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Unban Appeal - GNOZTIC - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for GNOZTIC 

In-game Name: G-No Noz

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199224905802

Ban ID: !!rpuk10879!!

Reason given for your ban: G5.1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Unrealistic name, I was kicked 4 times asking for my name to be changed. The 1st was while still creating my characters appearance so since I wasn't finished I was just gonna delete that one and make a new character so I could make him look the way I wanted it to. As I was going to delete the character I saw there wasn't a delete option, assuming I couldn't delete it because it wasn't named I just typed in something random which was the G5 1 that I saw on the screen since I was going to delete it anyway. Although I believe that wasn't the ban reason I thought I would mention it. The next 4 times I was kicked for the names G-No Noz, G No Noz, G-No Stickz & G No Stickz. I was going for a bit of a unique version of Gino, a name of the Italian origin. So I initially was thinking G'No as the apostrophe emphasizes the G into a "Gee" sound, but sadly the server does not accept that character so I tried it using a dash and space but I was still kicked. From the very short responses I've received on my discord "support" ticket it seems its the whole first name in general is the issue.

Why should we unban you ?: This is a very minor rule break and I had no ill intentions when selection the previous names, no profanity or anything of that nature was used. I have a new first name "Mike" in mind that is very simple and realistic.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

A quick update on this, the staff member @Liam made a mistake and perma banned me for this, hence why I put in a appeal but he was then corrected by another staff member to adjust it to a 1 day ban. We have agreed to a name on a support ticket made threw discord. This Appeal can now be closed. Thank you for your time.

glad the incorrect ban got sorted, sorry for the inconvinience

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