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Unban Appeal - ibzo26 - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: David Daniels
Steam ID: 76561198418222827
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17625
Ban Reason: C2.2, G2.9, G3.5
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned because I transferred items from one of my characters to another.
Why should we unban you: I previously opened an appeal, but unfortunately it timed out before I had the chance to respond. I am opening this appeal to continue from where it left off. This was the last response I received and I'll write my response after;

Now you mentioned you didn't intend to break the rules but didn't it seem wrong to drop a substantial amount of money on the floor for your other character to collect?

Tell me about your plans should we let you back :)
What's your characters long term goals?

Since this was my first serious roleplay server, it didn't occur to me at the time. My confidence and roleplay ability had improved a lot. In hopes of creating a story, I made this unfortunate mistake. It was only after seeing that I was banned that I realised the mistake I had made. But, being a primarily experiential learner, I know that I'd never make such a mistake again.

Going back, I plan to continue the story I intended (of course without the involvement of my other character); David was always driven by financial progression, coming from a low-income environment, seeking his freedom in it. But he never forgot where he started, which helps him to remember those who also come from similar backgrounds. He has already put in place some plans for a business, building the necessary capital, as well as purchasing the elements needed to carry out his plans. He started out in a rough spot, doing whatever it took to get to this position. And now the fruits are showing, he is taking it to the next level, creating job opportunities for others.

In the long run, I see David having a multifaceted business which allows people in the city to have a way of generating income. He currently doesn't have all that is necessary to start, but he is not far. He will need to reconnect with old friends if there are still around and establish partners. If not, he is more than happy to go solo until he finds others who are interested.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Since this was my first time in a serious roleplay server, it was tough to learn all the rules and also give a good roleplay experience. Most of what I learned was through roleplay, interacting with others, etc. After this ban, I spent a lot of time roleplaying, and developing my skills and I am definitely more confident in my ability to roleplay, staying in the guidelines of the rules. I made sure to re-read the rules, even before making this appeal, just to be sure I am fully aware of the rules. This is my first and only ban, and I am confident that I have learned from this.

In future, I will make sure that my characters (if I do have multiple) are separate from each other. I guess when I heard others referring to their other characters as cousins, brothers, etc, I thought it would be ok to have that type of roleplay. But now I know that I should keep them separate from each other. I will probably have just one character for the time being.
Hello @ibzo26

You mentioned in the linked appeal that you didn't intend on breaking the rule but you broke 3 of them in this process, how can we ne sure you won't break rule again?
My one mistake initially led to two rules being broken. When I opened an appeal, I fully explained my intentions with my character, which led to an additional rule break. From one action, multiple rules were broken, which is unfortunate for me. But I believe my honesty in explaining my intentions is evidence for my attitude towards roleplay in the server; I am willing to provide an enjoyable roleplay experience within the rules of this server.
Good morning @ibzo26

Thank you for your responses, I am happy to give you another chance on the server but it will come with a condition.

All but one character will be deleted, the character that remains will receive a full wipe, this includes bank, cash, inventory, cars, houses, ect. The only things this character would keep is the photos/ contacts in their phone and the memories they would have made.

You have
Joseph Reed
David Daniels

Do you accent the condition above and which character would you like to keep?
Amazing! Thank you. I accept the conditions and I'd like to keep David Daniels.
Good evening @ibzo26

This has been completed, you will be able to join back on the server.

Please read the rules over again before joining back.

Any bans within the next 6 months will bring you back here

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