forgotten what the permeant ban is for? With the Ban pop up what comes up on the screen says I can view the report but for some reason it says "oops we have ran into a problem see the link here please - https://gyazo.com/dd6de34dd521aac04eff1abb4eca7b86 " I don't really know what to do going forward, but would like to get it resolved and prove myself once again on the server.

Due to it being over a year since I have received the ban and not playing much other FiveM cities as Roleplay.co.uk was one of the best actually to be out there and still going strong since I have lasted been here.
Why should we unban you: I feel that I could explain a bit more if I could see the report of what I have been banned for. I believe the reason i should be un banned from the city is because, since finding Roleplay.co.uk I was enjoying my time here as a fellow tow truck driver, minding my own business and just trying to find friends within the city by getting contacts, participating in city event and also bringing a few of my outside of the city friends into the city from others by saying how good this city is in total I brought with me was about 3/4 other members which they still play!

I would like to come back into this city and start a fresh, I have read the rules and now I understand them clearly and know that in the further if I am consider my ban to be revoked due to it being a permeant ban I will ensure that no rules are broken.

Your Sincerely, Kind regards
Jack Jones
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
This is the report you were banned for - you should now be able to answer the above questions with context:

Hello @Jack Jones96 ,

Can you please answer the above questions again, now knowing what the context behind your ban is?

Please respond back soon otherwise this appeal will be timed out.
Hi Oneshot - I can reply tonight. I ill re do it again :) Thanks for the reply.
Can see you we're on the forums last night and didn't post a response?

Mind answering Phoenix above please.
Hi Stuart - Yes sorry I have had a few hard weeks upon myself recently, I've not replied to your replies but I will today.

I have left the page open meaning to reply the other night but I completely forgot to reply as I've been busy with work and then needed to head to work so this is why it was showing me online on the forums the other days and having the PC on I have this browser still open to reply.

Anyway - Watching the clip you have provided I now remember what I have been banned for, which is Combat Logging.

Due to me Comat Logging that night I had a personal issue to deal with which meant for me rushing out the house to care for a loved one, I had a phone call and I needed to leave right there and then I didn't even say goodbye or nothing I just flicked the plug switch at the wall as I didn't want to be feeling that I was ignoring the officers when I was "in my head" but was dealing with my personal matter?

If I am considered to be unbanned due to my reasons, If anything like this occurs in the further I will shout "I need to go or something" to inform the RP scene(s) that I'm not combating I have an issue in real life I need to deal with, and then in a couple of days I will response in the discord for a playback or rewind? to discuss etc?

Thanks for your time and effort in reading -
This is the report you were banned for - you should now be able to answer the above questions with context:

Yes sorry I have had a few hard weeks upon myself recently, I've not replied to your replies but I will today.

I have left the page open meaning to reply the other night but I completely forgot to reply as I've been busy with work and then needed to head to work so this is why it was showing me online on the forums the other days and having the PC on I have this browser still open to reply.

Anyway - Watching the clip you have provided I now remember what I have been banned for, which is Combat Logging.

Due to me Comat Logging that night I had a personal issue to deal with which meant for me rushing out the house to care for a loved one, I had a phone call and I needed to leave right there and then I didn't even say goodbye or nothing I just flicked the plug switch at the wall as I didn't want to be feeling that I was ignoring the officers when I was "in my head" but was dealing with my personal matter?

If I am considered to be unbanned due to my reasons, If anything like this occurs in the further I will shout "I need to go or something" to inform the RP scene(s) that I'm not combating I have an issue in real life I need to deal with, and then in a couple of days I will response in the discord for a playback or rewind? to discuss etc?

Thanks for your time and effort in reading -
Locked for 3 days for bumping (08/08/24 @ 19:08)
Why did you post the same reply 5 days after posting it originally?
I over read the "timeout" so I thought i had no reply was due to being to late at replying and it was timed out?

I'm guessing the ban is still in review stage or am i not getting unbanned or is the ban lifted.
This is where is says timed out mate..
It doesn’t say it’s timed out, it says it may be timed out if you didn’t reply…

You then replied, were replied to by staff and then repeated yourself twice. This is ultimately a very simple question that I’m asking.
@Jack Jones96 Please respond soon or the appeal will be timed out.
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