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Unban Appeal - Furphy - GTA RP

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Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Ballas basement
Unban Appeal for Furphy 

In-game Name: Sean Glasgow

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199129846431

Ban ID: !!rpuk12075!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2-Exploiting

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: (C2.2) Exploiting - Using or attempting to use any exploits in any of our community game servers such as but not limited to duplication of items or money, transferring/processing items through walls and windows or bypassing intended animations. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not get abused in the future.

Why should we unban you ?: Right, Lets start things off with an apology, an apology for the lack of professionalism from a community leader dealing with a particular situation when spoken to.

Yes, I was frustrated as I was trying my hardest to prove my innocence and unfortunately, I let my emotions get the better of me.

A personal apology to Stuart and those who were trying to deal with the situation, I was giving you guys a hard time when in reality you guys are just trying to make this a better community.

Now I’ve not had the best of history, I get that. Over the past year or months, I have been leading Ballas to a high standard, you might not notice every roleplay scenario but a change in the right direction for sure.

Regarding the actual alleged rule break that was broken in the opinion of staff, lets address that.

Now, I’m sure from your point-of-view it does indeed seem as though I could have placed someone in the car whilst down, however, this was not the case and desync/lag played a factor during prime time in an area that had quite the traffic in terms of entities within the said radius.

I’ve personally and I am sure many others have experienced a slight delay in terms of interactions within the city especially then vehicle placing people, you may often receive a 2 second or so delay depending on various circumstances at the time.

It is honestly a shame, I am genuinely sorry you guys have had to experience this, I’ve been in this community for a while now for the past years, I would not waste what I have been building in ballas over something as stupid as putting someone in a vehicle whilst down, makes no sense and yes I’m sure you must be surprised over what long standing members have done in the past but all I can do is assure you at this moment of time I am telling the truth.

I spend a lot of my time and found enjoyment from your server, I have donated in the past to show my love and interest in wanting to build something here, I have a lot of respect for this community and I am very thankful to have given the opportunity to take on the role as a community leader in taking control over Ballas making sure it strives under the best leadership to truly showcase what we can achieve as a whole.

By no means am I saying I am perfect, my record in the past speaks for itself. I was really looking to prove people wrong by really putting my focus in roleplay. I have made many posts/announcements about the standards Ballas have set to keep and maintain and in doing so I made lists of emotes we can use when doing illegal activities/deals within the city whilst reminding everyone of the usage of ./me’s.

I know how important it is to follow the storyline and making sure as a gang leader to focus on the backstory. I am sure you guys have noticed the introduction of F-Block where I made it clear in a gang meeting going forwards that I would like all illegal activities away from the Carwash in my plans to increase the standards of roleplay

I wanted to be that leader who can be trusted upon, a role model to the community and lead by example by using my legal front of the carwash to truly show my intentions in the server, if I am being completely honest, I was really enjoying it whilst it lasted and I hope everyone who has actually witnessed it has felt the same.

On the day of my ban I stumbled upon Archies stream, watching what truly goes behind the scenes and really understanding how much time goes in to creating what an amazing server it is today thanks to the Devs and the whole team, I had to show my appreciation as much as I seem ignorant at times, It gave me an insight on how far we’ve come, as at the end of the day we all share the same interest so I always want to show some sort of support as I know a lot of their work goes unpaid and even unnoticed.

I always want to support the server whenever I can, I spend my time on it and really wished things could have escalated better and that’s partly my fault as mentioned above there’s ways in dealing with situations and I let my emotions get the better of me. I felt under pressure as I at the time trying to prove my side and my attitude didn’t help my case. My hands are up, I can only take accountability for my actions.

I have never exploited and never will, I have the upmost respect for those who dedicate their time in maintaining a high standard of where the server is at this time. I have no intention and never will, plain and simple, I’ve been in this community long enough to know that. I just had one focus at the time of the incident and that was getting my gang member out of danger, in doing so it may have looked as if I exploited. I should have thought about how it would look from a third party and the thought process, definitely from a roleplay perspective too.

Like I mentioned, I always showcased what is expected from a Balla and the high standard of roleplay and responsibility that is expected. The relationship between Ballas and the Lost has been great whilst under my leadership and have had many roleplay encounters making sure we follow our backstory to the highest degree. New players come and go but some tend to stay and first encounters can really go a long way, I always tend to help out new players, even within roleplay, there have been times where I’d give X amount of coke/weed for free so they can start their journey and show loyalty from then the magic of roleplay takes us to situations where it builds a bond.

This is the bond I once had and I’ll always remember how my first interactions where when I was new and all I ask if for a chance in allowing myself back in the community where I belong so I can continue to show why Ballas are different to every other gang and really putting an effort to show why RPUK is different from the rest. A community that strives under a magnificent team, a team I still want to be a part of.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there @Furphy
First of all I hope we're doing well today! 
Second of all thank you for putting so much effort into this appeal, it doesn't go unnoticed. 

A personal apology to Stuart and those who were trying to deal with the situation, I was giving you guys a hard time when in reality you guys are just trying to make this a better community.
I'll be sure to let the involved parties be aware of this apology. 

Now, I’m sure from your point-of-view it does indeed seem as though I could have placed someone in the car whilst down, however, this was not the case and desync/lag played a factor during prime time in an area that had quite the traffic in terms of entities within the said radius.

I’ve personally and I am sure many others have experienced a slight delay in terms of interactions within the city especially then vehicle placing people, you may often receive a 2 second or so delay depending on various circumstances at the time.

It is honestly a shame, I am genuinely sorry you guys have had to experience this, I’ve been in this community for a while now for the past years, I would not waste what I have been building in ballas over something as stupid as putting someone in a vehicle whilst down, makes no sense and yes I’m sure you must be surprised over what long standing members have done in the past but all I can do is assure you at this moment of time I am telling the truth.
Is that the story you want to stick with?  - Please be honest. 

Yes players may experience a delay, usually at silly hours, I've never had a delay in placing someone in the car, might just be me, but that's not what happened, is it? 

This could've been solved in the admin sit, no? 
I believe you told Stuart you don't care and logged out, surely if you were in the right, you'd argue your case / show your POV.
But you chose not to. Why? 

Hi Mike

Thank you for responding to my ticket, I appreciate passing my apologies onto the relevant members of the staff team. Regarding the delay, I can say with full honesty that for me I had clicked to place Benz in the car before I was on the floor. Further to this, since my first reply POV of what had happened has been shown to me and I can see how the misunderstanding has happened. As previously mentioned with the amount of people in that specific area dsync was bound to happen. From what I have seen not only was I not tased in the position I was in but for me the taser animation had come in slightly after what it appears for others because I was able to be stationery in front of the car and place Benz in the car. It did not place him instantly and I thought I had failed in trying to save one of my members. But as I was on the floor he was automatically placed and I was put in cuffs.

My response to Stuart was completely childish and toys out of the pram-esque I will not deny it, I will profusely apologise for this attitude it is not something expected of a community leader and long standing member of the community. To explain myself, the sit had taken place over 20 minutes after the situation, with my clips taking the last 20 minutes of gameplay I did not have footage of my own POV which I knew would exonerate me. I simply felt regardless of what I had said I would not be believed and this is unfair because I know all staff have the best interests of the server in mind for every sit they attend. With no recording to support my claim of lag/dsync I felt hopeless. In hindsight I should have stopped at nothing to fight my case on that night.

Hello there @Furphy
Let´s put the current issue to the side and focus on your record so far.

14/01/2021 - That is when you started playing on the server
24/01/2021 - Banned for C2.3 (Combat Logging)
01/02/2021 - Unbanned
29/03/2021 - Banned for G1.2 / G2.5 (RDM/Compliance)
05/04/2021 - Unbanned again
04/07/2021 - Warning for RDM
16/09/2021 - Warning for G1.5/C1.7 (Powergaming/Common Sense)
03/11/2021 - Banned for "Economy Protection" and G1.7 (Community Leaders)
06/12/2021 - Unbanned again
03/01/2022 - Warned for G4.4 (Roleplaying Injuries)
09/01/2022 - Banned for G1.3 (Baiting)
18/01/2022 - Unbanned, once again
21/10/2022 - 1 day ban for G3.1/G3.5 (Using OOC information/Character Separation)
12/02/2022 - 2 day ban for G2.4/G4.4 (Value of Life/NLR)
13/03/2023 - Banned for C2.2 (Exploiting)

To sum it up - in 2 years and a bit, you have racked up 7 bans (5 perm, 2 temp) and 3 warnings. Do you believe that is the standard for our players over that amount of time? Where does it end Sean?

Hello Sammy, 
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to this ticket I sincerely appreciate the time spent by yourself and the rest of the staff team. A lot of people would go through each and every ban and try to short play each ban as a "misunderstanding" or an accident. I won't do that, I was a community leader for a decent period of time and much like while I was in Ballas I will be straight down the middle here. My record is not and should never be the standard of players on the server regardless of the amount of time spent. After that ban in January of 2022, I really did take a serious look at myself and said I would take the server seriously and become more of a role model because I do want to be in the community for a long time. I have slipped up at times I will not deny this, but I truly believe that I tried my hardest to improve my own roleplay as well as the quality of roleplay from the people I was around and improve the image of Ballas so that members whatever their rank from oldest to newest would not befall to my own record of bans over stupid decisions, doing so by dishing out punishments, kicking members and holding meetings to see what we can do better. To answer your secondary question of where does it end, it ended in January 2022 I have slipped up since then as people do but I did not exploit that day, if I had hit the floor in my own POV I would have never placed Benz in the car.

Thank you again for taking the time to read my responses and hear me out.

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What about the gang leader position? If I decide to give you another shot, will we have problems on that front? How will you go about this OOC and IC now that it has been removed from you?

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If given another shot I would be most appreciative, you would not have any problems from me in the slightest bit. I have and always will represent, appreciate and support what is best for Ballas within the community (on my Sean Glasgow Character). The staff decision I know has been made for the best so I will only respect it both IC and OOC. I've known Cordella for a long time now and I know she is exactly what the gang needs in terms of strong reliable gang lead, her loyalty in character makes sense and OOC she is one of the very few people I have met to always hold server rules to a very high standard, I simply could never fault her. I would want nothing more than to support her in this stage of the Ballas.
Can I also thank you for taking the time this weekend to reply once again to this ticket I appreciate it very much.

Very well. 

Here is what is going to happen. I will give you a golden chance and it will be your last for a long time. 

Any ban within the next 6 months will be permanent. After that, you fall back to the FBS - however - any permanent ban within the next 12 months from today will come with an automatic cooldown of 6 months. That means an appeal from you will not even be looked at, let alone entertained. 

I would want nothing more than to support her in this stage of the Ballas.
This part here, I will hold you to. Not only will you AND your character have to live with not being the lead of Ballas anymore, you will also not be allowed to hold any Senior+ position within Ballas for the next 3 months. After that, it will be up to the respective gang lead to make a decision. 

Do you agree with these terms?

Thank you very much once again for the reply, I full understand and agree to these terms.

That is good to hear. 

Do not for one second think that this decision was made lightly. You saved yourself by showing constant improvement over the last year - which has not gone unnoticed. BUT I would like to take the time to remind you that this will not save you forever... At some point, enough will be enough and you would do well to remember that. 
Furthermore, your attitude with staff needs to change. If you wish to remain a member of this community, you need to learn to take a breather and respond in a respectful manner. 

Concerning Ballas, any gang assets still in "Sean´s" possession are to be handed over to @Cordella at the earliest convenience, preferably without staff having to follow up on it. 

Welcome back. Do not make me regret this choice. 

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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