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Unban Appeal - Harbz - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Lang & Diaz Dealership. Elgin Ave
Unban Appeal for Harbz 

In-game Name: Lewis Diaz

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198081597120

Ban ID: !!rpuk8690!!

Reason given for your ban: Spamming Tweedle

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for spamming tweedle

Why should we unban you ?: I have never breached any rules before, and I genuinely had no idea it was a breach in the rules to do what I did - I panicked as I have potentially ruined a really amazing RP storyline by posting something from an incorrect Tweedle account, and wanted to bump it down the Tweedle list - I will refresh myself of the rules in the meantime, but I am asking if I could be forgiven this once

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

I also have a meeting at 9pm tomorrow with the government at City Hall to discuss a potential business acquisition, that I would have to miss should you choose to let my ban run on its full duration. I do apologise again, it's my fault for not knowing the rules in this area. But you can guarantee it won't happen again

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Bans that follow the Fair Ban System are unappealable. 

Your ban expires; 12/05/2022, 00:13:54

Before you're unbanned, I'd highly advise you read the server rules properly.

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