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Unban Appeal - gu5 - GTA RP

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Northern Ireland
Unban Appeal for gu5 

In-game Name: Gustavo Black / (Also Sammy P when I'm back)

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198799965234

Ban ID: !!rpuk6290!!

Reason given for your ban: Pegi

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was under 18 and was playing on the server without knowing it wasn't allowed at that time

Why should we unban you ?: I was banned over a year ago just before my 17th birthday for the PEGI rule. Since then I have turned both 17 and 18 and have missed the server and as I'm now old enough, I would like to come back to the server and continue where I left off and play with my friends on RPUK again. My 18th Birthday is tomorrow.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Well, hello there Gus and happy birthday! 

Now... let´s start with the obvious... 

without knowing it wasn't allowed at that time
This is not true, as we both know. You knew very well... I remember myself joking about it with you, as I already had a bit of a hunch, and you kept on telling me "nah, of course I am 18". 

Why would you wait over a year and then lie about the facts?

Hello Sammy,

thank you! When I first started playing on RPUK I didn't know about the 18+ rule, when it was made aware to me a lot later I continued to play and assumed that as long as I was mature enough and kept within the rules I would be able to continue playing with everyone, obviously in the end I was PEGI banned and I've now been banned for just over a year but now I am 18 I'd love to come back and play with people again.

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So you kept on playing, knowing very well that you shouldn´t at that time... Do you think that speaks for you being mature and us unbanning you?

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At the time I could say I was more immature than I am now yes, like I said its been over a year at this point and after that amount of time I'd like to say I have matured enough to not repeat those same types of mistakes and to stick within the rules, as other than the obvious PEGI rule, I stayed within the other rules.

Right... Now let´s talk about something that occurred long after you had been banned already.

Please enlighten me on as to why you believe staff are a bunch of hypocrites...

At that time I heard that some Staff members were under 18 themselves, and at the time that annoyed me as I missed playing the server so much. As I'm pretty sure you know I tend to say things on impulse sometimes when I get annoyed because of my ADHD and not long after hearing that I was told I was misinformed. I apologise to Staff for that comment as it was unwarranted.

Let me remind you of something here so we can get away from half truths, because that was not the reason you made that comment, was it?


That comment was made when I heard about what I mentioned in my previous reply. The way I heard things was through Discord DMs and screenshots, and at the time as I said I was annoyed, how ever I know that its not the case now and I do apologise for what I said and would like to come back and RP again. The topic of that particular video was not what I was commenting on there, it was my own situation and frustrations that I aired there which again, I shouldn't have and I apologise for it.

Okay, now I feel like we´re trying to deflect a little bit... 

As the screenshot above says very clearly, you approved of the video. No mentioning of a singular incident or bit of information. Let´s be honest with each other here and own up to past actions, okay?

Also, maybe my math is off here, but on 28/11/2021 you admitted to being 16 years of age, according to our ban notes. Now you claim to be 18. How does that work?

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As I said before, my feelings and emotions at the time of that comment genuinely were to do with my annoyance at the time. The contents of that video itself I do not agree with despite at the time seeming like I 'approved'. Again that was due to how I was feeling at the time, before I calmed myself down and it was disproven to me and my annoyance was shown to be unwarranted. 

All I can say is that I am 18 today and I want to be transparent with staff. 

In all honesty, I didn't care at the time about being banned because I somewhat knew it was coming due to the growing suspicions that you had of my age. Once I was pulled by I believe Stuart, I knew that if I was to say anything other than the fact that I wasn't 16, then there would still be suspicion and doubt. As I have mentioned before, I was under a genuine impression that it didn't matter of your age if you was mature enough to bring good quality RP. Once I wrongly admitted that I was 16, of course I was then banned and we are at this point today. I completely hold my hands up to the fact that I was under age and again, can only apologise for thinking that you guys didn't take these things seriously. I now appreciate the lengths that staff go to, to avoid situations like mine as this is an adult community.

If it would make staff more comfortable that I am of age to play on the server and dismiss any doubt that I am not yet of age, I can wait until on, or after the 28th of this month to appeal my PEGI ban.

Hello Gus, I hope you´re well. 

After careful consideration and speaking to other members of staff about your ban, this is what the stance is. 

This PEGI rule is in place for a multitude of reasons, like protecting underage players and safeguarding this community. Once someone breaks that rule, it is very difficult to find the trust to give them the benefit of the doubt. If this was a clear cut "I was 17 at the time and have now turned 18", we could possibly feel comfortable enough to lift your ban. But it is not, unfortunately. We are dealing with a situation that shows us you being 16 one year ago and you saying you lied back then and are telling the truth now about being 18... 

This uncertainty and lack of trust makes us feel uneasy to unban you at this moment of time and the only way for us to ensure you are indeed 18+ is to go off our notes and ask you to try again on or after the 17th of November 2023.

With that being said, we do wish you the very best and hope to see you back next year. 

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