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Unban Appeal - Icec0ld - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Hiro Ryzen
Steam ID: 76561199374382930
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17372
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: Combatlogging and the history of my warnings. Because i´ve done many mistakes and didn´t learn out of them.
Why should we unban you: In the past i´ve did many mistakes and never learned out of them.
I´ve got warned more then once and i continued doing it because i thought it would help me get progress/stop making me loose stuff
Because i continued doing mistakes i´ve had to learn it through the rough way. I´ve did it once again after the last warning and got banned for misbehaving and breaking the rules too often.
I had a break of RP for some months, and tried to get unbanned because there is not really any other server i can play on.
I really enjoyed my time here. met some new friends and came here with my friends. I miss hanging out with those people i´ve met and i regret breaking the rules. i should have stopped already when i did break them the first time.

I hope that i will get a second chance after i put up so many mistakes already, i learned from them and will never do those stupid things again and just accept my fate if something bad happens.

I would really appreciate it if i would get a positive feedback and maybe a second chance after all. i´ve changed and thought over about my mistakes and regret all things i did.

The reason why I think I got banned is because is Combatlogging. I was in a situation which I justified with combatlogging because it seemed like i could fight a rulebreak with a rule break and as i know it's not right to do it. From the Roleplay break i had for several months, I understood and still understand, that I shouldn't do such a mistake again. Because after all I like this Server. I am deeply sorry for doing all of this. And if I get a second chance I will make sure that I am not gonna break any rule. It annoys me that I have been banned and I reflected on everything and I just regret what I have done.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good afternoon @Icec0ld
I hope you are well?

You've been here just under 2 months, and played on the server for a total of 9 days. During which, you've racked yourself up multiple warnings, and one of our more serious bans.
Which I would like to add, you've been warned about prior to your ban.

You've spent some time away, and claim there's no other server you can play on. So, I would like to ask, how have you come to learn from your mistakes?
How can I guarantee, with little time spent understanding how RP works, that once unbanned you won't go straight ahead and break another rule?
Good afternoon @Violet_ . I am good I hope you are well too. Thanks for asking!During the time, my ban appeal got rejected I started to realize that I've been really immature and tried to justify everything to myself instead of looking at the reason why you guys said I won't be approved yet, because for example lack of detail in my ban appeal or that it was too general. But I can tell that I did read the rules multiple times already and understand them really well now. Before I was acting always way too impulsive and reacted how I felt like was right, with not having the rules in my mind. And the reason why I wouldn't do it is also because I have friends on this Server and it felt really bad that I couldn't play with them, thats why I will always try my best and will for sure not break any rule you guys have written down to keep the integrity of the quality of roleplay, and most importantly the integrity of the server. I would love to be part again to prove myself that I can do good roleplay. I did realize that breaking C 2.3 Combatlogging and the other rules which are related to it in the offense with a permanent ban, or any other rule which are not relating to it, I don't have to break it, but most importantly I shouldn't act so. I want to prove myself with showing actions, I didn't join here to get banned, I wanted to play here. And it was really unfortunate that I got warned multiple times. But I can assure you it was always due to being impulsive and not having the consequences in my mind
Can you tell me what other RP you've done before joining this community?
Locked for 3 days for bumping. (ref closed-2529)
Good evening @Icec0ld

Before I was acting always way too impulsive
You seem to be doing the same thing even with your appeals and I can't help but wonder why?

I can tell that I did read the rules multiple times already and understand them really well now.
Did you not think to do this after the 6 warnings you had managed to rack up before your ban? Why did it take for you to receive this ban even after 6 warnings for you to "read and understand the rules"?

I did realize that breaking C 2.3 Combatlogging and the other rules which are related to it in the offense with a permanent ban
Yes you did. I would draw your attention back to the first ticket that you were brought in to, you were warned for combat logging. The rule was even copied and pasted to you and you confirmed that you read it. You were warned for combat logged 31/05/2024 and then banned 09/06/2024, it does not seem like you had learn from the warning at all, does it?

Now taking all of the above in to consideration as well as;
The bumping of this appeal
The lack of effort in your last 4 appeals
Lying in this appeal

You have very much shown me you haven't actually read anything of the rules and the process of the appeals, this means I am not ready to give you a second chance on this server as of yet.

The door here remains closed, you can appeal again 09/10/2024

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