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Unban Appeal - Gibson - GTA RP


Active member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Josh Gibson
Steam ID: 76561198862192765
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16237
Ban Reason: C2.2, G2.3
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned under the rules;

C2.2 - Exploiting - Using or attempting to use any exploits in any of our community game servers such as but not limited to duplication of items or money, transferring/processing items through walls and windows or bypassing intended animations. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not get abused in the future.

G2.3 - Roleplay Everything - You must remain in character at all times, unless a uniformed Admin authorises you to speak out of character.
Why should we unban you: I was banned on the 26/02/24 under the rules mentioned above.

I had made a ticket relating to my "faggio mod" which had blown up and killed me when I had pulled it out of parking. In my clip my game was vibrant, in the clip I had a custom aspect ratio. During the ticket Phoenix began to question me on why my game looked that way. I answered honestly, explaining how I used a custom aspect ratio for better FPS as this is what I believed would help, as it tends to in other games. I also explained why my game was so vibrant, but I won't be clearing up why in this unban, however It is known by multiple staff why my game is this way and I don't feel comfortable bringing it up so publicly. I had mentioned how I had a pretty bad PC, however although my PC is more than capable than running fivem, it struggles with consistent FPS drops and game freezes. Oneshot then sent multiple clips where he was refering to my FPS, however these had no relevancy as they were either on a private server, or in a remote location on the RPUK server.

At the end of the ticket I had told both Oneshot and Phoenix that I would change my settings to default, as that is clearly what they wanted. Where I was met with the response, "Would be appreciated" and "Understood - is there anything else or can we get this ticket closed?" Which I thought would be it. However, Phoenix had requested me to join a VC with him, which I did. In the VC with Phoenix, I showed him my system settings including my CPU, GPU, etc... I was then told that my situation would be talked about and I would be informed about it through another ticket. But, when I went to log on the next day I was greeted with a ban.

Therefore, I made another ticket relating to the situation explaining how I was confused. Dano, was the one who responded to the ticket originally, and was helpful and kindly explained the situation to me briefly and what was going on. TBJ then spoke in the ticket and ask me to send more things relating to my "games PC".

TBJ had then opened a separate ticket relating to my situation, where we have spoke endlessly, and has been very helpful and honest. So before I continue, I would like to thank TBJ for his time. In my ticket with TBJ he cleared up the two main subjects which was my resolution and how my game looked. I was labelled as a "fragger" due to my low settings and vibrant games. My graphics are low and my reasoning for this is due to force of habit. What I mean by force of habit, is that no matter what game I play, I play on low settings. This goes for games like Black ops, Raft, Riders republic and multiple others. I also play low settings in the hope for better FPS, and although my PC is capable of running GTA/Fivem, I have consistent frame drops and sit at low frames. He also mentioned about the change in my "contrast" as my game was extremely bright, my reasoning for this is private and will remain private. TBJ and other staff members know why I use these settings. I understand fully why it was questioned, and how it can be seen as an "advantage" over others, however I can ensure this isn't the reasoning of why I use this. In terms of my resolution, I put my hands up and will admit that I was wrong, TBJ had explained how it would worsen my FPS playing a custom resolution as it would increase the heat in my GPU. Which I wasn't actually aware of at the time, I had the understanding that custom resolutions helped with FPS.

I had explained in the ticket to TBJ how I wasn't here to "frag" explaining how I was trying to continue to enhance my roleplay by making my fire service character, hopefully, if I am able to return I would like to finish my training and eventually join the NHS on the same character as that is what I believe I will enjoy.

In terms of my Azteca character, It is known that I am a good roleplayer, of course I'm not perfect. My character has grown massively over the last 2 years, meeting multiple people and during many instances I have been praised multiple times for my RP. I have put countless hours into "Josh Gibson" continuing to build my character, and what he does.

It is in my best interest to return to the server, and continue my RP on both characters. I have loved this community since I've stepped foot in it, RPUK is one of the best communities I have been in, and Its a shame that I'm currently unable to be apart of it. I would love to be back on the server speaking to the countless amount of friends that I have made, whilst continuing to improve my RP and continue to build my characters storyline.

Thank you,
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
@Gibson I would be careful with the status update. Have some patience or we will deny this and send you away regardless.
Good afternoon @Gibson

Please accept my apologies for the delay in even getting the ball rolling on this appeal.

As Stavik mentioned above, your patience is required in the unban appeal process. Please refrain from any attempts or types of bumping.

Now onto your appeal...

Firstly, I'd like to begin by thanking you for the effort you've put into your appeal. It doesn't ever go unnoticed but I must emphasize that just because you're saying the right things doesn't mean to say you're going to have an easy road back, regardless of the reason for your ban. We find it often enough where people just say what they think we want to hear . Sadly, I along with other senior members of staff have been here for long enough to read between the lines on most cases. This isn't ofcourse me saying you're attempting to do this but thought it best to actually stipulate the above.

I am an avid FPS Player, I have played / still play mutliple types of FPS games and can appreciate and understand reasoning for the usage of aspect ratios and resolutions. I find myself playing different to my native on most games. Granted, a part of the reasoning for me doing it is because I have an ultrawide monitor. However, I'd happily admit my reason for most of these is purely to perform better. Win. etc.

Now, knowing what computer specs you have, thanks to your chat with other members of staff, I can safely say you've got a good enough computer to run most games. Granted, FiveM's optimsation isn't the best and I do myself get lag spikes and stutters in certain places.

My question to you is, if you're truly here for the roleplay, which having interacted with your character/gang on most of my characters I know you're perfectly capable of roleplaying, then would you not rather your game to look it's best and (excuse me for the potential cringe here) immerse yourself into the game as opposed to striving for the best performance?

Quite a few people seem to think that you're simply here for the gun fights, the combat. I'm going to need you to convince not only me but others who see this why this isn't the case and what you actually bring to the server roleplay wise? Maybe list off some of your best RP 'work' shall we call it?
Hi Fluqi,

I appreciate the response and apologies for what I had posted on my profile.

To begin with I'll answer you first question,
As you say yourself, I am more than capable of roleplaying, which I appreciate as the multiple times I have bumped into one of your characters it is relatively good. Especially with your Aydan character. Now although my PC is infact more than capable of running Fivem and multiple other games, I struggle to run at an FPS which is what i would class as enjoyable to play RPUK at. When I had originally joined RPUK, back in early 2022, I could run the server at a some what consistent 50-60fps, which was fine and quite enjoyable. However as time has gone on, it seemed that my FPS had gradually gotten worse. This may be due to my PC becoming older, or it could be due to RPUKs changes like player count, new MLOs, etc...

Whichever reason it was, I had decided to lower my graphics as the server became less enjoyable with the low FPS, and FPS drops that were occurring whilst I was playing. Of course I would like to be able to run at high graphics, not only so that my roleplay would feel "more immersive" but because I would be able to create videos and clips based around it. you also mention about "striving for the best performance" Which in a sense, is correct, I am trying to run my game to where it is playable. One of my big reasons for playing low graphics is so that things will load and I don't come across such strong FPS drops. I have times where I will be in a scenario, a prime example is when I was apart of a "meeting" with the Lost and nothing would load due to me not being able to load anything in. This is something that I want to avoid in all circumstances, not only because its extremely annoying, but also because I don't want to ruin a scene that I may play an essential part in, in terms of roleplay.

"Quite a few people seem to think that you're simply here for the gun fights, the combat."
I mean, I'm not sure who thinks that, but they clearly haven't came across my character, or seen my abilities in terms of combat. You can ask about anyone who has actually taken time to roleplay with me, that im not here for combat.

In terms of what I bring to the server? Well, as you know yourself, My character is known for being a renown criminal. What he brings is a mass amount of criminal roleplay. This includes such things as his "drug roleplay" as I was on a whitelisted f6, I am one of the multiple people who is able to provide drugs onto the server, and help other people in the community to access it. I feel like roleplay is essential with this though, making sure it isn't just a straight player, to player thing. I try my best, at all times, to make sure there is some sort of scenario. A prime example of this is during my time in ballas, what was known as "f block" and still is to many people, was a place I, and many others used multiple times to set up a scenario of a drug deal. Using the multiple rooms that were available to set up a situation that would give a sense of "danger" when it came to the deal of whatever it was. I also however, have many examples of good quality roleplay when it comes to drugs before my time on whitelisted f6s. The Grafters, was a group formed a couple of months after I had joined the server, I was one of the "higher ups" and was responsible for the distribution of drugs and guns in the group. My roleplay was to flush the drug money through the club that we had bought, the galaxy. Which worked amazingly, to where we were even faced with a serious roleplay scenario between police and the group. Myself, and the group also had many encounters with Cutlass, where I was responsible for arranging buying and selling guns, and drugs off them. Some of my favorite times on the server, shame it doesn't happen anymore.

With my criminal character, I have also brought a lot of solid RP when it comes to Police (i'm not talking about gun fights before you mention that). As you know, fluqi, I have came across the police multiple times with the Lost, primarily with 229 as the boys were known to be close with each other from both sides due to the multiple relationships. During these times, I have presented what I believe to be some of my favorite and best times on the server. Although 9 times out of 10 police are a little too trigger happy, there is more than a handful who make it enjoyable. Now although, we're limited to what we can do when it comes to prison, i try to make it that little bit more enjoyable for everyone involved. Such as when it comes to cells, instead of normally complying and coming to the door and turning around to be cuffed, i refuse which turns the story around completely. Instead of finishing the story there and being taken to prison, i get more people involved. People like G6, and backups are then called as I am treated as "dangerous" where the story continues, they try multiple things to get me out of the cell which works sometimes, but then sometimes it turns into something completely different which leads to an even bigger story. One of the times in 229, i was with some of the lads from the groups, when I had decided to refuse being cuffed normally and it had turned into a complete "lockdown" situation, ending in a massive fistfight, which was different and enjoyable for all. Now all though, that may not sound like a lot, and I don't always refuse of course as that wouldn't be fair. I believe small things like that is what truly makes the server just that little bit more enjoyable.

If you need me to clear up anything in more detail, or if you feel like I have missed anything, let me know.

Thanks again,
Good Afternoon @Gibson

Once again I'd like to apologise for the delay in getting this responded to. I have been beyond busy this past few weeks to the point where I've barely been on any video games, let alone have the time to deal with forum work.

Lets get this wrapped up, shall we?

I know first hand your ability to roleplay, I also know first hand you like a good firefight, I think we all do. What I need you to know is, being apart of this community isn't about firefights. It isn't about gunplay, although that is a contributing factor and does in fact enhance storylines etc.

Some people seem to think you're not the right fit for our community, those opinions a shared by others and those seem to think it's better to just go our separate ways but I am of the opinion you're worth a shot. I'm of the opinion you can provide quality roleplay and not be a problem maker and or 'fragger' as some call it.

Therefore, I am going to go out on a limb here and offer you an unban but I need you to show me I've not made a mistake. I need you to be that roleplay provider, do as you said above. Be that example to the other criminals on server (like your drug RP)

The Fair Ban System Applies. Any mistakes you make will result in another permanent ban being placed on your person and I assure you next time, you will not be so lucky.

Don't make me look like a tit, Gibson. Don't let me down.
