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Unban Appeal - ImHiGz - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior
Unban Appeal for ImHiGz 

In-game Name: Michael Roberts

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198077842545

Ban ID: rpuk14998

Reason given for your ban: G2.9 Transferring funds between characters

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I came back to RPUK after about 6 months of not playing. I transferred 80k to my friend from my old NHS character to my main character. Then my friend return half the funds to me when I got onto my main account. I then deleted my NHS character as I was no longer a part of that account. I was unaware of the rule break and was teleported to an Admin Sit with my friend. We explained everything I have said before and were honest during the whole sit. I explained if there is anyway we could take the 80k off our character as we don't need the money and we were unaware of the rule break. The admins explained that we would be received a perm ban and a character wipe for this. Again during the whole situation we were both honest and corporative.

Why should we unban you ?: I believe I should be unban due that myself being unware of the rule break as I did not understand the rules fully.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good evening, @ImHiGz! I hope all is well aside from this ban 🙂

I must say there's not a lot of effort in this appeal! But I'll continue moving forward anyhow. 

You've stated here you don't need the money, therefore are requesting it's just taken off of you. This still doesn't change the fact you've disregarded the server rules in the process therefore a ban has been placed.
If you don't need the money, why did you transfer it between characters using another player in the process? 

Hi Danoo, Hope you are doing well.

I do apologies for not completing the appeal up to standards.

As mention in the admin situation, I transferred the money as I was deleting the old character. There was genuinely no reason for me to transfer the fund as we have always make money in other means (Mining, Taxi Jobs). 

Again I have no excuse for what I have done and it was completely my mistake for not understanding the rules to their full extent.

Many Thanks

Good afternoon, @ImHiGz🙂

Surely even if you've not read the rules and aren't aware of this, you'd know it's not an intended feature of the game to be transferring items between characters else everyone would be doing this? 

Hey Danoo,

That is very clear when someone has explained to me but again I did not think it was a problem as I was deleting my old character. Again I know I've done wrong and I hope we could resolve this.

Many Thanks

Good afternoon, @ImHiGz! Thank you for the response!

Usually, automatically bans of the nature come with full character wipes and deletions.
Due to the amount transferred considering it wasn't a huge amount, I am willing to offer you the following conditions.

If unbanned, character Michael Roberts will receive a full money wipe (Bank & Cash).
Do you accept these conditions? 

Hi Again Danoo,

I accept the conditions seen above.

Again, I do apologies for my lack of attention and will not do this in the future.

Many Thanks

Good afternoon, @ImHiGz!

Very well, I have issued the above and am willing to give you another chance on the server.
Please have a proper read through all of the server rules before reconnecting to ensure we do not end up on this section of the forums again over something so easily avoidable!

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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