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Unban Appeal - FTM - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: tom smith
Steam ID: 76561199078898407
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19325
Ban Reason: c2.3
Why do you think you were banned: hiya hope all is well. so from the begining, i was mining with a friend just minding our own buisness as we got approached and were most definiatly outnumbered by a small gang. this ended with me geting kidnaped and taken to the east side of the map to be revived. when we got to the location i encounterd a issue i had been faceing at the time. this issue was a blue screen of death this lead me to close and resart fivem. all in all this prosess took at most 2 mins. as soon as i got back i saw the lads talking to a admin not leaving me mutch chance to join back however i did continue to cooporate in the robbery as soon as i joined back and eventualy lost my belongings. i did then try to get this sorted as it played a part in a ban report and showed that in this situation i gained no advantage.
Why should we unban you: since joining back i feel like i had a overal posative experiance to others as i looked up to them for advice and to ulitmatly earn money, i was even in the prosess of gaining a hunting licence whitch i was really exited to atempt at gaining. in terms of the ban report that sort of plays apart of this appeal, i fully accept the action that was given as im glad that we both shared the same view of the situation.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

I hope you are well?

Now, let's get into this.
What do you mean by 'ban report' ?
Can you also elaborate how you share the same view of the situation?

Also, can you think of another situation at all where you may have broke the C2.3 rule - as the reason you have typed out, isn't the scenario you were banned under.
hiya thanks for the reply

ill clear up what i mean by the ban report. the ban report i was involved with shows the aftermath of the robbery that took place and i only refer to it as it shows i made a effort to join back and didnt mean to combat logg, the content in the report hasnt got anything to do with the unban or the rule break itsself but it shows i gained no advantage and i attempted to join quickly and continue the roleplay. for the share the same view of the situation im on about the staff member who delt with the report shared a similar view as i did as it got blown out of proportion.

i am most certain this is the same senario as when i logged back in i saw a admin stood with the robbers and saw the ooc chat, it looked like they were calling for a admin to get me banned. however when i joined back the admin disappeared very quickly i would say less then 5 seconnds so possibly i was just to late and the admin just missed me and banned me without knowing i joind back. once i got banned i did speak to the staff member who conducted the ban report explaining that not only did the robbers try to ban me for NLR they had me for combat logging even tho i joined back about 2 mins later so they could continue the robbery as i had no controll of the reason i disconnected, he then said that i should have resolved the issue strait away to make people aware i was faceing issues and it may not come down to this.

i believe this to be the only incedent i broke c2.3 as just after the situation ocured i got the ban come though and i didnt play much prior to that incident that day.
Hello @FTM

Thank you for clarifying what you mean by the 'ban report', however - Let's keep it to the situation what lead you to be here.
The 'ban report' isn't why you are here. Nor is the situation you talk of, where an admin had appeared. This is a completely separate incident in what lead you to be banned.
Another incident in where you logged off whilst incapacitated after being shot. Hopefully that helps jog some memories?

However, you did make one point correctly - If you are having issues with logging back in, you are to make both staff known, and the party involved.
Can you explain to me in your own words what the rule C2.3 is, and why do you think we have it in place?
hiya thanks for the responce

i believe that rule c2.3 is broken when trying to gain an advantage by loging out of fivem when in conflict for in a spot of bother. this i surpose can be classified as rage quiting.
i believe this is a vital rule to have and understand why you have it in place to stop people form gaining an advantage and ruiningthe experiences of roleplay for others.

many thanks
You've still not answered this;

Another incident in where you logged off whilst incapacitated after being shot. Hopefully that helps jog some memories?

i believe this is a vital rule to have and understand why you have it in place to stop people form gaining an advantage and ruiningthe experiences of roleplay for others.
What advantage do you think it gives, over other players?
hiya thanks for the response

yes i belive that it is involved in the same incident and it wont happen again as ive sorted the issue now and i did rectify this issue as i reconected as soon as possable.

the advantage gained would be characters keeping there inventory which isnt fair to other roleplayers who play by the rules.

I'd like to you please apply some more effort in your responses to my next questions.

Why did you choose to exit the game once being shot? What was the thought process behind that?

Can you describe to me what Role Play is? Give me an example scenario of what your character may find themselves in!

so i was experienceing issues with my computer which was i didnt solve at the time and was happening very sporadically, so for instance it could run smothly for 1h and i restart it and the next time it would only manage 15 mins. when i got made incapacitated my pc had a issue and i had no choice but to restart my computer and reload fivem. i promise to you it was no longer then 3/4 mins to do and once i joind back i cooporated with the situation i was in and i gained no benefit from this inconviniance as i still lost all of my inventory. i hope this explains your first question

roleplay is for the most part acting out a character in the server. it could be someone that could relate to your self in day to day life or it could be someboady completly diffrent. also roleplaying in this instance is acting as real as posable in every situation posable. a situation could well be if you are in need of nhs assistance and they find you incapacitated and it is important to act out injuries that have ocured as it provides good roleplay.
Should you be unbanned, what do you plan on doing with your character? What are they going to get up to?
hi thanks for the quick responce

if i am unbanned i would love to continue where i left off. i would like to continue looking to gain my hunters lisence and give that a try. i would like to try and make some friends and try to be a good member of the comunity.
Have you read all the rules?

Your history suggests otherwise,
Metagaming, NVL and now combat logging.

In november when you were unbanned you were told to not waste the opportunity.
You have and now we're here again.

Are you actually here for rp?
or just to fuck about treating it like GTA Online
Tell me about your rp experiences, here or on other servers.
Please respond soon, or this appeal may be timed out - we won't keep nudging you for replies after this one.
hello thanks for the response

to start off with my history is not brilliant i do undersand that, im very thankfull for the oportunity i got after the apeal in november and fully acept the warning for nlr. the reason im here now tho for combat logging i do feel like i have a leg to stand on as i had no intention of of disrupting roleplay as mentioned above. i did try and sort this out but it was to late and now know what to do if i encounter any issues again. i know first hand how combat logging can cause problems as ive been a victim of it before, to cut a long story short i did a couple of bin runs when i was new and the random i was with just left when i asked about geting my money. this left me infuriated and ruined roleplay.

i promise to you im here for roleplay, i really enjoyed learning off people with more expirence and looked up to them for advice. for myself i kept my head down in the city and caused no trouble which has lead me to be in the position to go for my hunters licence. im just intrested in earing money and haveing fun roleplay

i do hope you belive my reason for ban as there is no evidence but i did my up most best to get back and continue roleplay.
i did try and sort this out but it was to late
How did you try sort this out?

for myself i kept my head down in the city and caused no trouble
This just isn't true, you've metagamed, not valued your life and now combat logged. 3 rules you've broken.

You state you had no intention to disrupt roleplay but you DID disrupt roleplay. You combat logged.
You were shot at exactly 22:27:10
You intentionally logged off at 22:27:30

So please answer honestly, why did you do it?

Why should we consider letting you back after disrupting active roleplay for personal gain?
You're not new, played a bit in 2021, left for a few years and started actively playing here again from 10/11/24
That is more than enough time to know and understand the rules.
Within 2 months you had warnings and now this ban.
Convince us why you're worth keeping on our server.
i first of all i did try to sort this out by reaching out to the person who conducted the player report. just for context in conclution to the ban report i got given the warning for the NRL. i explaned to them that the same people got me banned for commbat logging just before the footage of the player report and as you can see i joined back as quick as posable to continue with roleplay and after joining back i continued with roleplay. they then said to me if what your saying is true (about my pc faceing isues) that unfortuantly they couldnt help me out and its best i wait a month to do a unban appeal and wished me the best of luck. from that i learnt i should have let someboady know i was faceing issues but unfortuantly it was to late.

look ill be honest i dont remember much of my time in 2021 and i was most certainly in the wrong and im not going to lie about that and i didnt in my unban appeal back when i did it.

when i joined back i honestly caused no trouble and made a few friends that was kind enough to help me settle in the city and was not here to mess about and just wanted to enjoy the free time i had when in the city. unfortunatly i had one bad night that leaves me here. ive took a lot of experience out of beening a victim to a robbery and if i ever get into a situation like it again i would remain as calm as possable.
Alrighty then but thin ice,

If in doubt just reach out in ooc, a ticket or in #help on discord.

More often than not we're more lenient when you work with us!
