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Unban Appeal - frank shmezy - GTA RP

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frank shmezy

Unban Appeal for frank shmezy 

In-game Name: frank shmezy

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198170005623

Ban ID: !!rpuk13612!!

Reason given for your ban: G4.4

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I got banned for G4.4 which is not roleplaying my injuries.
What I did was i got a phone call of one of me friends saying they were in fib building and they needed help because one of them fell down the elevator shaft so i came to help and when i got there there was no answers from there phones so i went looking around and then stumbled across the elevator shaft so I had a little look over the edge and i fell to the bottom and did not act out my injuries.

Why should we unban you ?: I would like to start by apologizing and taking full responsibility for my actions and I have no reason for my rule break other than getting too excited in the moment and thinking I could get away with it. I am aware that breaking this rule negatively impacts not only myself but also that of other players And i also realize that i just came off a perma ban not to long before this one but i always try my hardest to stay in rp no matter what the situation

I feel like I'm a valuable member of the community and I always try my best to stay in character at all times. And over the last couple months I feel like I've had time to think about what I did and how I could change it next time. I hope you can reconsider my ban. It would mean a lot to me as I miss playing this server as well as spending all night having fun with my friends.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good morning @frank shmezy, I hope all is well! 🙂

You've been in this community for some time now and still are managing to let simple rules such as this slip?
Throughout your time you've now managed to rack up 3 bans and 3 warnings from staff.

The ironic thing about this ban is you were warned on 30/05/2023 for G4.4, then receive a ban on 01/08/2023 for G4.4! Seems you hadn't learned from the warning given to you prior which was a chance for you to sharpen up on the rule.

Why are we still letting rules like this slip? How am I to know you're not just going to think you can get away with more rule breaks in the moment if I were to let you back in? 

good evening @Danoo

I feel like I have let these rules slip from laziness and being to excited in the moment. And moving forward  I will read the rules and make sure i understand them.

and I assure you if you let me back I will try my hardest to stay out of trouble.

love frank shmezy 😘

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Admittedly, I have very little patience for those who break G4.4 because it sets apart those actually here to RP and have a bit of a fun from those who are gear-obsessed and want to have a good moan in the moment.

As Danoo stated, you were warned for this on 30/05/2023 where you said you'd improve on it, then got yourself banned for it 2 months later.

Why would I believe you now?

Good afternoon, Phoenix.

I totally agree with you that G4.4 is one of the most important rules to five m and creates an enjoyable RP scenario, And I believe that bans like these are here to make people improve there roleplaying skills and to make the follow the rule so everyone els can have a fun time on RPUK.


I think the reason I broke this rule was laziness, and I got way too excited in the moment. I think I always do my best to abide by the rules, and I believe my role-playing scenarios are great because I always try to make them as fun as possible for them and myself. This was simply a mistake on my  part. I feel like I have learned from this warning and ban, and I am fully committed to not repeating this mistake in the future.

love Frank Shmezy 😘

Good evening @frank shmezy,

You keep telling us the reason as to why you broke the rules but not how we can trust letting you back in?
As far as I'm concerned currently, if I were to give you another chance on the server then we'll end up back on the appeals again after a few days/weeks because you become "lazy" during a roleplay situation.

Is this going to be a continuous thing that you're breaking rules? Your name comes up all too frequently. 

I'm sorry for being lazy, and in the future I will stay in character and improve my RP scenarios. I will show you that I am a good roleplayer. I realise that my laziness has affected the quality of my roleplaying scenarios, but I assure you that I am committed to making positive changes and providing enjoyable scenarios in the future. I understand why you wouldn't trust me but i assure you that I'm a changed man I hope you reconsider my ban.

Love, Frank Shmezy

Good evening @frank shmezy, let's have a look over your current record.

04/02/2023 - 1 Day Ban for RDM
05/03/2023 - Warning for Common Sense (Low quality RP when robbing)
20/04/2023 - Warning for Exploiting
30/05/2023- Warning for Non RP of Injuries
11/06/2023 - Kicked for Loitering 
13/06/2023 - Perm Ban for Combat Logging
01/08/2023 - Perm Ban for Non RP of Injuries 

Overall, this record is dreadful! You've been a member of this community for a while but seem to be suddenly letting your roleplay standards drop which causing your name to pop up frequently but not in a good light.
I do think you should take a bit more time away from here before appealing again as it seems to be nearly every month something happens now.

You are free to try again soon when you feel the time is right.


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