Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Hugo Sinclair
Steam ID: 76561198247094850
Ban ID (just the numbers): 1111
Ban Reason: 1.6
Why do you think you were banned: I think announcing my departure and saying Hugo will give his wealth away first. (Pretty sure a staff member said I was banned before I could do it)
Why should we unban you: Hello, (cant get ban ID)
It’s been 7 months since Hugo received his deportation orders. I was banned for being vocal about wanting improvements to the game and things going stale. I announced in our factions thread (Cabana Cartel) that I had, had enough and would be leaving the community “but not before Hugo gives away his riches.
This was received as meta gaming, and that i’d be giving away Hugo’s assets before leaving. In hindsight I shouldnt have announced it.
I then put a playful unban appeal in, nothing too heavy but I guess it was a time to be serious, but I really was left in the dark at the time for my reason for the ban:
PsianaRama told me to “Go away, have a think and try again later.” Which is fair enough.
There’s a few things I came to realise over the last several months which has created a new level of respect for the processes you guys go through.
After I was banned from RPUK, I didn’t have any other games to play and other FiveM servers (in the UK) are awful (a trending theme across most unban appeals)
Myself and a few of my friends had the idea of spinning up our own FiveM server so we can make cool video edits for social media (making our Cabana videos for RPUK was super fun and I know members in the community loved them too) so wanted to create a cool sandbox environment for us to do this in.
Made a cool server, the process was much harder than I thought, plenty of investment and time, it made me realise how hard it is, and more importantly, how unjustified a lot of the hate and frustrations people give the RPUK dev and staff team for not adding to the server (including myself).
It came with lots of challenges, that just made me understand you guys a lot more.
I then decided to jack it in, as it was taking a lot of time, I launched a new AI startup company which has done great, so needed to focus on that.
This leads to the next thing, the final experience that led me to write this appeal. I found my passion for gaming again, within the Arma Reforger community, with an active player base of 300+ daily. I’m on the staff team, worked my way up dealing with cheaters, reports, unban appeals etc etc.
I found myself in calls, with other members of the RPUK community, whilst dealing with Arma staff matters, saying time and time again “Holy shit, I now get why the staff on RPUK operate the way they do.” It became a trending thing the more I experienced helping to run and build a community.
I feel a lot of my frustrations were miss-directed towards the direction the server was going, I simply didn’t know what I didn’t know. Now I get it.
I’ve had the privilege of meeting friends IRL since my ban, people I met on RPUK. Good people, forged some great friendships, lucky to have that, RPUK gave that to many of us, kinda makes you feel bad when you reflect on how much shit I have the staff and dev team about not adding stuff to the game.
Anyway, won’t make you read on forever, respect to you guys either way. Sometimes people get it wrong, even if it takes several months to realise it.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes