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Unban Appeal - glenda - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Matthew Jenkins
Steam ID: 76561199203943946
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16437
Ban Reason: Combat Log
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned about 2 3/4 years ago for combat logging and genuinely do not remember the full story as its literally been almost 3 years since I got banned, but from what I remember I was doing some taxi and went to pick up a client near a hill and got killed by a mountain lion and not wanting to loose my cash or stuff on me I just combat logged to try get an advantage and save my stuff.
Why should we unban you: I've been gone to other servers for over a year now, serious roleplay servers and have really worked on mastering the skill of roleplay and really getting into the character and just doing as roleplay is I realised its a game at the end of the day and if im not gonna play it as it was intended to be played why even bother, which got me remembering about this server and the high quality roleplay it used to provide and since I was a lot younger back when I got banned it was something I overlooked and underappreciated, after almost 3 years of being banned and gathering over 650 hours on serious roleplay in fivem I feel as my skills to follow the rules have improved in a cray scale which makes me think that I should be unbanned and bring out the most serious roleplay I can into roleplay.co.uk ! <3
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Can you please state the full rule and WHY we have this rule in place
the rule is C2.3 the reason it is there is for no matter the scenario it must always be roleplayed, the rule is implied into the aspect of roleplay to ensure players do not abuse the powers of being able to quit the game and recall EMS, or relogging / quitting in hopes of getting up or giving themselves more time / chances to get out of the poor situation they had got themselves into, as in my case I died to a mountain lion which was unfortunate but should have respawned and continued roleplay instead of logging out
What would you do differently should you be in this scenario again?

Have you had a chance to reread the rules?
being completely truthful I had no reason to stay there and try cheat my way out of it, shit happens it is a game and it was time to respawn and continue my roleplay which is what I would do as of now, but then my mindset was mainly set around money and In game loot and because I got greedy and didn't wanna loose my stuff I tried to cheat my way out of it which did not work out, but as of now that I have drastically improved my roleplaying and understanding of why we all decide to play roleplay, I would respawn take the hit loose the items and continue without knowing what happened.

Yes I have, I have reread every rule multiple times and have educated myself furthermore on the servers roleplaying standards to prepare myself for any situation that may occur to present the highest quality roleplay I am able to provide.
Hello @mat.lzz .

Thank you for your honesty regarding your mindset when you previously played here.

How have you improved your roleplay since being banned? What are some stories you'd like to play out should you return?

As a side note, should you be unbanned, your character will receive an inventory wipe to 'simulate' a death.
well, since I got banned I took around a 2 month break from fivem, which after the 2 month break I turned into a brand new city where I created the character of Matthew Jenkins, whos set role in the brand new city was to put himself to the test as a car salesman, he didnt care about money, he didnt care about fancy houses, big gangs, women none of it. All he cared about was cars and car reselling, so I flew into the city instantly made friends who were working at car dealerships and I started buying cars, making connections in the city and being generally known as ''the guy with cars'' If someone was looking for a new car but couldnt afford it, I was their guy and thats how the story of matthew jenkins ''The biggest car salesman of the given city had begun'' and since the given time its almost been 3 years I have had almost thousands of interactions and have lost many hours worth of playtime due to dying, getting robbed, being in the wrong place and in general due to roleplay situations and in almost 1 or 2 years in the new city i had never been punished for combat logging, NVL or any other rule break. I had learned my lesson read the rules and simply followed them.
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I am happy to offer you an unban on this occasion. But as stated above, your character will receive an inventory wipe. Please respond and let us know if htis is something you wish to go ahead with.
yeah i really do not mind getting the inventory wipe im happy to be back within the community But there is one thing from what i remmeber i hahd basolutely nothing, if i got to keep things like my phone or like starter cash or whatever you get when u start thatd be great, if not i really do not mind nor care, happy to be back within the community !
The only items being removed will be what was in your pockets at the time. Your bank account will be untouched.
oh wait i misunderstood it as like a whole character wipe
an inventory wipe is perfectly fine with me