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Unban Appeal - Frazzle - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Frazz Lee
Steam ID: 76561199562961203
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18602
Ban Reason: c2.3 - Combat Logging
Why do you think you were banned: I do not really remember the situation but I was banned due to a situation where I ended up combat logging because of me just being angry and annoyed and the people who initiation on me had no reason at all to do anything to me.
Why should we unban you: Like I explained to one of the admins I spoke to a while ago now I said that even though I joined the server months before actually playing on it, I was quite new to the roleplay experience due to me downloading FiveM when I got my pc but only started playing properly when I got my mic months before. Obviously I'm not saying unban me because I had no idea what I was doing and did not read the rules before playing, because I did but I'm saying that I do get quite angry due to my ADHD and tend to rage quite on a lot of games. But I rarely do it whilst I'm roleplaying because I know that its just not realistic and its one of the most important rules on every single server. I'm not trying to push me having ADHD a reason for the ban cause I'm not like that and I can control my anger most of the time, all I'm saying is the reason I would of combat logged is due to them just not really having a reason and just bothering me for absolutely no reason which did happen a lot on this server but I didn't combat log other than this time obviously. Like I said in the 'Why do you think you were banned' I do not remember the incident so to make this appeal better maybe you could send me the clip of the incident on discord then I can fully explain what happened.
Anyways the reason you should consider unbanning me is because I have matured over the past months of me being banned on the server and I had little experience roleplaying but I have recently got better at roleplaying due to me playing on different servers. I did really enjoy this server and met a lot of good people on it and made a decent amount of friends, and me not being able to speak to them again just upsets me a little bit. Me having this thought, I do now understand what I did wrong and I agree to never do it again, and if I do that's my fault and I should take the fall for it like I am doing now by taking time out of my day to ask for a second chance. I have generally matured fully and I now understand the full aspect of roleplay and all I'm asking for is a chance to show that I have changed my ways throughout the past month.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Thank you for you unban, as per your unban you have stated you have read the rules.

So tell me:

1. The rule you broke (in your own words and in detail)
2. Why it is important to the server?
3. If you were to have these issues again or you were to disconnect from RP what would your actions be to rectify the issue.
1. The rule I broke was combat logging whilst in the middle of a roleplay scenario and in the rules it is C2.3 on community rule under the section cheating.
2. Breaking this rule is important to the server due to it being classed as cheating/exploiting and it also ruins the whole aspect of the roleplay scenario for the people involved.
3. If I was to have these issues again or I was to disconnect from the RP scene I would inform staff on the decision I had made on an attempt to resolve the issue and I would re-join the server and continue the RP whilst trying to message staff on a mobile device or on another device if not.

Although you answers are NOT detailed I will give you the benefit of the doubt, if you are to do this again and find yourself on the forums it will not be as easy to come back.

If you have any issues in the future you are to reach out the relevant player via discord, OOC or LOOC and if not then speak to staff via the ticket systems on discord.

You are now aware of your actions and that they have consequences lets move on and enjoy the game.

